How to Attempt JEE Main 2023 Question Paper?: Check Paper Solving Strategy to Score 99+ percentile

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JEE Main is one of the most difficult engineering entrance exams in India. Cracking JEE main is the first step in getting a seat in NITs, IIITs, IITs, and other top engineering institutes. To get a good score, it is important to attempt the question paper of JEE Main 2023 with a well planned strategy.

Looking at the vast syllabus and level of competition, it is easy to panic during JEE Main exam. Only with a proper strategy and method of solving question papers, one can easily attempt and score well in JEE Main question paper. Practicing the mock tests prepare you for the exam pattern, time management, and types of questions asked in the exam. In this article, you can learn about the trusted and tested strategy to attempt JEE main 2023 question paper and subject-wise tips to score well in the exam.

JEE Main Exam Pattern

JEE Main 2023 Exam Pattern

It’s better to know JEE Main 2023 exam pattern and marking scheme before preparing or appearing for the test. Paper 1 of JEE Main 2023 contains the objective type questions from Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. All three subjects share equal weightage in the exam. The exam pattern of JEE Main 2023 for paper 1 (B.Tech) is given below:

Particulars Details
Exam mode Computer-based test
Exam duration 3 hours
Exam language English, Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, Assamese, Malayalam, Bengali, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu
Type of questions MCQs
No. of subjects Three (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
No. of sections per subject Each subject contains two sections (section A and Section B)
No. of questions
  • There are total 90 questions (75 to be attempted)
  • Each subject contains 30 questions; 20 in section A and 10 in section B.
  • Section A contains MCQs while section B contains questions whose answers are filled as a numerical value
  • Out of 10 questions in section B, 5 are compulsory
Total marks 300 marks (100 marks for each subject)
Marking scheme +4 mark for each correct answer and -1 for incorrect answer
Paper Solving Strategy

How to attempt JEE Main 2023 question paper? Know Best Strategy

To get a good score in JEE Main 2023 question paper, the aspirant should apply a planned strategy. The approach for solving the exam paper may vary according to the strength of the students. Check JEE Main 2023 Chapter-wise Weightage

Every candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to get the strategy for attempting JEE Main exam:

1. Be positive and stay calm

It’s normal for students to panic under the pressure of the exam. Stay relaxed and don’t get unnecessary thoughts in mind before or during the exam. Get a good sleep of 7-8 hours a day before the paper. If you feel nervous, try to do meditation for a couple of minutes. Give your best effort without any worry about the questions and results.

2. Read and analyze the paper and instructions

Candidates who have not attempted any JEE Main mock test should read the instructions carefully to know how to select the answer, review, timer option, etc. The well-prepared students should quickly analyze the question paper. Filter out the questions according to their difficulty level. Answer the easy ones first so that you can give proper time to the difficult questions.

3. Solve the paper according to strategy

It’s better to keep time in mind. Everyone has a strategy to solve the questions. If the question is taking more time than you expected, leave it and move on to the next one. Apply this rule to each section of all subjects. After solving all the easy-level questions, attempt moderate-level questions, and then difficult ones. It makes you confident and you can solve difficult questions easily.

4. Attempt the easier subject and sections first

Not only easy questions, but you should also consider solving easy subjects first. Try to solve your preferred and strongest subject first, and then move on to the weaker subjects. This technique is very beneficial for students. By solving the easy subject first, you can get a lot of marks in a short period of time. It helps you develop confidence which makes you sail through your weakest subjects and sections. Check JEE Main 2023 Syllabus

5. Decide quickly

Read and understand the question carefully to not miss critical information. Quickly decide the problem-solving techniques according to the options given to you. Skip the questions and start solving the next question, if you don’t have any idea of the solution. Giving more time to these types of questions will eat up the time for the other questions.

6. The importance of rough work

Rough work plays an important role in paper solving. Keep your rough work clean and use little space while doing it. It’s a good practice to write the question corresponding to the solution. It helps you while re-checking your answers. You can spot the mistakes faster with clean and organized rough work. Also, make sure to avoid mistakes while copying the numerical values from the rough work.

7. Importance of time management

As mentioned above, keep time in mind while attempting each section. Do not give more than a minute to the easy questions. Keep checking the clock for the time spent on each section. It is advisable to solve all the questions till you have about 30 minutes left. After that, re-check your answers for about 10 minutes. You will still have 20 minutes to solve your mistakes. And if you still have some time, try to solve the unattempted question to get a few more marks.

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Subject Wise Tips

Subject-wise tips to score well in JEE Main 2023

Order of attempting the subject depends on the individual. However, according to the experts and previous years’ trends, students should attempt JEE Main 2023 paper in the following scheme: Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. Following are some section-wise tips that students can adapt to score well in JEE main exam:

How to Attempt JEE Main 2023 Chemistry Paper?

Start solving the chemistry subject with questions about inorganic chemistry. There are many questions in JEE Main chemistry question papers from P- block, S- block, classification of elements, periodicity, etc, that do not require any complex calculation. You can solve these questions directly with the knowledge of concepts. It’s a good idea to focus on other important topics such as chemical bonding, redox reactions, carbonyl compounds & their derivatives, etc.

How to Attempt JEE Main 2023 Physics Paper?

Give priority to atomic physics, nuclear physics, and the special theory of relativity while attempting JEE Main 2023 physics paper. Usually, a total of 10-15% of questions in the physics subject are from these sections only. Questions from modern physics are easier to solve by using a direct formula which saves you time.

Apart from that, electricity and magnesium are the most scoring chapters having a weightage of about 20-25% in JEE Main physics question papers. If you are clear with all the concepts of Gauss law, Biot-Savart law, Faraday’s law, the thumb rule for current, the direction of the electric & magnetic field, you can get a good score in the physics section of JEE main 2023.

How to Attempt JEE Main 2023 Mathematics Paper?

The most scoring questions of JEE Main Mathematics paper are Matrices and determinants. Apart from that, quadratic equations, sequences & series, permutation and combination, functions and identities, trigonometric ratios, angle measurement, integral calculus, limits etc are some of the important topics that are asked in JEE Main exam. Calculate your answers very carefully and try to solve the questions in time.

To Predict your chances of admission to top B.Tech Colleges, Check JEE Main 2023 College Predictor

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. How can I study for JEE 2023 effectively?

Ans. Know the detailed syllabus and clear all the basic fundamentals for each topic. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses to plan a better strategy to attempt JEE main 2023 question paper. Practice the mock tests daily to know the exam pattern and get better at time management. Keep calm and follow the proper schedule to study effectively for JEE 2023.

Ques. Is NCERT enough for JEE Main 2023?

Ans. NCERT books cover all the topics from JEE main 2023 syllabus. However, it is recommended to read from some of the other best reference books for JEE Main 2023 preparation. It will help you understand the concept in depth.

Ques. Is it easy to score 200 in JEE mains?

Ans. Scoring 200 is not easy in JEE Main, the top-tier engineering exam in India. However, with proper planning, strategy and regular study, one can score 200 or more in JEE Main easily.

Ques. When should I start preparing for JEE 2023?

Ans. Candidates should start preparing for JEE main with full focus at least before four months. To cover the entire syllabus, it is recommended to study regularly for 3-4 hours. Practice a minimum of 100 various types of questions from each chapter and give the mock tests to score well in the exam.

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: The application fee for choosing exam centers in India and countries other than India varies. Also, the application fee for the online and offline modes of examination differs.

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