GATE Result 2023 Out, Scorecard, Marks, Branch-wise Cut off, Toppers, Rank Predictor

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bySachin Gupta Content Writer

GATE Result 2023 download link is provided here. To check GATE exam result 2023, you need to login using your registration credentials- enrolment ID/ email ID and password.

  • IITK GATE Result 2023 contains the score, AIR, and qualifying cut off marks of the candidates. Check GATE 2023 Score Calculation
  • The list of paper-wise GATE toppers is also released on GATE 2023 result date. GATE 2023 Topper for CSE is JAYADEEP SUDHAKAR MORE with 93.67 marks and GATE 2023 Topper for EEE is BHANWAR SINGH CHOUDHARY with 66 marks. 

GATE Result 2023 is released based on the final answer key prepared after taking into account the valid objections received, if any.  Download GATE 2023 Answer Key PDF

Based on GATE 2023 scores, admission will be granted to M.Tech courses in top IITs, NITs, and other engineering colleges. GATE scores can also get you recruitment in top PSUs like BHEL, IOCL, NTPC, etc. Check GATE 2023 College Predictor

GATE Result Date

GATE 2023 Result Date

GATE 2023 Result Date is announced by IIT Kanpur in the official notification. Dates for answer key release, result and other important events post result are provided below for your reference:

Events Dates
GATE 2023 Key Release Date February 21, 2023
GATE Answer Key Challenge 2023 February 22, 2023 to February 25, 2023
GATE 2023 Result Date March 16, 2023 (OUT)
GATE Score Card 2023 Release Date March 21 to May 31, 2023
Scorecard available for Download (with a fee of INR 500) June 1 to December 31, 2023
GATE 2023 Counselling begins Last Week of March 2023

GATE Result Highlights

GATE Result 2023 Highlights

Particulars Details
GATE Result 2023 released by IIT Kanpur
What is GATE 2023 Result Date? GATE 2023 Result Date is March 16, 2023.
GATE Result 2023 link
GATE Score Card 2023 Download March 21 to Dec 31, 2023
How to Check GATE Exam Result 2023? Login using enrolment id/ email id and password to check iitk gate result 2023
Details mentioned in GATE result Name of the paper, GATE marks (out of 100), GATE scores (out of 1000), AIR, qualifying cut off score
GATE result statistics
  • GATE 2023: To be updated
  • GATE 2022: 112678 qualified out of 597030 who appeared
  • GATE 2021: 126813 qualified out of 711542 who appeared
GATE Result Validity 3 years from the date of announcement

Can I check GATE result by name?

No, IIT does not allow you to check GATE result by name. The only way to check your GATE score 2023 is to login by application number and password.

What is the highest GATE score?

The highest GATE score is 1000. GATE 2023 score calculator uses the normalization formula which is provided by IIT Kanpur. GATE marks out of 100 are normalized to get the GATE score out of 1000 for all candidates.

Quick Links:

What is a good GATE score out of 100?

What is a good GATE score out of 100?

Good GATE score out of 100 depends on the stream. On an average, a score between 75-95 is good to get an All India Rank below 100 in the major streams. To know what is a good GATE score out of 100 in each stream, check GATE Marks vs Rank analysis provided below.

GATE Marks vs Rank Analysis

Based on previous year data, GATE Marks vs Rank Analysis of major streams is provided below for your reference.

GATE All India Rank GATE Marks Out of 100
Mechanical Engineering (ME) Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Electrical Engineering (EE)
1-10 93+ 81+ 74+ 92+
10-50 87-92 75-80 67-73 87-91
50-100 85-87 72-75 63-67 84-87
100-200 82-85 68-72 60-63 81-84
200-500 79-82 62-68 56-60 77-81
500-1000 75-79 56-62 50-56 72-77
1000-2000 71-75 50-56 45-50 66-72
2000-5000 63-71 40-50 38-45 57-66
5000-10000 51-63 32-40 28-38 46-57

What is the rank for 80 marks in GATE?

For 80 marks in GATE, you can get a rank below 500 depending on the branch or stream of engineering. The table below shows the branch-wise rank for 80 and above marks in GATE:

Stream GATE All India Rank
EE 1-450
CS 1-50
ECE 10+
ME 1-500
CE 1-300

What is a good rank in GATE?

On analyzing the previous year opening and closing ranks of IITs, NITs, and other colleges, we can answer what is a good rank in GATE. For most M.Tech branches of GATE like Chemical, Civil, CSE, and Mechanical, a rank below 900 is good enough to get admission.  However, you need an AIR below 200 to secure admission to IISc Bangalore, IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, and IIT Madras.

College GATE Rank

IISc Bangalore

IIT Bombay

AIR < 100  AIR ≤ 600 (for some courses)

IIT Delhi

IIT Kanpur

IIT Madras

AIR < 100  AIR ≤ 300 (for some courses)
IIT Kharagpur AIR ≤ 600


IIT Roorkee

AIR ≤ 1000
NITs AIR ≤ 1500
GFTIs  AIR ≤ 2500
Private Engineering Colleges AIR ≥ 2500

GATE Rank Predictor 2023

GATE Rank Predictor 2023 helps you in predicting your rank based on GATE scores. Various coaching centers provide this tool including Made Easy and Unacademy GATE rank predictor to help candidates in getting an idea of their admission chances. Collegedunia also provides candidates with rank and college predictor for GATE 2023. To predict your chances of admission to M.Tech at IITs, NITs, GFTIs based on GATE scores 2023, check GATE 2023 College Predictor.

How to Check GATE Result?

How to Check GATE 2023 Result?

On GATE 2023 result date, the overall marks, AIR, and qualifying status is displayed and the scorecard is published 4-5 days later. result 2023 is released online only. To check IITK GATE Result 2023, go through the process mentioned below.

GATE 2023 Login

GATE 2023 Login is required to check IITK GATE result 2023. GOAPS 2023 login is available on For GATE 2023 Login to check the result, you need to enter either your email ID or enrolment number and password.

How can I check my GATE 2023 score?

You can check your GATE 2023 score by following these steps for GATE result download:

  • Visit the official GATE 2023 website-
  • Click on the GOAPS Login link
GATE Login

  • Enter your Enrolment ID/ Email Address and Password
  • Your Result will be displayed on the screen
  • Check all the details mentioned in GATE result carefully and report the discrepancy, if any.

Details mentioned on GATE Result 2023

  • Your Name
  • GATE 2023 application number
  • Marks secured out of 100
  • GATE Score attained out of 1000
  • AlI India Rank (AIR) in the particular paper
  • GATE Paper and Code
  • Cut off for GATE 2023

Check GATE 2023 Score Validity

GATE Qualifying Marks

GATE 2023 Qualifying Marks

GATE 2023 qualifying marks are released stream-wise along with the result. Candidates securing the respective category-wise GATE 2023 qualifying marks are eligible to download the score card and participate in the counselling process for M.Tech admissions.

What is the cut off for GATE 2023?

Cut off for GATE 2023 has been released by IIT Kanpur along with the results.

Paper Code For General For OBC- (NCL)/ EWS For SC/ ST/ PwD
CS: Computer Science and Information Technology 32.5 29.2 21.6
ME: Mechanical Engineering 28.4 25.5 18.9
EC: Electronics and Communications Engineering 29.9 26.9 19.9
EE: Electrical Engineering 25 22.5 16.6
CE: Civil Engineering 26.6 23.9 17.7
IN: Instrumentation Engineering 24.8 31.3 23.2
ST: Statistics 25.0 22.5 16.6
XE: Engineering Sciences 39.7 34.1 25.2
CH: Chemical Engineering 32.1 TBA TBA
 PH: Physics 31 27.9 20.7
MA: Mathematics TBA TBA TBA
AR: Architecture and Planning TBA TBA TBA
BM: Biomedical Engineering TBA TBA TBA
AE: Aerospace Engineering TBA TBA TBA
AG: Agriculture Engineering TBA TBA TBA
BT: Biotechnology TBA TBA TBA
CY: Chemistry TBA TBA TBA
ES: Environmental Science & Engineering TBA TBA TBA
EY: Ecology Evolution TBA TBA TBA
GE: Geomatics Engineering TBA TBA TBA
GG: Geophysics TBA TBA TBA
MN: Mining Engineering TBA TBA TBA
MT: Metallurgical Engineering TBA TBA TBA
NM: Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering TBA TBA TBA
PE: Petroleum Engineering TBA TBA TBA
PI: Production & Industrial Engineering TBA TBA TBA
TF: Textile Engineering & Fiber Science TBA TBA TBA
XH: Humanities and Social Sciences (C1- Economics) TBA TBA TBA
XH: Humanities and Social Sciences (C2- English) TBA TBA TBA
XH: Humanities and Social Sciences (C3- Linguistics) TBA TBA TBA
XH: Humanities and Social Sciences (C4- Philosophy) TBA TBA TBA
XH: Humanities and Social Sciences (C5- Psychology) TBA TBA TBA
XH: Humanities and Social Sciences (C6- Sociology) TBA TBA TBA
XL: Life Sciences TBA TBA TBA

Also Check GATE PSU Cut off

GATE Score Card Download

GATE Score Card Download

GATE 2023 Score Card Download link is available online in the GOAPS login portal only for GATE qualified candidates. You can check the link below to download GATE Score Card from

How can I check my GATE score 2023? 

The steps to download GATE Score Card are provided below for your convenience:

  • Visit the GATE 2023 official website for GOAPS login.
  • Login on the candidate portal using the required credentials- enrolment id and password.
  • Check, download, and save your GATE 2023 score card in a PDF format.
  • Print it out for future reference.

Details in GATE Score Card 2023

You can find these details printed on your GATE Score Card 2023:

  • Date of GATE Score Card availability
  • Your Name
  • Your Photo and Signature
  • Validity of GATE 2023 Scorecard
  • Digital Fingerprint
  • Your GATE 2023 Registration number
  • GATE 2023 Paper Name and Code
  • Marks out of 100
  • GATE score out of 1000
  • Qualifying Marks for the paper
  • All India Rank
  • Number of total candidates who appeared for that particular paper
  • Signature of the official

GATE Score Card Sample

GATE Scorecard Sample

GATE Score Validity 2023

GATE 2023 Score Validity is 3 years from the date of publication. As the date of GATE Result 2023 is March 16, the score validity is till March 16, 2026.

GATE Score Calculation

GATE Score Calculation

GATE Score is computed based on actual raw scores for papers conducted in a single session. For papers conducted in multiple sessions, the raw marks obtained by candidates in different sessions are converted into normalized scores for GATE score calculation.

Is GATE score out of 1000?

Yes, the normalized GATE score is out of 1000. The actual marks out of 100 are normalized to ensure uniformity in difficulty level across multiple shifts/ sessions. The formula used to calculate your GATE score out of 1000 is provided in the article below.

GATE Score Calculation: Normalization of Marks for Multiple Session Papers

This year, only GATE CE paper is scheduled in two sessions on Feb 12, 2023. To ensure that the variation in difficulty level across shifts does not put any candidate under disadvantage, the score normalization process is followed. The basic principle/ assumption behind applying this process is that “in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the sessions’.

The below-mentioned formula is used for calculation the normalized score for multiple session GATE papers:

GATE Score Calculation

GATE Score Calculation for All Other Papers

For all papers conducted in a single session/ shift, the following formula is used for GATE score calculation:

GATE Score
GATE Score Formula

GATE Score Vs Marks

GATE Score vs Marks

GATE Marks are calculated out of 100 as per the exam marking scheme. These are the actual raw scores obtained by the candidate in the exam. Check GATE 2023 Marking Scheme

GATE scores on the other hand are the normalized marks calculated by IIT Kanpur out of 1000. This is to ensure that no student is at a disadvantage based on the exam difficulty level across days and shifts. 

Given below is the GATE score vs marks analysis of toppers (AIR 1) based on previous year GATE results. 

Stream GATE 2022 Marks GATE 2022 Score GATE 2021 Marks GATE 2021 Score
EE 92.67 1000 85.3 974
CE 97.36 1000 95.56 1000
ECE 78 1000 82 1000
CS 81 1000 87.81 1000
ME 90.05 1000 93.2 979
IN 88.33 940 79 933
CH 68 1000 89.67 1000
BT 73 985 75.33 1000
CY 76 1000 91.33 996
AR 79.67 1000 79.67 1000

Is 700 GATE score good?

For the General category candidates, GATE qualifying score out of 1000 is usually above 350. So, 700 is a good score for securing admission to some of the courses in top IITs, NITs, and GFTIs.

GATE Score 750 is how many marks?

GATE Score 750 can amount to marks between 45-60 depending on the stream or branch. 

GATE Toppers 2023

The list of GATE Toppers 2023 will be released by IIT Kanpur on the official website on GATE 2023 result date. You can check the list of GATE Toppers from the link below:

GATE Toppers List Check Here

GATE Toppers 2023

Paper: Sections Name Marks Score
Computer Science and Information Technology JAYADEEP SUDHAKAR MORE 93.67 1000
Civil Engineering SUBAN KUMAR MISHRA 83.11 1000
Electrical Engineering BHANWAR SINGH CHOUDHARY 66 1000
Electronics and Communication Engineering SIDDHARTH SABHARWAL 90 1000
Mechanical Engineering ARYAN CHOUDHARY 90.67 1000
Aerospace Engineering JOSHI YASH KISHORBHAI 73 988
Agricultural Engineering ANSHIKA RAI 49 1000
Architecture and Planning SHREYA BHARDWAJ 75.67 1000
Biomedical Engineering THANDAVA SESHA TALPA SAI SUNKARA 60 1000
Biotechnology AISHWARYA K 79.67 1000
Chemical Engineering ROHIT BHAGAT KALWAR 92.67 1000
Chemistry ATANU DAS 72 981
Ecology and Evolution KARTHIK THRIKKADEERI 84.33 1000
Engineering Sciences: Solid Mechanics & Thermodynamics ANSHUMAN 83.67 952
Environmental Science and Engineering DEVENDRA PATIL & MANISH KUMAR BANSAL 64.33 (Both) 953 (Both)
Geology and Geophysics: Geophysics SHUBHAM BANIK 85.67 1000
Geology and Geophysics: Geology MANISH SINGH 74 1000
Geomatics Engineering SAURAV KUMAR 66 1000
Humanities and Social Sciences: Economics V GAURAV 83.33 989
Humanities and Social Sciences: Psychology DEEPTI DILIP MOAR 84 1000
Humanities and Social Sciences: Linguistics KEERTHANA NAIR 74.67 1000
Humanities and Social Sciences: Philosophy SREERAM K N 72.67 1000
Humanities and Social Sciences: Sociology TEJASVI KAMBOJ 73 943
Humanities and Social Sciences: English SAYANTAN PAHARI 84.33 1000
Instrumentation Engineering AKASH SRIVASTAVA 78.33 968
Life Sciences: Biochemistry & Botany ADVITA SHARMA 73.33 1000
Mathematics SUVENDU KAR 50.33 941
Metallurgical Engineering ASHUTOSH KUMAR YADAV 85.67 973
Mining Engineering UDIT JAISWAL 63.33 973
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering SHIVAM RANJAN 60 1000
Production and Industrial Engineering SH GOWTHAM GUDIMELLA 87.33 938
Statistics NIKHILESH RAJARAMAN 73.67 1000
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science AMIT KUMAR PANDEY 66 1000

GATE Result Statistics

GATE Result Statistics 2023

GATE 2023 Result statistics will be updated here after the declaration of result at GATE Result Statistics are provided here for the last 6 years.

GATE Result Statistics 2022

Particulars Details
Number of Candidates Appeared 5,97,030
Number of Candidates Qualified 1,12,678
Percentage of Qualified Candidates 18.87%
GATE Result Statistics

GATE Result Statistics (2021-2017)

Year Total Candidates Appeared Qualifying Candidates Qualifying Percentage
GATE Result 2021 7,11,542 1,26,813 17.82%
GATE 2020 Result 6.85,341 1,28,844 18.81%
GATE Result 2019 7,51,650 1,21,166 16.12%
GATE Result 2018 7,81,854 1,18,344 15.13%
GATE Result 2017 7,87,148 1,29,149 16.40%

GATE 2023 Answer Key Out

GATE 2023 Answer Key is available for download. Official GATE 2023 Answer Key release date is February 21, 2023.

  • GATE 2023 Response Sheet is out on Feb 15, 2023. To download GATE response sheet 2023, click here
  • Compare GATE Answer Key and Response sheet to calculate your GATE 2023 marks as per the marking scheme.

Before declaring the result of GATE 2023, IIT Kanpur has opened the answer key objection window. Based on the objections received, if any, the final answer key will be prepared and GATE 2023 result will be released accordingly.

What After GATE Result?

What After GATE Result 2023?

After the declaration of GATE 2023 Result, the qualified candidates need to participate in the counselling processes for admission to IITs, PSUs, NITs, IIITs, GFTIs. There are two counselling processes- GATE COAP and GATE CCMT.

GATE COAP 2023: The COAP portal is available after the declaration of GATE result and scorecard. The complete schedule and registration link will be activated on the GATE COAP 2023 official website.

  • GATE COAP 2023 is a common portal where the IITs and IISc Bangalore upload their seat allotment for admission to M.Tech courses.
  • Candidates with a valid GATE score of 2023, 2022, or 2021 can apply for the Common Offer Acceptance Portal (COAP).

GATE CCMT 2023: For M.Tech admission in NITs, IIEST Shibpur, IIITs, and GFTIs, CCMT 2023 (Centralized Counseling for M.Tech/M.Arch/M.Plan/M.Des) is to be conducted. It is a centralized counselling process for admission to more than 13000 seats in the participating colleges based on GATE score (2023/ 2022/ 2021). CCMT 2023 counselling process includes

  • online registration and choice filling
  • seat allotment based on GATE score and cut off
  • payment of seat acceptance fee of INR 30000
  • online document submission and verification
  • submission of willingness
  • final admission offer and payment of the remaining fee.

How much rank is required for PSU in GATE?

For PSU recruitment, you must aim for a rank below 200 in GATE. However, getting a good rank does not guarantee selection as PSUs carry out interview rounds for final shortlisting. Performing well in the final selection rounds of Interview and GD is essential to secure recruitment in top PSUs like Power Grid, BHEL, NTPC, IOCL, HPCL, GAIL, etc.

Also Check PSU Recruitment through GATE 2023

GATE Result: M.Tech Admission

GATE 2023 Result: IIT M.Tech Admission

Each IIT has its own admission criteria and cut off. The minimum GATE Cut off for IIT varies institute-wise, branch-wise, and category-wise. You can refer to the below table to know IIT M.Tech Admission criteria and cut off 2023 for the top IITs accepting GATE scores.

What is the minimum GATE score for IIT?

Based on last year’s cut off for Computer Science and Engineering, GATE score varies between 336 to 816 for IIT Madras depending on the category while for IIT Delhi, the minimum GATE score is 900 irrespective of the category of the candidate. Check Branch-wise GATE Cut off for IITs

IIT IIT M.Tech Admission Criteria and Cut off
IIT Madras M.Tech Admission Check Here
IIT Delhi M.Tech Admission Check Here
IIT Bombay M.Tech Admission Check Here
IIT Gandhinagar M.Tech Admission Check Here
IIT Bhubaneswar M.Tech Admission Check Here
IIT Kanpur M.Tech Admission Check Here
IIT Kharagpur M.Tech Admission Check Here

GATE 2023 Result: NIT M.Tech Admission

Each NIT has its own admission criteria. You can refer to the below table to know NIT M.Tech Admission criteria and cut off 2023.

NIT NIT M.Tech Admission Criteria and Cut off
VNIT Nagpur M.Tech Admission and Cut off Check Here
NIT Trichy M.Tech Admission and Cut off Check Here
NIT Kurukshetra M.Tech Admission and Cut off Check Here
NIT Karnataka M.Tech Admission and Cut off Check Here
NIT Delhi M.Tech Admission and Cut off Check Here
NIT Calicut M.Tech Admission and Cut off Check Here

Check GATE Score Accepting Colleges

PSU Recruitment through GATE 2023 Scores

Based on your GATE result 2023, more than 50 PSUs including IOCL, GAIL, BHEL, NTPC recruit for various posts. Candidates aiming for PSU recruitment through GATE 2023 scores can now predict their chances of recruitment by using the GATE 2023 PSU Predictor tool developed by Collegedunia. Just enter your scores out of 1000, stream, and category to get the list of PSUs you are eligible for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. When is GATE 2023 Result?

Ans. GATE 2023 result date is March 16, 2023. Candidates can check GATE 2023 result online at using their email and password through GOAPS portal to view their result.

Ques. When will the scorecard of GATE 2023 be available?

Ans. IIT Kanpur will release GATE 2023 Scorecards separately. The release date for GATE 2023 Scorecard is March 21, 2023. Candidates will now be able to download their GATE 2023 Scorecards from March 21, 2023 and can be downloaded without any late fees till May 31, 2023 after which a fee of INR 500 would have to be paid for downloading the GATE 2023 scorecard.

Ques. How can I check my GATE result 2023?

Ans. Steps to check your GATE score 2023 are:

  • Step 1: Go to official website of GATE 2023
  • Step 2: Upon availability ‘Check Result’ or a similar link would be displayed on the home page. Click on it to proceed.
  • Step 3: Enter the login credentials (Email/Password)
  • Step 4: After successful login the result of the candidate would be displayed on the screen. 

Ques. When will GATE 2023 Answer Keys be released?

Ans. IIT Kanpur will release GATE 2023 Answer Key on February 21, 2023. Candidates can raise objections and challenge the answer keys released from February 22, 2023 to February 25, 2023. Check GATE Answer Key 2023

Ques. Will the cut off be declared before or after the publishing of GATE Result 2023?

Ans. GATE cut off will be published soon after the results are declared on March 16,2023. IIT Kanpur would publish the steam-wise cutoffs on the official website of GATE 2023. Read more GATE Cutoff 2023

Ques. Can students use their GATE Result 2023 for PSUs recruitment?

Ans. Yes. PSUs often directly hire GATE-qualified engineers. Each PSU has its own cutoff marks for employment and often takes a short interview to select the best candidate for the job. Read more GATE PSU Recruitment

Ques. For how long are the GATE Result 2023 valid?

Ans. GATE Result validity is 3 years from the date of release. During the period of 3 years the GATE result can be used to gain admissions into any institute for post graduation or for employment.

Ques. Can students see marks obtained for each section in their GATE result 2023?

Ans. No, students cannot see marks obtained for each section in their GATE result 2023. Only Gate marks, GATE scores and AIR rank would be visible on the results page along with other details. 

Ques. Would GATE result 2023 be displayed for a student even if he does not qualify the examination?

Ans. Yes, Even students not qualifying GATE exam would be able to check their GATE result 2023. However, only qualified students would be allotted GATE scorecards. GATE scorecards are essential part of GATE counselling process. Know more about GATE counselling

Ques. Can students obtain their scorecard even after four or more months of the declaration of the GATE result 2023?

Ans. Yes. Students can obtain their scorecard even after four or more months of the declaration of the GATE result 2023, however, they need to pay an fee of INR 500 on the GOAPS portal.

Ques. What if a student cannot access his GATE 2023 Scorecard?

Ans. If a student cannot access his GATE 2023 Scorecard he must not have qualified the GATE 2023 exam. GATE scorecards are available only to the students who have qualified the GATE exam. 

Ques. What is the difference between GATE score and marks?

Ans. GATE score refers to the normalized score obtained out of 1000. GATE marks are the actual scores obtained by the candidates out of 100.

Ques. 100 में से एक अच्छा गेट स्कोर क्या है?

Ans. 100 में से अच्छा गेट स्कोर स्ट्रीम पर निर्भर करता है। प्रमुख विषयों में 100 से नीचे AIR प्राप्त करने के लिए औसतन 75-95 के बीच का स्कोर अच्छा होता है। यह जानने के लिए कि प्रत्येक स्ट्रीम में 100 में से एक अच्छा GATE स्कोर क्या है, ऊपर दिए गए GATE मार्क्स बनाम रैंक विश्लेषण देखें।

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

GATE 2025 : 3 Answered Questions

Ques. What are the cut off marks in gate for iit indore?

IIT Indore GATE Cutoss 2023 has not been released officially IIT Kanpur will release the GATE 2023 cutoff for IIT Indore Students having valid GATE scores from 2023, 2022, or 2021 will be eligible for admission to MTech courses. Considering the IIT Indore GATE cutoff for 2021, The overall cutoff for GATE is 615 - 740 marks. Here is the branch-wise cutoff M.Tech Material Science and Engineering 615 M.Tech Communication and Signal Processing 657 M.Tech VLSI Design and Nanoelectronics 670 M.Tech Production & Industrial Engineering 740 Please note that the above cutoff is only for the general category....Read More
Answer By Jyoti Chopra 17 Jun 23
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is better for an MSc in Chemistry, Hyderabad School of Chemistry or IIT Bhubaneswar?

MSc in Chemistry at IIT Bhubaneswar is better, keeping in mind the quality of education that you’ll receive, and the reputation of the institute:  You can opt for a joint MSc+PhD in Chemistry if you want to pursue a more research-focused program.  We have regular workshops and conferences at our department, wherein MSc. and PhD scholars can actively collaborate. The Chemistry department of IIT Bhubaneswar is active in research in various areas like- Coordination Chemistry Molecular Recognition for the synthesis of Exotic Organic and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Magnetic Materials and Magnetostructural Correlation Catalysis for Fine Chemicals Design and Development of Metal Complexes towards Catalysis and Anti-Cancer Drugs As you can see, all of this is high-impact and extremely significant. Thus, I would recommend you opt for IIT Bhubaneswar over Hyderabad School of Chemistry, for an MSc. in Chemistry. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: NIT Surathkal for IT or IIT Bhubaneswar for Mechanical?

I am a second year B.Tech Mechanical student at IIT Bhubaneswar. NIT Surathkal is a top ranked NIT, but joining Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar has its own advantages: One of the best things about BTech in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar is that it welcomes interdisciplinary studies and extracurricular pursuits like athletics, music, dancing, fine arts, entrepreneurship, social work, projects, and internships.  The faculty and academic atmosphere of the Mechanical Department at IIT Bhubaneswar is very student-friendly. The department has excellent faculty members with expertise in core concepts as well as high-impact research in various specialisations. Here is a comparison between NIT Surathkal IT and IIT Bhubaneswar Mechanical for your reference: Parameters NIT Surathkal B.Tech IT IIT Bhubaneswar B.Tech Mechanical NIRF 2023 Engineering Ranking 12 47 Placement % 100% 94.34% Highest Package INR 54.75 LPA INR 27 LPA Average Package INR 29.23 LPA INR 11.96 LPA Top Recruiters Microsoft, Uber, Amazon Google, Microsoft, Reliance Industries Out of personal experience, I can assure you that B.Tech Mechanical at IIT Bhubaneswar is a good choice in terms of academics and placements. Rest, the choice depends on your personal preference. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: GATE 2025 Application Fee needs to be paid online through net banking or debit card or credit card facilities. Additional charges will be applicable as per the rule of the bank from where the money is being transferred. This charge will be specified on the payment portal.

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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