NMAT Exam Analysis 2022: Check Overall & Section-wise Difficulty Level Analysis

NMAT Exam Analysis 2022 will be updated after the conclusion of the exam. NMAT 2022 exam is scheduled on 70 days from October 10 to December 19, 2022. NMAT 2022 exam pattern is unchanged. The question paper will have 108 questions divided equally into three sections- Language Skills, Quantitative Ability, and Logical Reasoning. As per trends, candidates can expect the NMAT Quant and DI section to be the most time-consuming. Last year, the overall difficulty of the paper was rated moderate to difficult

GMAC will release NMAT 2022 Result within 48 hours of the exam. Based on past trends, NMAT 2022 Cut off is expected to lie between 210-230. Also, the sectional cut off for all 3 sections (language skills, quant, and logical reasoning) is expected to be 70+.

To help candidates appearing for NMAT 2022, provided below is NMAT exam analysis of previous year. 

  • The difficulty level of the Language Skills section was rated moderate.
  • Questions from RC, analogy, error detection and para jumbles dominated the Language Skills section.
  • The questions asked in NMAT QA were moderately difficult.
  • DI accounted for the maximum weightage in most of the shifts.
  • Data Interpretation questions were not calculation intensive but complex.

Read the complete article to get valuable insights into what type and difficulty level of questions are asked in NMAT exam.

Paper Analysis 2022

NMAT 2022 Exam Analysis

NMAT 2022 Paper Analysis will be updated after Oct 10, 2022, based on the reactions of the candidates. The detailed exam analysis and expected cut off will be provided once the exam concludes on Dec 19, 2022.

Section Level of Difficulty Topics with More Weightage
Language Skills To be updated To be updated
Logical Reasoning To be updated To be updated
Quantitative Aptitude To be updated To be updated
Total To be updated To be updated

Paper Pattern 2022

NMAT 2022 Exam Pattern

NMAT is a computer-based exam with 108 questions divided into three sections. The duration of the test is 120 minutes.

Section No. of Questions Score Range Allotted Time
Language Skills 36 12-120 28 minutes
Quantitative Skills 36 12-120 52 minutes
Logical Reasoning 36 12-120 40 minutes

Must Read: Recommended Books for NMAT 2022

NMAT Exam Pattern

Check detailed NMAT 2022 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Paper Analysis 2021

NMAT 2021 Exam Analysis

Until then go through the exam analysis based on the feedback of candidates who appeared for the exam in 2021.

  • NMAT 2021 was moderately difficult. The Language Skills section was slightly difficult as some of the questions were a bit lengthy.
  • Overall, around 70-80 questions could have been easily solved within a time span of 120 minutes. Few questions out of the remaining should have been calculated attempts as per the marking scheme.
  • Logical Reasoning questions were slightly complex and required a good amount of analysis.
  • Quantitative skills section has been reported to be moderately difficult to attempt with only a few tricky questions.
Section No. of Questions Score Range Level of Difficulty Good Attempts
Language Skills 36 12-120 Moderate to Difficult 23-27
Logical Reasoning 36 12-120 Moderate 24-28
Quantitative Aptitude 36 12-120 Moderate 22-25
Total 108 36-360 Moderate to Difficult 69-80

NMAT Exam Analysis: Logical Reasoning

  • In terms of overall difficulty level, the exam was moderate. Around 17 questions were based on analytical reasoning while the remaining 19 were based on verbal reasoning.
  • The questions from machine input/output, coding-decoding, blood relations, and seating arrangements dominated the analytical reasoning section.
  • In Verbal Logic, a good number of questions came from statement-conclusion, strengthening and weakening arguments, statement-inference, and statement-assumption. 

NMAT Exam Analysis: Quantitative Skills

  • Quant section was reported to be of moderate difficulty level with only a few tricky questions.
  • Questions in Arithmetic came from topics like profit & loss, time & work, time, speed & distance, ratio & proportions.
  • Fewer questions were observed from geometry and algebra.
  • Data Sufficiency and Data Interpretation comprised a major portion of the questions asked- around 15-16. 

NMAT Exam Analysis: Language Skills

  • In this section of NMAT 2021, Reading Comprehension played a major role. Questions were easy to decipher but the vocabulary was a bit complex. 
  • There were around 4-5 para jumble questions that were not very difficult to solve.
  • Fill in the blank questions based on prepositions were also easy to attempt. However, the Cloze test was slightly difficult to solve in some shifts.
  • Overall, the pattern of the paper was in line with the previous year and the overall difficulty level was moderate.

Paper Analysis 2020

NMAT 2020 Paper Analysis

NMAT 2020 exam has commenced from November 4, 2020. Refer to the table below for section-wise analysis:

Date Language Skills Quantitative Skills Logical Reasoning
November 4, 2020 Moderate to Tough Moderate to Difficult Moderate
November 6, 2020 Moderate Easy Easy
November 7, 2020 Moderate Moderate Difficult
November 8, 2020 Moderate Easy to Moderate Difficult
November 9, 2020 Moderate Easy Moderate
November 10, 2020 Moderate Easy to Moderate Moderate
November 11, 2020 Moderate Moderate Difficult
November 12, 2020 Moderate Moderate to Difficult
November 13, 2020 Moderate Moderate Moderate
November 19, 2020 Moderate Moderate Moderate
November 20, 2020 Moderate Moderate Easy to Moderate
November 22, 2020 Moderate Moderate Moderate
November 23, 2020 Moderate Moderate Moderate
November 24, 2020 Moderate Moderate Moderate

NMAT Week 1 Analysis

  • The level of difficulty of 1st week was from moderate level to slight on the tougher side.
  • The quantitative skill part was the toughest section of all 3, as reported by most candidates.
  • Language skill was moderate. Some areas had good scoring options.
  • Logical Reasoning was the easiest of all. Candidates got ample scoring opportunity and most scored 80-90 marks in that section.

NMAT Week 2 Analysis

  • 2nd week’s difficulty level was from moderate to tough.
  • The language skill part was the toughest of all, as reported by most candidates, especially due to the Reading Comprehension.
  • The Logical Reasoning section was also moderate with most focus on Critical Reasoning questions.
  • Surprisingly, Quant was the easiest of all sections with candidates getting ample scoring opportunities.

NMAT 2020 Exam Analysis by IMS

NMAT 2020 exam analysis conducted by IMS also suggests that the paper was moderately difficult. Let us take a look at the sectional analysis.

1. Logical Reasoning:

Out of 40 questions, 24 questions were on non-verbal reasoning and the remaining questions were on verbal reasoning. One question in non-verbal reasoning was based upon venn diagram. break -up of the section is given below.

Grouping & Conditionalities 4 Medium
Sequential Output 8 Medium
Coding 3 Easy to Difficult
Venn Diagram 2 Easy & Difficult
Family Tree ( Symbol Based Questions) 2 Medium & Difficult
Alphabet- Numbers Series (Missing Term) 1 Easy
Ranking in Queue 1 Medium
Logical Puzzle 1 Medium
Grid based series 1 Medium
Circular Arrangement 1 Easy
Implicit Statements 2 (Conclusion 1, Assumption 1) Easy-Medium
Strong argument/ Weak argument (1 paragraph - 3 arguments) 2 Easy-Medium
Course of Action (1 paragraph - 3 courses of action) 1 Easy
Decision Making 2 Easy-Medium
Critical Reasoning Strengthen/Weaken Inference/Conclusion 8 (Conclusion - 2, Inference - 2, Assumption - 2, Strengthen - 1, Weaken - 1) Easy-Medium
Syllogisms (2 data statements/ 4 conclusions) 1 Easy
TOTAL 40 Questions

With 85% accuracy, an attempt of about 26-28 questions is good.

2. Quantitative Ability

In this section of NMAT 2020, 23 questions out of 48 were based on Problem on Solving, 20 on Data Interpretation, and 5 on Data Sufficiency. Maximum of the questions were of medium difficulty level. No question was there from Algebra. Problem Solving questions were based on Modern Math and Arithmetic.

An attempt of around 33-35 questions with 85% accuracy is possible.

MODERN MATHS - 9 Questions - Easy to Difficult level
Arithmetic Progression 2 Medium to Difficult
Probability 3 Easy to Difficult
Permutation & Combination 2 Medium to Difficult
Logarithms 2 Easy to Medium
ARITHMETIC - 8 Questions - Easy to Difficult level
Time Speed Distance 1 Medium
Percentages 3 Easy to difficult
Time and Work 1 Medium
Ratio-Proportion 2 Medium to Difficult
Partnership 1 Easy
NUMBERS - 3 Questions - Medium level
Functions 1 Medium
Modulus 1 Medium
Indices 1 Medium
GEOMETRY - 3 Questions
Triangles 1 Medium
Mensuration 2 Easy & Difficult
DATA INTERPRETATION - 20 Questions - Easy to Difficult Level
Multiple Bar Chart 4 Medium
Two pie charts 4 Easy
Bar Chart + Pie chart 4 Difficult
Table 4 Medium
Table 4 Difficult
Data Sufficiency - 5 Question from (All from Numbers) - Easy to Medium Level

3. Language Skills:

No major changes were observed in this section from the last year. There were two RC Passages of 450-500 words with 4 questions each. The passages were in a lucid language and questions asked were relatively easy. Non-RC questions were based on grammar and vocabulary and were easy to attempt. Following is a representation of the break-up of this section:

Reading Comprehension (2 passages with 4 questions each) 8 Easy
Paragraph Jumbles (4 sentences) 4 Easy to Medium
Analogies 6 Medium to Difficult
Cloze Passage 4 Easy
Single FIB 1 Easy
Meaning of phrase/Synonyms Antonyms 2 Medium
Fill in the Blanks (2 blanks – combination of grammar and vocab) 2 Easy
Fill in the blanks with 3 Prepositions 2 Easy
Spot the error in the underlined parts 3 Easy-Medium

A genuine attempt of 24-26 questions with 85% accuracy will be considered good.

Download NMAT 2020 Sample Question Papers Free

Paper Analysis 2018

NMAT Paper Analysis 2018

S. no Section No. of Questions Time (in Minutes) Difficulty Level Possible Attempts
1 Language Skills 32 22 Moderate 26 – 28
2 Quantitative Skills 48 60 Easy-Moderate 35 – 38
3 Logical Reasoning 40 38 Easy 29 – 32
Total 120 120 Moderate 85 – 94

Logical Reasoning Analysis

  • 25 questions came from logical and analytical reasoning, most of which were predictable.
  • 15 questions were from verbal logic and 8 from critical reasoning.
  • Syllogism question was time consuming but rest were easy to moderate.
  • Singlets were rather easy.

Quantitative Skills Analysis

  • Most questions were from arithmetic and few from number system.
  • Data sufficiency questions came from a mix of topics such as ratio, percentage, average.
  • Students claimed that questions were lengthy and therefore time consuming.
  • Questions were easy from higher maths.

Language Skills Analysis

  • This year vocabulary questions were not present.
  • Most reading comprehension questions were idea based which could have been solved by applying logic.
  • The pattern was more or less predictable this year.
  • Out of the 4 para jumbles, 1 was confusing but rest quite easy.
Paper Analysis FAQs

NMAT 2022 Exam Analysis FAQs

Ques. How are questions divided in the Logical reasoning section of NMAT 2022?

Ans. NMAT 2022 Logical Reasoning section will have 36 questions spanning across topics like grouping & conditionalities, sequential output, coding, venn diagram, blood relations, alphanumeric series, ranking, logical puzzle, grid based series, circular arrangement

Ques. What is the sectional time limit in NMAT 2022 exam?

Ans. Candidates are provided 52 minutes to solve the Quant section in NMAT 2022. For NMAT Language Skills and Logical Reasoning sections, the allotted sectional time limit is 28 and 40 minutes respectively.

Ques. What is the syllabus for NMAT 2022?

Ans. NMAT 2022 Syllabus has been divided into3 sections- Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning. Language Skills section will comprise questions on RC passages and verbal ability. NMAT QA section comprises questions from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, number systems, data sufficiency and data interpretation. Logical reasoning tests the candidate’s analytical and verbal reasoning skills.

Ques. How many questions should a candidate attempt in NMAT to get into NMIMS?

Ans. NMAT has a total 120 questions and attempting about 70-80 questions correctly can get a candidate a score of 210+. This score is sufficient to get into NMIMS and other top NMAT score accepting colleges. As NMAT does not hold any negative marking a candidate should try to attempt all the questions in order to maximize score.

Ques. What questions are asked in NMAT 2022 language skills?

Ans. The language skills section of NMAT 2022 consists of 36 questions covering reading comprehension, paragraph jumbles, analogies, cloze test, fill in the blanks with prepositions and connectors, vocabulary, grammar, and error detection.

Ques. What is the expected cut off of NMAT 2022?

Ans. NMAT Cut off is expected to be above 95 percentile for NMIMS Mumbai, 90-93 percentile for NMIMS Hyderabad & Bangalore, and 85-90 for other top colleges like XIMB, SRM University, VIT University, and Shiv Nadar University.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year NMAT Questions

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