NMAT Previous Year Papers will help a candidate in analyzing and improving his performance. Being aware of the syllabus, exam pattern, difficulty level of questions, and type of questions is very important for clearing NMAT by GMAC exam. Solving NMAT Mock Test will help the candidate in assessing all these aspects. Check NMAT Exam Pattern & Syllabus
By Solving NMAT Previous Year Papers, candidates will be better able to identify & rectify their mistakes. This will ensure that such basic mistakes are not committed in the actual NMAT Exam.
NMAT 2022 will have 108 questions divided into 3 sections:
Language Skills: This section will comprise 36 questions from topics like sentence completion, reading comprehension, and alike.
Quantitative Aptitude: 36 questions are asked in this section. The important topics for preparation include arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data sufficiency.
Logical Reasoning: This section tests a candidate on his analytical skills. Questions are asked from topics like critical thinking, puzzles, and arrangement.
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NMAT Previous Year Papers FAQs
Ques: What is the marking scheme in NMAT exam?
Ans: Candidates are awarded +1 for every correct answer and there is no negative marking for wrong answers.
Ques: What is the benefit of solving NMAT Previous Year Papers?
Ans: Solving NMAT Previous Year Papers and NMAT Mock Test helps in understanding the exam pattern and syllabus, improving time management, identifying and rectifying common errors.
Ques: Are there any books for NMAT Previous Year Papers?
Ans: Yes, there are books available in the market that have NMAT Previous Year Papers with Solutions.
Ques: Should a calculator be used while attempting NMAT Sample Papers?
Ans: No, Using a calculator is not recommended as it is not allowed in the actual NMAT exam.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.