NMAT Language Skills 2022: Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Important Topics, Paper Analysis, & Preparation

NMAT Language Skills Syllabus 2022 is broadly divided into two parts, namely, Verbal Ability(VA) and Reading Comprehension(RC). As per NMAT test-takers, the difficulty level of questions asked from NMAT Language Skills is rated moderate to high. Check NMAT Paper Analysis

  • NMAT Language Skills syllabus for Verbal Ability includes topics like word usage, antonyms & synonyms, grammar concepts, idioms & phrases, para jumbles, etc. Check NMAT 2022 Syllabus
  • Based on the previous year's exam analysis, 3-4 RC passages of moderate difficulty will be asked in NMAT 2022 exam. Download NMAT Question Papers
  • As per NMAT 2022 Exam Pattern, a total of 36 objective-type questions will be asked in each section. The sectional time limit for NMAT Language Skills will be 28 minutes.
  • Candidates need to clear the overall and sectional cut offs for admission to NMIMS Mumbai and other campuses. Thus acing the Language Skills section of NMAT 2022 is necessary to confirm your seat in these B-schools. Check NMAT Cut off
  • NMAT Preparation for Language Skills should be focused on studying the basic grammar concepts and on solving more than 500 questions through mock tests, sample papers, and NMAT preparation books.

NMAT by GMAC offers candidates the opportunity to seek admission to 90+ top colleges including NMIMS Mumbai, VIT Vellore, XIM Bhubaneshwar, etc. across India. Check NMAT Score Accepting Colleges

NMAT Language Skills Highlights

NMAT Language Skills 2022 Highlights

A few changes were made in the NMAT Language Skill Exam Pattern and NMAT language skill Syllabus in 2020 by GMAC. The same was followed in the 2021 exam as well. The same pattern will be followed for 2022, hence candidates preparing for NMAT 2022 must be aware of the revised NMAT language skill syllabus & pattern.

NMAT 2022 Language Skills
Particulars Details
Number of Questions 36
Type of Questions MCQs
Number of Answer Choices per Question 4
Marks Awarded +1 for every correct answer
Negative Marking No
Scaled Score Range 12-120
Time Allotted 28 minutes
NMAT 2022 Exam Duration 120 minutes
Considered for Percentile Calculation Yes

Read: NMAT Official Preparation Guide

NMAT Language Skills Syllabus

NMAT Language Skills Syllabus 2022

Going through NMAT Language Comprehension Syllabus is the first step in preparing for NMAT 2022 exam. A clear understanding of each topic of the syllabus is essential to prepare the best strategy for the exam. NMAT Syllabus for Language Comprehension is designed to test the candidate's comprehension & verbal ability skills, and reasoning aptitude in the English language. NMAT 2022 Language Comprehension can be divided into two parts:

  • Verbal Ability
  • Reading Comprehension

Given below is the Syllabus for NMAT Language Skills section:

NMAT Language Skills Syllabus
Reading Comprehension (RC) Passages Idioms & Phrases
Para Completion  Para Jumble
Synonyms  Antonyms 
Error Detection Phrase Substitution
Fill in the blanks (Vocabulary & Grammar) Commonly Mistaken Words
Parts of Speech Grammar Usage: Tenses, Pronounces, Verbs, Conditionals, and Nouns
Odd One Out  Use of Prepositions
Sentence Elimination Fact Inference Judgement
NMAT Verbal Ability Syllabus

NMAT Verbal Ability Syllabus

Particulars Details
Number of Questions 21-24
Sectional weightage in NMAT Language Skills Syllabus 66%
Type of Questions MCQs 
Difficulty Level Moderate
Format of Questions Error Detection, Fill in the Blanks, Completion of sentences & paragraphs, Rearrangement, One-word substitution
Important Topics in NMAT Syllabus for Verbal Ability
Idioms & Phrases Para Jumbles Subject-Verb Agreement
Antonyms & Synonyms Reported Speech Active-Passive Voice
Fact/ Inference/ Judgement Usage of Words Error detection based on the correct usage of prepositions, conditionals, tenses, and adjectives
Analogies Sentence Replacement Sentence Improvement
NMAT Reading Comprehension Syllabus

Quick Links:

NMAT Reading Comprehension Syllabus

Particulars Details
Number of Questions 12-15
Sectional weightage in NMAT Language Skills Syllabus 33%
Type of Questions MCQs 
Difficulty Level Moderate
Types of Questions Questions based on Inference drawn, the theme of the passage, tone of the passage, fact-based questions, etc. 
Important Types(Themes) of RC Passages
Business & Economics: GST, Global Economic Issues & Development, Economy after COVID-19, Cryptocurrency, Global economic organizations
Science & Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Space programs & technologies, Telecommunication, Dark Matter & Life Beyond Earth, Defence Technology.
Environment: Impact of Deforestation, Pollution, Global Warming, Climate Change, Impact of Economic Development on Environment, Other Environmental Issues
Social & Political Issues: Gender issues, Society and India, Social Changes in Indian History, Religion and Education, Political developments, Politics in Development, Planning & Implementation of Policies
Literary Texts: Passages from the literary work of great authors, writers, philosophers, and thinkers
Opinion-Based Abstract Passages involving 
NMAT Exam Pattern

NMAT 2022 Exam Pattern

Candidates must go through the revised NMAT exam pattern to streamline their strategy and preparation for the exam:

Section Number of Questions Type of Questions Time Limit (in minutes) Scaled Score Range
Language Skills 36 MCQs 28 12-120
Quantitative Skills 36 MCQs 52 12-120
Logical Reasoning 36 MCQs 40 12-120
Total 108 - 120 36-360

Weightage of Important Topics in NMAT Language Skills

Topic No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension 12
Para jumbles 4-5
Analogy 5-6
Fill in the blanks (Grammar and Vocabulary) 4
Fill in the blanks (Prepositions) 3
Spot the error/ Identify the correct usage 6
NMAT Language Skills Analysis

NMAT Language Skills Paper Analysis: Difficulty Level & Good Attempts

As per the previous year’s NMAT test-takers, the overall difficulty level of NMAT language skills section was higher than in 2020. There were a total of 36 MCQs with RC passages accounting for 33% of the questions. 

Topic Number of Questions Difficulty Level Good Attempts
Reading Comprehension 12 Moderate to Difficult 8-9
Analogy 6 Moderate 3-4
Para jumbles 4 Moderate to Difficult 1-2
Error Detection/ Identify the correct usage 6 Moderate 4-5
Fill in the blanks (Cloze Test) 4 Easy to Moderate 3-4
Fill in the blanks (Grammar and Vocabulary) 4 Moderate 2-3
Total 36 Moderate 26-29
NMAT Language Skills Preparation

NMAT 2022 Language Skills Preparation

Candidates must begin preparation for NMAT 2022 exam 3-4 months before the scheduled date. NMAT Syllabus for Language Skills should be thoroughly referred to for efficient preparation. Further, candidates must also read the below-mentioned points:

  • The syllabus for the NMAT exam on Language Skills is well-structured. There are 36 questions in the Language Skills section, and the test-takers have to complete this section in 28 minutes.
  • While preparing for this section, the candidates must specify their knowledge concerning different topics of the English language.
  • The candidates can read a lot of good books, newspapers, watch English plays, etc. as all of these will help in increasing your vocabulary.
  • Papers like The Hindu and the Editorial section of other newspapers help a lot in getting familiar with new words and vocabulary.
  • On average, you have 40 seconds for each question, but since you require more time to do Reading Comprehension questions, manage your time accordingly. You must target to complete each question within 30 seconds so that you can get 10-12 minutes to solve at least 8-10 Reading Comprehension questions.
  • Candidates must know these points for scoring high in NMAT language skills section:
    • As candidates have an option to choose their choice of section order, they have to attempt the questions in the same way.
    • Also, students have to keep in mind there are sectional time limits thus they are required to attempt the questions within the time frame.
    • Once the allotted time of the respective sections is over, they will not be able to return to the previous sections.

Read: How to Prepare for NMAT 2022 Language Skills

NMAT Language Skills Books

NMAT Language Skills Preparation Books

Name of Book Publisher/Author
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
High School English Grammar Wren & Martin
Verbal Ability & Comprehension for Management Entrance Bharat Patodi and Aditya Choudhary 
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT Pearson
General English S P Bakshi
CAT Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Career Launcher
Mastering for Verbal Ability for CAT Arihant Publication

Must Read: Best Books for NMAT Preparation

NMAT by GMAC Language Skills Sample Papers

NMAT 2022 language skill syllabus contains only MCQ type of questions rather than subjective questions. GMAC has not drafted any definite NMAT language skill syllabus but students can refer to the previous year's question papers to get a complete idea of the types of questions asked in NMAT exam. In order to fetch good marks at NMAT exams, it is important to cover all these topics, solve previous year's question papers, and appear for mock test papers as well. Download NMAT Sample Paper PDFs

Frequently Asked Questions

NMAT Language Skills 2022 FAQs

Ques. What are the important topics in NMAT Language Skills Syllabus 2022?

Ans. There are many topics important in the syllabus of language skills for NMAT 2022. In NMAT Language Skills Syllabus 2022, all the important topics are as follows.

  • Reading Comprehension
  • English Grammar & Vocabulary
  • English Usage
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Synonyms & Antonyms
  • Idioms, Phrases, Clauses
  • Sentence Error/Correction
  • Word Meaning
  • Para jumbles
  • Statement correction

Ques. What type of questions will be asked in NMAT Language Skills 2022?

Ans. In NMAT 2022, you will get 36 MCQs or Multiple Choice Questions from NMAT Language Skills Syllabus 2022. The question will be framed based on only this type. 

Ques. How many marks are awarded for a correct answer in NMAT Language Skills section?

Ans. For marking a correct answer in NMAT 2022 from NMAT Language Skills Syllabus 2021, you will get 1 mark. No extra marks will be added for any type of answer to a question. 

Ques. Will there be any marks deduction for marking an incorrect answer in NMAT 2022?

Ans. No, no marks will be deducted as negative marking for marking an incorrect answer in NMAT 2022 for a question from NMAT Language Skills. It is the same for all the questions from this section. 

Ques. Will there be any negative marking for unanswered questions as per the revised NMAT paper pattern?

Ans. No, there won’t be any negative marking for an unanswered question in NMAT 2022 exam. Also, no marks will be deducted for incorrect responses.

Ques. What is the difficulty level of the Language Skills section? What can I expect for NMAT 2022?

Ans. The difficulty level of the section on Language Skills is moderate to high. And it is expected to remain the same for NMAT 2022.

Ques. What is considered a good attempt in NMAT Language Skills section?

Ans. A total of 36 MCQs will be asked from NMAT language skills. It is not mandatory to attempt all the questions from this section. But candidates are advised to attempt at least 23-26 questions to get a high score in the entrance exam. 

Ques. What will be the weightage of Reading Comprehension questions in NMAT 2022 Language Skills section?

Ans. In NMAT 2022, you can expect around 3 to 4 RC passages of moderate difficulty level accounting for about 12-15 questions.

Ques. Is there any sectional time limit in NMAT 2022 exam?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional time limit in NMAT 2021 exam. As per the updated NMAT exam pattern, candidates will be given:

  • 28 minutes for NMAT Language Skills
  • 52 minutes for NMAT Quant
  • 40 minutes for NMAT Logical Reasoning

Ques. What are the topics from which reading comprehension passages can be asked in NMAT 2022? 

Ans. For NMAT 2022, candidates must practice passages on topics like management, environment, world affairs, and science & technology for the preparation of the reading comprehension part of Language Skills. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year NMAT Questions

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