Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. C. V. Gopinath is currently working as the Principal of Baba Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vizag. Being an administrator, teacher and trainer, he has 27 years of teaching, research, and administrative experience. He did his Ph. D. (Computer Aided Design) from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He also has an additional degree, MBA (Education Management) from KSBM, Mumbai. For the past 27 years, he is dealing with courses like Engineering Graphics, Machine Design, CAD, ICAD, CADM, Information Technology and CIM. He also works with Mechanical Engineering and Analysis software like ANSYS, CATIA and Master CAM.
Dr. Gopinath has organized several International and National Conferences, Workshops & Seminars. He has conducted two AICTE sponsored Staff Development Programs on CAD/CAM. He has published research papers in 11 International Journals, 18 International Conferences and 19 National Conferences/Seminars so far on topics mainly 3D solid modelling, CAD/CAE and Reverse Engineering. He is a life member of various professional bodies like ASME, SAE, ISTE, Institution of Engineers (India), HKSME, Condition Monitoring Society of India, Indian Red Cross etc.
Dr. Gopinath has received the following awards:
- Merit of Excellence Award by Institution of Engineers (India)-2006
- Dewang Mehta National Education Award for the year 2017
- World Education Congress 50 Most Influential Principals of India (Education) Award for the year 2018
The impact of a Guru (mentor) in one’s life is indispensable
After parents, teachers play a major role in a student’s life. Sometimes, students may not listen to parents but follow whatever the teacher says. This is in our Indian culture to treat teacher equal to God (Guru devo maheshwaraha). This will be attained when a teacher behaves like a teacher. Teaching is one of the noble professions on the planet.
Mentor or Guru is different from a teacher. A teacher is usually confined to class and academics, whereas guru’s role is extended to life and beyond. Guru or mentor’s effect will be on the students’ lives, profession and society. It’s a divine’s bliss to have such gurus in one’s life.
A leadership style which wins everyone by conscience
My philosophy of leadership is to include every stakeholder in the teamwork and winning everyone by conscience. Delegate the right work to the right person and give freedom in executing the assigned work. Allow them to learn from their mistakes. Don’t expect everything to be 100% perfect. Trust any person till they deceive.
What matters more among CTC, Brand Name and a field of interest
First of all, we should counsel the students individually (one to one) in the pre-final year itself. We should know their aspirations, goals, interest in a career or higher education etc. Once they are ready for a career, then we should counsel them to choose their interest in a career (Ex: software, core job, office job, Govt. job etc.). In my opinion, one should not choose a career ‘only by CTC’ or Brand name. Initially, they may enjoy and feel happy, but later on, they will not be happy in their job. Yes, CTC is important, but you must be happy in doing that job. If you are happy doing the job, you will not feel stressed. Once you improve your skill set with experience, you will automatically reach the higher CTC.
If you are landed in a Branded company of your interest, you are lucky and you can proceed. If not, create a brand for your company!
Interactive activities held for the all round development of students
Along with regular classroom pedagogy, BITS students are exposed to so many curricular and extra-curricular activities like:
- Industrial Visits
- Short term and long term Internships
- Workshops, guest lectures, seminars and conferences on the latest technologies
- Sports and Cultural activities
- Celebrations of major events like Teachers day, Engineers day, Women’s day, Sports day etc.
Building connection with the students beyond college and enjoying their success stories
We have ‘BITS Alumni Association’ which plays a major role in connecting the students to the institute. Apart from this, our students, whenever they visit Visakhapatnam, they make it a point to visit our college and faculty. They are always in touch with us.
Yes! We have so many fond memories. Once I was travelling back to Visakhapatnam from Hyderabad waiting for my flight, one person recognized me and told me that he was a student of BITS and now he is working as the Assistant Director in Tollywood (Telugu Film Field). I still remember, he once asked my permission to shoot a short film in the campus for some competition. We encouraged so many students like him to showcase their hidden talents by conducting Tech-Fests, Annual Days etc. This boy finally reached his destination-Tollywood. We felt very happy!
Students have become more careful about their course choices
The hype about Engineering, Pharmacy and Management Education has gone. The mad rush of engineering studies is not there. Only interested and serious students are opting for the above courses. Particularly, the institutes in south Indian states are now consolidating and stabilizing. We can expect globally high ranking institutes through good quality students in near future.
3 main goals for the Institute to achieve in the next few years
- We are NAAC accredited institution, we would like to go for NBA accreditation and get permanent affiliation with JNTU Kakinada.
- We would like to improve the quantity and quality of placements.
- We would like to consolidate our position in the state of AP by improving the present rank.
Suggestions for the parents to contribute to their child’s development in studies
- As a parent, definitely, you will know the strengths and weaknesses of your child. Based on the capability and interest of the child, you should advise/suggest the course/branch/discipline. This will create a stress-free environment in the child’s education. Don’t go by market trends or peer pressure.
- Encourage smart study with an interest in studies.
- Inculcate the love for studies and they won’t feel stressed.
- Allow them to learn new courses, new foreign languages and new skills apart from regular university syllabus.
- Allow them to do skill based internships and attend seminars/workshops in other colleges/states. They will learn more in groups and through practice.
- Communication skills play a major role in placements. So, encourage them to improve.