NMAT Logical Reasoning 2022: Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Important Topics, Paper Analysis, & Preparation

NMAT Logical Reasoning 2022 Syllabus comprises topics like puzzles, seating arrangements, syllogisms, ranking, blood relations, etc. Check NMAT 2022 Syllabus

  • NMAT Logical Reasoning section is designed to assess a candidate's intellectual, analytical, and critical thinking abilities. As per NMAT test-takers, the overall difficulty level of NMAT Logical Reasoning is moderate. Check NMAT Question Papers
  • Based on past trends, around 50% of the questions can be expected from Verbal Reasoning. Check NMAT Paper Analysis
  • As per NMAT 2022 Exam Pattern for Logical Reasoning, 36 MCQs will be asked. The sectional time limit for this section will be 40 minutes. 
  • As per the marking scheme of NMAT 2022 exam, 1 mark will be awarded for every correct answer and no mark will be deducted for the wrong answer.
  • As questions in NMAT Logical Reasoning section are intellectual-based & require analyzing the core details, hence, it requires practicing different types of questions and mock tests. Check NMAT Preparation Tips

NMAT Logical Reasoning 2022 Highlights

  • NMAT 2022 Logical Reasoning section comprises 36 questions to be attempted in 40 minutes.
  • The Verbal Reasoning questions are particularly designed to measure the ability to draw logical conclusions based on arguments or statements and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of those arguments.
Particulars Details
Number of Questions 36
Type of Questions MCQs
Difficulty Level Moderate
Number of Answer Choices per Question 4
Sectional Weightage in NMAT Syllabus 33%
Marks Awarded 1 mark for each correct answer
Negative Marking No negative marking
Time Allotted 40 minutes
NMAT 2022 Exam Duration 120 minutes (2 hours)

Check NMAT 2022 Exam Pattern

NMAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus

NMAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus 2022

Going through the Logical Reasoning syllabus is the initial step in NMAT exam preparation process. NMAT Logical Reasoning syllabus includes both verbal and analytical reasoning.

  • NMAT Syllabus for Analytical Reasoning includes major topics like Input-Output, Arrangements, Grouping, Puzzles, and Venn diagram-based questions.
  • NMAT Syllabus for Verbal Reasoning includes topics like syllogisms, course of action, statement & assumption, strong/ weak arguments, verbal logic, etc.
  • NMAT Logical Reasoning tests the candidate's ability to analyze the information and draw conclusions and solutions.
  • While preparing for NMAT 2022, candidates must prioritize such topics that require more time to solve so that they can improve speed and accuracy. 

Tabulated below is the detailed syllabus for NMAT Logical Reasoning: 

NMAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus
Linear and Circular Seating Arrangements Puzzles
Course of Action Statement-conclusion
Verbal Logic Input-Output
Symbol-based Comparison Series Completion
Coding/Decoding Syllogisms
Venn Diagram  Multi-dimensional arrangements
Blood Relations/ Family Tree Numeric Grid
Direction Sense Ranking
Grouping Fact-inference-judgment
Statement-Argument Quantitative Reasoning

Also Check:

NMAT Logical Reasoning Analysis

NMAT Logical Reasoning Exam Analysis

NMAT 2021 exam was conducted in 2 phases- 75 days in phase 1 and 5 days in phase 2. The overall difficulty level of NMAT logical reasoning was rated moderate. Tabulated below is the topic-wise distribution of questions, difficulty level, and good attempts:

Topics Number of Questions
Input-Output 4
Seating Arrangement 4
Grouping 4
Venn Diagram 3
Numerical Reasoning 1
P&C 1
Statement and Assumption 3
Course of Action 2
Decision Making 2
Strong & Weak Arguments 5
Verbal Logic 4
Syllogisms 3


NMAT Logical Reasoning 2022: Preparation Books

Book Name Author
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT Nishit K Sinha
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT Arun Sharma
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
Logical Reasoning Arihant Publishers
Analytical Reasoning M K Pandey
LR Preparation Tips

NMAT Logical Reasoning 2022: Preparation Tips

Regular practice is the key to acing this section. 40 questions are expected to be attempted in 38 minutes which makes 1 minute for each question and less.

  • Questions will be based on Logical reasoning and Analytical reasoning
  • Read the questions carefully before marking the answer as answer choices can be confusing at times
  • Assumption does not work in reasoning, so whatever information is provided in the question; the answer has to be arrived at based on that only.
  • Pay specific attention to some words like- ‘all’ ‘some’ ‘none’ etc. This will help sought factual information provided in the question. 
  • The logical reasoning section has 36 questions and the test-takers will be given 40 minutes, so you have less than a minute time to solve each question.
  • While preparing for the logical reasoning section, divide the total practice time into two sections- Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning.
  • While solving the exercises, do not assume or use any information, which is not presented in the question. Through the LR section, your general knowledge will not be evaluated at all, so use only that information, which is mentioned in the statement to come to the right answer.
  • Candidates can practice all the topics with full concentration in case they refer to the previous year’s question papers.
  • Manage the available time smartly, focus on all the questions and sections as all are important.
  • For question-related to the directions, the test-takers can make a map showing all the directions that will help them to get the answers promptly.

Read Section Wise Books for NMAT 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

NMAT Logical Reasoning 2022 FAQs

Ques. What is the expected sectional cut-off for Logical Reasoning in NMAT 2022?

Ans. NMAT Cut off depends on various factors including the number of test-takers and the difficulty level of the exam. The cut off score for Logical Reasoning in NMAT 2022 is expected in between the range of 75-80.

Ques. How to prepare NMAT 2022 Logical Reasoning?

Ans. The candidate should adhere to the following tips to prepare effectively for the Logical Reasoning section:

  • Read the questions carefully before marking the answer as at times the choices can be confusing.
  • Assumption does not work in reasoning, so make decisions based only on the information is provided in the question.
  • Pay specific attention to some words like- ‘all’ ‘some’ ‘none’ etc. This will help sought factual information provided in the question. 
  • While solving the question, try to make a pictorial representation of the data given. This will be helpful in Venn diagram, arrangement questions, or syllogism.

Ques. Is there any negative marking for an incorrect answer in NMAT 2022?

Ans. No, there is no provision of negative marking in NMAT 2022 exam. Also, no mark will be deducted for unanswered questions.

Ques. What is the difficulty level of NMAT Logical Reasoning section? Is it tougher than LR in CAT exam?

Ans. NMAT Logical Reasoning section is usually of moderate difficulty level and a few questions can be a bit lengthy. It is advised to manage the allotted time efficiently and not waste more than 60-70 seconds on any question. Compared to the CAT LR section, NMAT Logical Reasoning is easier.

Ques. What are the important topics of NMAT Logical Reasoning Syllabus?

Ans. Based on the previous year NMAT exams, the candidates must study the following important topics to ace the examination:

  • Input-Output
  • Arrangements
  • Grouping
  • Puzzles
  • Numeric grid
  • Venn diagram-based questions
  • Statement-conclusion
  • Strong arguments and weak arguments
  • Family tree 
  • Courses of Action and Decision Making

Ques. What is considered a good attempt in NMAT Logical Reasoning section?

Ans. A total of 36 MCQs are asked from NMAT quantitative skills. Based on previous year cut offs, it is advised to attempt at least 27-29 questions with 95% accuracy in the Logical Reasoning section to get a high score in NMAT by GMAC exam.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year NMAT Questions

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