NMAT 2015 Admit Card Download

NMAT 2015 registration process will be started in July 2014 and after registration candidates need to download their NMAT 2015 Admit Card. NMAT 2015.  NMAT 2015 consists of candidate registration details and photograph.  It is required at the time of exam along with the IDs, confirmation letter and photocopy of the primary ID. Candidates’ venue details will be stated in admit card  after the candidates has been scheduled.

How to get Admit Card:

  • Firstly candidates need to get register with the NMAT 2015.
  • Candidates are required to upload their photos as per the specification provided on the NMAT 2014 Registration website.
  • Candidates will be able to take print out of NMAT 2015 Admit Card after the payment is accepted by NMIMS.
  • Candidates can download their Admit Cards through college website by signing in with registered email id. A direct link will be posted for the candidates to download their NMAT 2015 Admit Card.
  • NMAT 2015 Admit Card should be signed by the Test Administrator at the designated place on the day of the test.
  • Those candidates who are opting for NMAT 2015 Retake will have take same Admit Card and get it signed with invigilator of where they appear for their Retake exam.
  • Admit Card is also required to produce at the time of NMAT 2015 Group Discussion and Personal Interview round if they get selected.


Candidates who are not able to produce their Admit Card and other necessary documents on the day of NMAT 2015 Entrance Test will not be permitted to enter the  test centre and shall not be offered a test-fee refund. Also they are not considered for admission in case they are not able to produce the NMAT 2015 Admit Card on the day of GD and PI.

Also see:

Exam Pattern of NMAT 2015

Cut-off of NMAT 2015

Important Documents to be carried on the day of test of  at the exam centre by candidates:

  1. Print out of NMAT 2015 Admit card
  2. Print out of E-mail Confirmation
  3. One Valid Primary ID, mentioning candidates’ name, photo and signature and :
    • Voter ID
    • PAN Card issued by Government of India
    • Aadhar Card or UID
    • Passport issued by Government of India
  4. One Secondary IDs, containing candidates, name, photo and signature:
    • Any of the Primary ID
    • Driving License
    • ATM Card/Credit card/ Debit Card
  5. Following documents are not applicable:
    • Learner's driving license
    • Photocopies (attested or otherwise)
    • Notarised copies

Also see:

Exam Centres of NMAT 2015

Important Dates of NMAT 2015


  • In case, a candidates is not able to bring above documents, he/she will not be admitted into the testing room and shall not be offered a test-fee refund.
  • If a candidate’s name does not match with the identification documents but matches the Secondary class certificate, in that case the candidate need to bring his/her Secondary class certificate at the test centre.

Fees Structure


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