XAT 2015 Important Topics

XAT 2015 Important Topics-If there is section which you can take for granted will be quantitative ability. Some basic points which should kept in mind:

Quantitative Ability section:

Total Questions asked: 31

Level: Moderate to Difficult

In 2014 question paper the there were 7-8 questions which could have been easily solved, but because of so many difficult questions, there might be a great possibility, that one must have skipped these easy ones as well.

This section was a good mix of questions of all topics:

Number system:

There were 4 questions from Remainder, Factors, Base Conversion and Prime Numbers.


There were 9 questions from the topics: Triangle, Circle, Quadrilateral, Mensuration and Trigonometry.


There were 4 questions from various topics like Variation, Arithmetic Progression, Co-Ordinate System and Logarithm


There were 2 questions of this section out of which 1 was based on application of Number system

Also Read: 

XAT 2015 Syllabus

XAT 2015 Expected Cutoff

XAT 2015 Exam Pattern

General Counting:

3 questions

Data – Interpretation:

9 questions, (3 sets each with 3 questions)

Out of three data – interpretation sets, one set on Data – Table was easy, but quiet calculation intensive.

Vocabulary section:

These might be the XAT 2015 important topics of Vocabulary section

Simile: It is a composition of two different kinds of things which have one or more resemblance

Metaphor: Substitution of original word to express the object or a person

Oxymoron: It is combination of two words of opposite meaning like expressing something negative in appositive way.

Synechdoche:  A part is used to represent the whole or a part of sentence

Onomatopoeia: Use of the words which suggest the sense by their sound e.g. crash, bang, hiss, mew, rattle, whisper, murmuring, humming etc – The rattle of the hail upon the roof.

Fees Structure


Note: Additional Fees INR 200

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