How to Prepare for JEE Main Aptitude Test for B. Planning?

As a new change in JEE Main for the academic session 2020-21, the exam conducting authorities had introduced a separate exam for B. Planning. Students could choose to attempt either B. Planning or B. Arch or both of these papers. Following the changes introduced, JEE Main 2021 February session will also be holding a separate exam for B.Planning. Both the exams include aptitude and mathematics sub-sections where Aptitude is a key factor. 

  • Phase – I of JEE Main 2021 will be conducted from February 23 – 26, 2021. 
  • JEE Main 2021 conducted in four sessions starting from February, (thereafter in March, April and May-2021). Check JEE Main Exam Dates
  • There are approximately 850 B.Arch/B.Planning seats in various NITs/ Architecture institutes that accept JEE Main scorecard.
  • The Aptitude Test for both B. Panning and B.Arch will be common. Download JEE Main Practice Papers

Start by following the steps given below for better management of your JEE Mains Aptitude study plan:

  1. First, distinguish between Important & less important topics. Separate the topics holding higher weightage in the aptitude section. Check JEE Main Paper Analysis
  2. If you need some perspective about the Drawing test section, substantiate your study material with Engineering Drawing books.
  3. Try to analyze objects closely & draw the dimensions.
  4. The drawing test of the Architecture entrance exam is more about the design ideas, on the other hand, Drawing tests in Arts is more about aesthetics. Check JEE Main B.Arch Syllabus 

JEE Main B.Planning Pattern

JEE Main Exam Pattern for B. Planning

Candidates can start preparing for the examination as per the pattern. The detailed pattern of  JEE Main 2021 B.Planning paper  is listed below:

Particulars B.Planning
Exam Mode CBT Mode
Number of Questions

Mathematics- 30 (20+ 10*);

Aptitude- 50;

Planning Based-25

Total Marks  400
Type of Questions

Maths- 20 (MCQs) + 10 (Questions with Numerical Answers)

Aptitude- 50 MCQs +

Planning Based Objective Type- 25 MCQs

Language English & Hindi
Duration 3 Hours
Marking Scheme +4 marks for each correct answer
Negative Marking 1 Mark will be deducted

Must Read:

Marking Scheme of JEE Main B. Planning Paper

Section  Type of Questions Marking Scheme Maximum Marks
Section I - Mathematics 20 MCQs and 10 NAT questions MCQs - +4 for the correct answer, -1 for an incorrect answer, 0 for unanswered questions NAT - +4 for the correct answer, 0 for an incorrect answer 100
Section II - Aptitude  50 MCQs MCQs - +4 for the correct answer, -1 for an incorrect answer, 0 for unanswered questions 200
Section III - Planning-based questions 25 MCQs MCQs - +4 for the correct answer, -1 for an incorrect answer, 0 for unanswered questions 100

105 questions 

(Out of which candidates have can attempt max. of 100)

- 400

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: The application fee for choosing exam centers in India and countries other than India varies. Also, the application fee for the online and offline modes of examination differs.

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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