NMAT Books 2022: Check Section-wise Best Books for NMAT Preparation, Study Material, Free Mock Tests

NMAT Books are an indispensible part of NMAT exam preparation. Candidates must choose only those NMAT books that are as per the latest exam pattern, cover the entire NMAT 2022 syllabus, and contain practice papers.

  • NMAT Books are crucial for learning basics of important topics and practicing questions of different types and levels of difficulty. Check NMAT Exam Analysis
  • As per NMAT paper pattern, there will be 108 MCQs in NMAT 2022 paper- 36 MCQs in each section. Check NMAT 2022 Exam Pattern
  • For NMAT Quantitative Skills, toppers suggest referring to Quant preparation books by Arun Sharma, Nishit K Sinha, R S Aggarwal, or Sarvesh K Verma. 
  • For NMAT Language Skills, focus on clearing basic grammar concepts, on improving vocabulary, and on solving 500+ questions through NMAT books like Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, VARC by Ajay Singh, How to Prepare for VARC by Meenakshi Upadhyay & Arun Sharma, etc.
  • For NMAT Logical Reasoning, books on verbal and non-verbal reasoning by R S Aggarwal, Arun Sharma, M K Pandey are highly recommended. Also Check NMAT Question Papers
How to Choose NMAT Preparation Books?

Mentioned below are the most recommended books by experts and toppers that will help you in NMAT exam preparation

How to Choose NMAT Preparation Books?

GMAC offers detailed study material to NMAT 2022 aspirants, the council makes the official guide and latest mock test series accessible to the students. In addition to referring to these sources, the test-takers can also refer to other MBA exam preparation books that are suggested by the experts.

Choosing the right books can be confusing for many as the market offers so many choices. So before spending anything on study resources or books for NMAT by GMAC exam preparation, candidates must go through the below-mentioned steps to choose the right books:

  • Syllabus Oriented Books: Always select the books as per the revised syllabus. Look for the books that focus mainly on exam preparation, and include many sample papers, last year’s question papers, etc. for the preparation of NMAT by GMAC 2022.
  • Books by the Most Recommended Authors: Refer to NMAT books by renowned authors and well-known publications as they will present the most detailed theories and explanations. NMAT preparation books by popular authors are also the most recommended by toppers and experts alike.
  • Books of Latest Edition: While choosing the books for NMAT by GMAC, look at the year of publication and edition. Since many topics and chapters are updated, it is essential to choose updated and latest books that offer accurate information.
  • Books issued by Top Coaching Institutes:​ NMAT Preparation Books issued by coaching centers like Career Launcher, T.I.M.E, etc. are also helpful in increasing knowledge and skills. Hence, students can also refer to the books issued to them by their coaching centers.
  • Check Book Reviews: Check for the book reviews carefully before purchase. Every opinion matters as it might help get a better idea of the right NMAT preparation books. See opinions on quora and if there is no review written on the book you wish to purchase, post a question yourself. You can also go to a bookstore and check the books yourself. Find out if the language and structure used in the books look helpful to you.
  • Compare Features: To arrive at a more detailed and accurate decision, the test-takers can compare different topics and contents of two or more books and then cross-check it with their mentors or experts of NMAT by GMAC before buying the books for NMAT preparation.

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Section-wise Best Books for NMAT Preparation

  • In order to score well in NMAT 2022 exam, candidates must select NMAT books that cover all the topics prescribed in the Syllabus for NMAT by GMAC 2022 exam.
  • Not only books but also mock tests, previous year papers, and comprehensive preparation guides help a lot in NMAT exam preparation.

Given below are the best NMAT books for preparation for each section of NMAT 2022 exam.

NMAT Books for Language Skills

NMAT Books for Language Skills Preparation

Name of the book Authors Features
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
  • It is one of the best books to practice the Verbal Ability section.
  • It includes tips and strategies from the experts that are helpful in solving different types of RC & Verbal Ability questions.
  • Also, it has a vast collection of solved examples and last year's questions from NMAT.
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Nishit Sinha It serves as a detailed guide to prepare for all three sections of VARC including Verbal Ability, Verbal Reasoning, and Reading comprehension.
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Ajay Singh 
  • This book is suggested to improve the individual’s VARC skills in a stepwise manner.
  • It has more than 200 reading comprehension passages that help in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
  • This book has complete solutions for the latest CAT, XAT, NMAT, SNAP, and other such papers.
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis It is one of the most recommended books for NMAT language skills preparation especially for vocabulary and word usage
High School Composition & English Grammar Wren & Martin
  • For improving on basic grammar skills, this NMAT book is highly recommended.
  • It contains practice questions for all important grammar topics. 

 NMAT 2020 books NMAT books 2020NMAT2020 books NMAT 2020 books NMAT books 2020  

To prepare for NMAT language skills section, in addition to NMAT preparation books, referring to different newspapers is also important.

  • The editorial section of newspapers like the Hindu, etc. helps a lot in improving vocabulary and reading speed.
  • Students are suggested to refer to at least 2-3 editorial articles on a daily basis.
  • Apart from this, you can also solve Reading Comprehension (RC) passages and do last year's questions provided by numerous coaching centers for NMAT preparation.

Read: How to Prepare for NMAT 2022 Language Skills

NMAT Books for Logical Reasoning

NMAT Books for Logical Reasoning Preparation

The questions in NMAT Logical Reasoning section are divided into verbal reasoning and logical ability.

  • Some of the topics that are included in the verbal reasoning section include Course of Action, Strong & Weak arguments, Conclusions, Critical Reasoning, etc.
  • NMAT Logical Ability includes questions from the family tree, Seating arrangements, Blood relations, Calendars, Puzzles, Series, etc.
  • This section tests an individual's analytical and logical skills and hence candidates are advised to refer to the best books for preparing for NMAT logical reasoning section. 
Name of the book Authors
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT Nishit K Sinha
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT Arun Sharma
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
Logical Reasoning Arihant Publishers
Analytical Reasoning M K Pandey

 XAT 2020 books   

Know how to Prepare for NMAT by GMAC Logical Reasoning

NMAT Books for Quant

NMAT Books for Quantitative Skills Preparation

Best books for NMAT Quant section are tabulated below for your reference. 

Book Author Features
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT Arun Sharma 
  • This book is one of the hot-selling books in the market that helps in clearing all the concepts.
  • The book includes many solved examples on all topics essential for MBA entrances like CAT, XAT, NMAT, etc.
Quantum CAT Sarvesh K Verma
  • This book is the best for those candidates who are preparing for the first time for NMAT exam.
  • It includes the detailed concepts of all topics along with short tricks to find the solutions.
  • It also contains the solved question papers of previous year exams like CAT and XAT.
Quantitative Aptitude R.S. Aggarwal 
  • This book for Quantitative Aptitude is preferred by the test-takers for so many years.
  • It includes all the significant topics of quant along with their detailed solutions.
  • It has more than 5000 questions of different styles.
  • Also, it includes all the questions based on the latest trend of CAT, IIFT, XAT, etc.)
How to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT Arun Sharma 
  • It includes short tricks and tips that are important to solve indirect questions.
  • Additionally, students get access to more than 50 test papers with their detailed solutions.
  • It includes almost all important questions keeping in mind their difficulty level.
Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT Nishit K Sinha
  • Explains all the concepts in detail and provides a huge question bank for practice.
  • It also provides practice tests and mock test
Other Important NMAT Books

Other Important Books for NMAT Preparation 2022

Name of the book Author
NMAT by GMAC Official Guide GMAC
MBA 2021-22: Study Guide (XAT|IIFT|NMAT|SNAP|CMAT) Career Launcher
MBA-NMAT by GMAC Narsee Monjee Team of Experts
Study notes on NMAT by GMAC Sourav Sir’s Classes
50+ Solved Papers MBA Arihant Publishers
Online Resources for NMAT Preparation

Online Resources for NMAT 2022 Preparation

Online preparation for NMAT 2022 exam is beneficial due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Online resources help in:

  • Saving time and money due to minimal travel
  • Providing the convenience of taking classes from the comfort of home.
  • Best books and resources for preparation

Some of the top coaching institutes for NMAT exam preparation are tabulated below for your reference:

Top Online Coaching Institutes for NMAT 2022 Preparation
IMS India Gradeup
Career Launcher T.I.M.E 4 Education
mba.hitbullseye BYJU’s
catking Unacademy
Endeavor Careers MBAguru

NMAT Sample Papers

NMAT Previous Year Question Papers

NMAT by GMAC previous year question papers assist students in getting an accurate idea regarding the actual exam and how they should prepare to get a good score in the marks. Students are suggested to refer to these question papers beforehand so that they can optimize their preparation as per the demand of the exam. Benefits of solving NMAT Previous Year Papers:

  • By solving NMAT question papers, test-takers can have a detailed understanding of the exam pattern and can understand the difficulty level of the test.
  • Sample papers help students better understand the latest exam pattern before they give the actual exam.

Free Official NMAT Mock Tests by GMAC

Free NMAT mock tests are provided by GMAC on the official website. Candidates can attempt 3 practice tests- 1 free and 2 paid @INR 899 + taxes. The mock tests mimic the actual paper pattern and contain 108 questions divided equally into 3 sections- Quant, Language Skills, and Logical Reasoning. The questions asked in these NMAT mock tests are from previous year exams. The benefits of attempting NMAT mock tests by GMAC are mentioned below:

  • By taking more mock tests, students can understand the real questions that come in the exam. 
  • Mock tests allow candidates to judge their preparation level and identify weak and strong sections. 

NMAT Preparation Tips

NMAT by GMAC Preparation Tips

Preparation for NMAT 2022 exam must be focused on the below-mentioned points:

  • Time management
  • Best NMAT Preparation Books
  • Updated Study Material
  • Useful tips from NMAT toppers & experts
  • NMAT Preparation using online resources
  • Preparing NMAT Preparation Strategy

The Quantitative Skills section holds the maximum weightage in the NMAT question paper as compared to the language skills and logical reasoning section. So you need to spend extra time on your preparation to prepare for the Quant section. 

Section Preparation Tips
Language Skills
  • On average, you have 40 seconds for each question, but since you require more time to do Reading Comprehension questions, so manage your time accordingly. You must target to complete each question within 30 seconds so that you can get 10-12 minutes to solve 10-12 Reading Comprehension questions.
  • While preparing for this section, the candidates must specify their knowledge concerning different topics of the English language.
  • The candidates can read a lot of good books, newspapers, watch English plays, etc. as all of these will help in increasing your vocabulary.
  • Papers like The Hindu and the Editorial section of other newspapers help a lot in getting familiar with new words and vocabulary.
Logical Reasoning
  • While preparing for the logical reasoning section, divide the total time practicing for two sections, Verbal Reasoning, and Analytical Reasoning.
  • While solving the exercises, do not assume or use any information, which is not presented in the question.
  • Through the LR section, your general knowledge will not be evaluated at all, so use only that information, which is mentioned in the statement to come to the right answer.
  • Candidates can practice all the topics with full concentration in case they refer to the previous year’s question papers.
  • Manage the available time smartly, focus on all the questions and sections as all are important.
Quantitative Skills
  • Candidates can prepare for this section by focusing more on their speed and accuracy.
  • You must be well-versed with tables, Bar charts, Line Graphs, etc. while doing revisions.
  • Since this section holds the maximum weightage, candidates need to prepare this section by adhering to a proper time management plan.
  • Candidates can practice taking more mock tests.

Read detailed NMAT Preparation Tips, Study Plan, and Strategies

Frequently Asked Questions

NMAT Books 2022 FAQs

Ques. What are the best NMAT Preparation Books for Quantitative Skills?

Ans. Best NMAT preparation books for NMAT Quantitative Skills are:

  • How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude by R S Aggarwal
  • How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT by Arun Sharma.
  • Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Verma

Ques. What are the best NMAT Preparation Books for Logical Reasoning?

Ans. Best NMAT Preparation Books for Logical Reasoning are:

  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit Sinha
  • How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R S Aggarwal.

Ques. What are the best NMAT Preparation Books for Language Skills?

Ans. Best NMAT preparation books for Language Skills sections are:

  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Meenakshi Upadhyay
  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Ajay Singh
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • High School Composition & English Grammar by Wren & Martin

Ques. I already have books for CAT preparation. Do I need separate books for NMAT?

Ans. For the sections and topics which are similar, CAT books should suffice for NMAT preparation. Candidates must note that the syllabus for NMAT and CAT is similar with only minor variations in difficulty level and important types of questions asked in these exams.

Ques. Is there any specific guide released by GMAC for the preparation of NMAT exam?

Ans. Yes, for the preparation of NMAT exam, GMAC releases an official reference guide each year. Candidates can check and download the reference guide from the official website. 

Ques. How to study important topics of NMAT Syllabus before appearing for NMAT 2022?

Ans. To develop skills and knowledge on various topics of the syllabus before sitting for NMAT 2022, candidates can follow the books suggested by the experts and also recommended by the toppers in the entrance examination. Further, candidates must practice more and more questions of varying difficulty levels along with NMAT sample papers.

Ques. What is the importance of using study books for NMAT 2022 Preparation? 

Ans. To prepare for NMAT 2022, candidates can get help from the study books. To get basic concepts on all the topics of the syllabus, candidates can use them. These are the most effective resources for those who are appearing for the entrance test for the first time. 

Ques. What is the advantage I get by referreing to NMAT Preparation Books over other resources? 

Ans. You will get explanations along with various examples for each topic in NMAT. But it is hard to find any explanation in detail or examples from the online resources. In the reference book, you can get a wide range of topics that are hard to find in any reference book of NMAT 2022. 

Ques. Is it required to consider the edition of books at the time of buying NMAT Preparation Books 2022?

Ans. Yes, it is one of the most important points as the syllabus is revised almost every year. Hence, it is considered as the most important thing as each edition of the book must not have the same information as per the current syllabus. All candidates are required to give the first preference to the latest edition of the book, if available. 

Ques. Is it mandatory to follow more than one book to prepare for NMAT 2022?

Ans. Yes, all the candidates are advised to take their preparation by following more than one book. For the preparation in NMAT 2022, candidates need to read the book for each section. It is good if candidates follow two books after comparing the content of them. Also, candidates need to compare the content of those books.

Ques. Which is the best book to develop analytical skills for the logical reasoning section in NMAT 2022?

Ans. Candidates are required to follow some books to develop their analytical skills for NMAT 2022. There are two books for Logical Reasoning which are the best for NMAT preparation:

  • How to prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year NMAT Questions

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