MANIT Bhopal GATE 2025 Cutoff- Check Previous Year Opening and Closing Ranks [2024-2017]

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Updated on, Mar 18, 2025

byNishit Kumar Content Curator

MANIT Bhopal GATE Cutoff and admission criteria 2025 is presented in the article below. Last year, MANIT Bhopal GATE Cutoff 2024 was released by CCMT Counselling 2024 for admission to M.Tech.

  • M.Tech in Microelectronics and VLSI Design is the most difficult to get into, as it has the highest cutoff across all rounds i.e. 935

  • The lowest cutoff in Round 4 was for Power Engineering (661 marks).

Candidates can check the detailed IIT Kanpur GATE 2024 Cutoff for all rounds and categories in the tables below, which include Opening & Closing Ranks, Category-wise Cutoffs, and College-wise Comparisons.

MANIT Bhopal 2024 Course-wise Cutoff marks

MANIT Bhopal 2024 SC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 385 360 - -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 383 344 308 -
M.Tech Information Security 367 363 357 364
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 360 331 281 -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 350 320 320 -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 349 317 276 -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 342 338 291 -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 339 337 267 -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 337 275 275 -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 312 270 250 -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 312 297 259 -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 310 291 266 -
M.Tech Power Electronics And Drives 306 288 - -
M.Tech Communication Systems 305 290 268 -
M.Tech Water Resource 297 275 255 -
M.Tech Integrated Power Systems 297 292 266 -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 292 266 257 257
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 286 - - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 284 261 256 246
M.Tech Nanotechnology 284 271 262 -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 281 238 199 -
M.Plan Urban Planning 276 250 249 266
M.Plan Housing 275 246 - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 269 254 246 -
M.Tech Biotechnology 267 201 170 158
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 265 269 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 254 265 - -
M.Tech Advanced Materials Science & Technology 247 - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 247 - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2024 OBC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 514 460 530 519
M.Tech Information Security 507 468 456 443
M.Tech Advanced Computing 481 469 443 436
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 473 451 437 418
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 451 423 418 368
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 449 424 424 410
M.Tech Structural Engineering 397 385 382 393
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 388 358 336 307
M.Tech Power Electronics And Drives 385 350 342 319
M.Tech Biotechnology 381 327 314 -
M.Tech Communication Systems 380 350 339 315
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 374 324 324 344
M.Tech Nanotechnology 367 341 315 -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 364 327 320 297
M.Tech Integrated Power Systems 358 336 323 -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 357 305 - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 354 319 323 -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 349 314 286 -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 349 315 320 -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 345 318 - -
M.Tech Water Resource 341 318 - -
M.Plan Housing 337 - - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 335 322 - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 335 335 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 334 326 - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 320 314 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 318 - - -
M.Tech Advanced Materials Science & Technology 311 - - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 305 - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2024 General Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 575 565 573 514
M.Tech Information Security 536 525 519 483
M.Tech Advanced Computing 533 519 519 491
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 521 491 476 445
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 511 501 426 -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 494 469 449 434
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 486 407 397 389
M.Tech Structural Engineering 458 443 436 454
M.Tech Biotechnology 451 435 421 403
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 439 397 396 352
M.Tech Bioinformatics 436 401 386 356
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 423 389 353 -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 421 375 365 355
M.Tech Communication Systems 410 380 376 360
M.Tech Power Electronics And Drives 407 376 389 -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 405 361 356 -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 396 358 396 -
M.Plan Urban Planning 389 363 359 -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 383 371 - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 382 352 - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 376 350 - -
M.Tech Integrated Power Systems 376 371 382 -
M.Tech Water Resource 366 352 - -
M.Plan Housing 365 - - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 358 352 - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 355 - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 350 - - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 350 - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2024 EWS Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
M.Tech Information Security 529 492 483 447
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 521 450 505 -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 518 485 458 433
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 489 454 452 426
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 487 386 - -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 479 424 360 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 436 370 348 -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 393 320 - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 389 349 - -
M.Tech Communication Systems 380 370 350 -
M.Tech Biotechnology 366 329 - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 364 312 - -
M.Tech Integrated Power Systems 358 - - -
M.Tech Power Electronics And Drives 354 - - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 350 - - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 349 327 - -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 343 324 - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 335 326 - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 329 - - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 329 328 - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 328 - - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 324 - - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 323 - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 322 - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2024 ST Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 400 - -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 340 293 -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 304 282 -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 293 154 -
M.Tech Power Electronics And Drives 288 - -
M.Tech Communication Systems 276 - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 266 - -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 266 252 -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 258 - -
M.Tech Information Security 252 206 -
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 251 249 252
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 249 227 -
M.Tech Integrated Power Systems 249 - -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 248 - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 246 - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 244 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 241 - -
M.Tech Water Resource 235 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 232 - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 214 - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 207 - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 154 - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 122 - -
M.Plan Housing 116 - -

MANIT Bhopal Last 3 years Cutoff

You can check the detailed MANIT Bhopal Cutoff for all rounds and categories for last 3 years, which include Opening & Closing markss, Category-wise Cutoffs, and College-wise Comparisons.

MANIT Bhopal 2023 Course-wise Cutoff marks

MANIT Bhopal 2023 General Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 536 502 490 472 472 -
M.Tech Information Security 491 434 423 408 397 -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 484 455 451 407 405 405
M.Tech Advanced Computing 472 449 423 416 408 495
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 461 412 389 371 359 363
M.Tech Structural Engineering 456 442 426 394 - -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 449 419 419 359 362 -
M.Plan Urban Planning 444 405 405 383 372 -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 442 375 367 368 468 -
M.Tech Software Engineering 442 378 369 368 - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 411 - - - - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 406 351 351 - - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 398 363 434 381 - -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 384 - - - - -
M.Plan Housing 377 383 389 - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 373 - - - - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 372 371 371 371 - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 367 351 351 - - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 366 353 353 353 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 366 366 366 - - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 364 376 376 376 - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 362 375 400 369 - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 360 355 355 355 - -
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 357 357 471 - - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 355 372 372 - - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 350 - - - - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 350 421 421 402 - -

MANIT Bhopal 2023 SC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 367 303 303 273 273 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 311 308 308 279 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 304 - - - - -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 300 268 268 - - -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 299 273 273 258 251 -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 297 293 289 293 - -
M.Tech Information Security 296 273 269 258 - -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 290 266 254 254 239 -
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 288 273 273 251 239 -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 287 287 287 259 - -
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 282 303 303 303 - -
M.Tech Software Engineering 277 251 247 251 235 243
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 276 251 267 247 - -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 264 - - - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 263 232 232 - - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 262 165 165 - - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 248 248 248 - - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 244 249 249 - - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 243 172 172 172 - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 235 235 235 235 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 235 - - - - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 232 232 232 - - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 228 239 235 - - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 219 183 183 - - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 219 219 219 - - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 208 - - - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 183 109 - - - -
M.Plan Housing 182 - - - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2023 ST Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 275 247 247 248
M.Tech Structural Engineering 272 252 252 247
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 263 232 232 232
M.Plan Urban Planning 260 327 327 -
M.Tech Industrial Design 258 258 258 -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 252 - - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 251 251 251 -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 247 247 247 -
M.Tech Information Security 245 258 258 -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 243 243 243 -
M.Tech Software Engineering 235 235 235 -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 235 - - -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 232 232 232 -
M.Tech Biotechnology 176 176 176 -

MANIT Bhopal 2023 OBC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 504 459 389 393 382 420
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 459 397 393 364 343 343
M.Tech Information Security 431 382 371 371 333 -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 423 335 329 363 - -
M.Tech Software Engineering 420 322 322 314 - -
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 401 344 324 324 314 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 399 343 343 343 - -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 386 314 314 319 349 -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 367 319 319 319 319 -
M.Plan Urban Planning 345 349 - - - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 340 341 341 - - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 339 339 339 - - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 337 337 337 327 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 330 - - - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 329 - - - - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 327 - - - - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 322 - - - - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 314 - - - - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 314 - - - - -
M.Plan Housing 314 - - - - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 310 330 330 - - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 309 309 309 - - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 283 323 - - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2023 EWS Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 498 467 467 397 357 461
M.Tech Advanced Computing 465 412 404 371 371 -
M.Tech Information Security 461 389 348 - - -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 442 401 401 397 346 -
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 427 371 348 - - -
M.Tech Software Engineering 420 - - - - -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 407 345 345 - - -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 401 - - - - -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 382 374 363 345 - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 345 345 345 - - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 337 337 337 - - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 327 - - - - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 322 - - - - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 310 310 310 - - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 304 - - - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2022 Course-wise Cutoff marks

MANIT Bhopal 2022 General Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 578 569 517 468 455 -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 533 525 512 462 442 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 522 505 505 429 416 -
M.Tech Information Security 521 504 482 407 388 -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 515 504 499 442 411 400
M.Plan Urban Planning 514 478 460 454 - -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 508 499 488 385 355 376
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 499 469 460 379 359 359
M.Tech Biotechnology 483 438 437 359 353 375
M.Tech Bioinformatics 472 404 394 364 - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 468 409 398 356 - -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 460 432 429 399 397 -
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 452 418 367 410 452 -
M.Plan Housing 448 436 417 369 - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 439 400 364 353 - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 436 371 362 362 - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 432 378 361 - - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 429 399 389 357 361 -
M.Tech Industrial Design 428 402 357 351 - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 425 389 379 - - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 417 405 405 371 - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 410 375 368 354 - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 403 376 371 368 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 402 - - - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 398 369 369 362 - -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 398 366 359 - - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 369 352 360 - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 361 351 351 - - -
M.Tech Material Science And Engineering 358 - - - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2022 SC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 350 311 311 289 249
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 342 338 338 317 292
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 323 323 323 284 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 323 319 319 - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 306 306 306 253 -
M.Tech Information Security 302 301 293 262 -
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 301 293 275 245 -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 300 271 271 243 257
M.Tech Advanced Computing 297 293 289 284 245
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 295 293 276 260 260
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 292 245 245 - -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 285 256 243 267 -
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 282 275 275 - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 282 264 264 300 -
M.Tech Water Resource 277 260 253 252 248
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 275 253 251 - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 271 254 231 250 -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 271 155 - - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 267 241 279 - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 266 254 232 260 -
M.Plan Urban Planning 266 250 241 308 -
M.Plan Housing 263 241 263 253 -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 254 243 250 - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 253 253 248 - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 231 172 133 219 -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 219 154 154 - -
M.Tech Material Science And Engineering 210 210 210 - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 206 201 201 - -

MANIT Bhopal 2022 ST Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
M.Tech Power System Engineering 307 307 307
M.Plan Urban Planning 284 - -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 269 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 264 - -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 258 258 258
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 249 249 249
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 249 - -
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 249 249 249
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 243 - -
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 240 - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 232 232 232
M.Tech Biotechnology 201 201 201

MANIT Bhopal 2022 OBC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 525 504 477 411 328 364
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 488 467 462 421 377 -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 477 442 425 359 328 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 465 452 445 396 385 -
M.Tech Information Security 464 442 442 350 - -
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 448 398 391 - - -
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 442 429 419 323 323 -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 429 389 386 350 322 366
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 407 339 328 - - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 407 353 318 - - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 403 371 352 322 - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 399 351 344 - - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 392 354 333 329 - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 382 361 359 322 - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 381 375 375 363 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 381 321 323 - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 374 342 325 - - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 365 328 285 338 - -
M.Plan Housing 363 339 314 284 - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 362 290 315 333 - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 360 291 328 296 - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 353 323 331 331 - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 351 291 301 - - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 348 - - - - -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 347 335 335 - - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 332 319 312 319 - -
M.Tech Material Science And Engineering 311 - - - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 306 - - - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2022 EWS Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 552 490 490 398 -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 515 508 508 442 425
M.Tech Information Security 490 468 450 - -
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 482 411 411 337 -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 482 482 468 389 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 479 423 423 368 354
M.Tech Industrial Automation And Robotics 442 442 343 - -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 429 368 368 356 332
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 410 - - - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 409 329 329 - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 385 291 291 - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 366 356 356 332 -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 363 306 306 - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 352 - - - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 346 346 346 - -
M.Tech Industrial Engineering & Management 343 343 333 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 333 327 327 - -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 333 333 - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 332 322 322 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 330 - - - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 322 - - - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 321 - - - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 320 - - - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 318 - - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 314 - - - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 291 - - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2021 Course-wise Cutoff marks

MANIT Bhopal 2021 General Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 649 636 621 - -
M.Tech Information Security 584 546 488 450 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 583 541 519 - -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 579 535 517 515 507
M.Tech Advanced Computing 577 554 519 504 495
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 558 535 473 439 446
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 533 508 494 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 532 515 406 388 -
M.Plan Urban Planning 525 494 445 432 364
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 509 467 447 - -
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 505 468 422 384 -
M.Tech Biotechnology 502 438 375 389 -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 498 452 407 377 -
M.Plan Housing 494 451 388 383 -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 491 457 410 405 -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 483 404 350 - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 482 425 355 - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 472 407 354 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 471 423 350 - -
M.Tech Computation And System Bio Informatics 469 404 368 - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 464 407 352 - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 457 409 358 - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 454 386 - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 450 410 364 352 364
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 440 373 371 - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 432 378 357 - -
M.Tech Stress And Vibration Analysis 419 366 - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 404 359 - - -
M.Tech Material Science And Engineering 404 365 - - -
M.Tech Advanced Materials Science & Technology 385 - - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2021 SC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 426 419 403 - -
M.Tech Information Security 396 344 335 323 281
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 385 323 304 290 268
M.Tech Structural Engineering 382 347 371 - -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 371 361 329 - -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 369 348 312 - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 366 281 324 - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 357 322 305 389 -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 350 288 274 - -
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 328 260 - - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 325 314 310 - -
M.Tech Water Resource 314 310 253 303 -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 306 - - - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 305 278 231 - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 303 283 250 - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 295 230 275 240 -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 294 271 278 211 -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 290 253 234 - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 286 308 - - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 281 252 211 186 -
M.Plan Housing 272 135 262 - -
M.Tech Computation And System Bio Informatics 270 - - - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 269 231 - - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 262 255 279 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 251 251 - - -
M.Tech Advanced Materials Science & Technology 236 236 - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 236 236 - - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 213 213 - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2021 OBC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 601 560 558 554 -
M.Tech Structural Engineering 537 502 454 - -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 512 480 466 462 450
M.Tech Information Security 512 485 437 396 450
M.Tech Advanced Computing 499 488 406 373 400
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 492 481 400 357 -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 488 439 436 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 476 402 331 - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 465 440 389 350 -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 452 403 328 324 -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 446 402 368 343 470
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 441 404 328 - -
M.Tech Water Resource 436 360 325 - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 421 355 321 - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 416 331 - - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 401 360 321 - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 399 343 324 - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 393 316 316 328 -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 392 350 334 - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 385 335 - - -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 378 324 - - -
M.Plan Housing 375 321 278 - -
M.Tech Computation And System Bio Informatics 375 340 - - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 373 - - - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 371 321 - - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 355 311 - - -
M.Tech Stress And Vibration Analysis 327 316 - - -
M.Tech Advanced Materials Science & Technology 320 - - - -
M.Tech Material Science And Engineering 318 324 - - -
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 311 - - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2021 ST Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
M.Tech Structural Engineering 418 371 271 -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 413 413 242 -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 382 263 269 234
M.Tech Biotechnology 352 223 - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 317 256 - -
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 290 - - -
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 267 251 - -
M.Tech Information Security 259 - - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 256 160 - -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 250 - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 249 234 - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 244 241 - -
M.Plan Housing 242 - - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 238 238 - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 231 - - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 198 190 - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 190 - - -
M.Tech Material Science And Engineering 187 - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2021 EWS Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
M.Tech Artificial Intelligence 635 621 571 - -
M.Tech Information Security 558 515 439 401 -
M.Tech Advanced Computing 553 523 465 - -
M.Tech Vlsi Design & Embedded System 551 479 479 434 -
M.Tech Computer Network Engineering 535 531 401 357 419
M.Tech Structural Engineering 499 463 - - -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 492 453 - - -
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 465 343 - - -
M.Tech Electrical Drives & Control 464 369 - - -
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 447 442 325 - -
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 446 419 - - -
M.Tech Power System Engineering 441 - - - -
M.Tech Digital Communication 434 374 - - -
M.Tech Geo Informatics 407 - - - -
M.Tech Water Resource 407 - - - -
M.Tech Renewable Energy 392 - - - -
M.Tech Bioinformatics 384 306 - - -
M.Tech Energy System Engineering 375 - - - -
M.Tech Nanotechnology 375 343 - - -
M.Plan Urban Planning 360 352 - - -
M.Tech Biotechnology 354 - - - -
M.Tech Computation And System Bio Informatics 343 - - - -
M.Tech Industrial Design 337 - - - -
M.Plan Housing 335 - - - -
M.Tech Hydro Power Engineering 335 - - - -
M.Tech Smart Manufacturing 320 320 - - -

MANIT Bhopal 2021 GeneralPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
M.Tech Advanced Computing 329 329 -
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 258 258 258

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: GATE 2025 Application Fee needs to be paid online through net banking or debit card or credit card facilities. Additional charges will be applicable as per the rule of the bank from where the money is being transferred. This charge will be specified on the payment portal.

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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