NMAT Score vs Percentile 2022: Check Scaled Scores, Percentile Calculator, Scoring System

NMAT Score vs Percentile analysis provides an idea about NMAT scores required to get a particular percentile. NMAT Scaled scores are calculated on a scale of 36-360 (12-120 for each section) to ensure uniformity in difficulty level across multiple days and slots.

  • Based on the analysis of NMAT 2022 exam and NMAT Score vs Percentile analysis of last year, a score of 230+ would be equivalent to 99 percentileCheck NMAT 2022 Cut off
  • NMAT 2022 Result is released containing the section-wise and overall scaled scores. 
  • NMIMS Mumbai has the highest cut off followed by NMIMS Bangalore and Hyderabad. Check NMAT 2022 Selection Process

NMAT Score vs Percentile 2022

Based on the previous years NMAT Score vs Percentile and Cut offs, we have provided the expected scores vs percentile for NMAT. Candidates can refer to the following table: 

Score in NMAT NMAT Percentile
230-240 99
210-215 95 
>200 90

Check NMAT 2022 College Predictor

College Wise Score vs Percentile

NMAT Score vs Percentile: College Wise

College Percentile Required  Scores (Approximately)
NMIMS Mumbai 98-99 225-230
NMIMS Bangalore 95-98 210-215
NMIMS Hyderabad 90-95 200-205
XIMB  90 200
SDA Bocconi Asia Center 90 200

NMAT Scoring System

NMAT Scaled Scores: Check NMAT by GMAC Scoring System

Given below is the scaled scoring for NMAT: 

Section Scaled Score Range
Quantitative Skills 12-120
Language Skills 12-120
Logical Reasoning Skills 12-120
TOTAL 36 - 360
  • All raw test scores are calculated on the basis of a common scale. 
  • All scores are equalized to ensure fairness. 
  • The percentile calculation is done only after all candidates have attempted the exam. 

NMAT Highest Scores

Year of Exam NMAT Topper NMAT Score NMAT Percentile 
NMAT 2019 Highest Score Madhur Mehta 214 98
Nitesh Pandhi 210 98


NMAT Sectional Cutoff

NMAT 2022 Sectional Cut off (Expected)

Sections Expected Cutoff
Logical Reasoning 65-70
Quantitative Skills 70-75
Language Skills 62-65

For more information, check Cutoff for NMAT

NMAT Cut Off Scores

NMAT Cut off 2022 for Top MBA Colleges

MBA college Expected NMAT cut off percentile
NMIMS Mumbai Campus 98-99
NMIMS Bengaluru Campus 95-97
NMIMS Hyderabad Campus 90-95
XIM, Bhubaneswar 90
VIT, Vellore 85
SRM University, Chennai 80
SDA Bocconi, Mumbai 90
IBS (ICFAI B-schools), Hyderabad & 9 other cities 70
Alliance University, Bangalore 70
BSE Institute Ltd, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad 70
Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida (Delhi NCR) 70
WOXSEN, Hyderabad 70
Amity University, Noida (Delhi NCR) 65
Thapar School of Management, Mohali 65
UPES, Dehradun 65
BML Munjal University, Gurgaon 65
ITM, Navi Mumbai 65
Mody University, Laxman Garh (Jaipur) 60
GSIB, Visakhapatnam 65

Frequently Asked Questions

NMAT Score vs Percentile 2022 FAQs

Ques. What is a good score in NMAT?

Ans. A score range between 230 – 240 which is around 99 percentile is a good score in NMAT Exam. A score above 200 is usually considered good for admission to top NMAT score accepting colleges other than NMIMS Mumbai and Bangalore campuses.

Ques. How many times a candidate is allowed to take the exam?

Ans. The candidates are allowed to take the exam for a maximum of three times during a year. These attempts includes 2 retakes after the first exam.

Ques: What is the expected cutoff for NMIMS, Mumbai?

Ans: 98 percentile or a score greater than 225 is the expected cut off for NMIMS, Mumbai. This NMIMS campus has the highest cut off amongst the other campuses.

Ques: Will the score be mentioned on the NMAT score card?

Ans: Details mentioned on the NMAT score card are as follows: 

  • Scaled score for each section
  • A total Score
  • A percentile ranking

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year NMAT Questions

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