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XAT 2022 Quantitative Analysis Practice Papers: Exam Pattern, Tips & Tricks

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Shekhar Suman

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XAT Quantitative Analysis section consists of 27 questions with 1 mark each within the time limit of 55 minutes. For this section, the candidate needs to prepare hard and put forth the necessary effort. Check XAT 2021 Exam Pattern

XAT Quantitative Analysis tests the candidates reasoning and ability to interpret and solve questions accordingly. The topics and concepts primarily are from Mathematics. The section puts the candidates on the block to reason out of the box, analyse certain data or tables and provide their knowledge. Read XAT 2022 Quantitative Analysis Preparation Tips

Solving the practice paper not only helps to understand the concepts but also the exam pattern preferably. By attempting practice papers, candidates can access their aptitude and also crack the examination with an excellent score.

Candidates who have registered for XAT 2021 can take the official Mock Test released by XLRI. Download XAT 2022 Mock Test PDFs

Practice Paper Composition

Composition of XAT Quantitative Analysis Practice Paper

The candidate needs to think out of the box primarily focusing on the topics concerned with mathematics. They have to practice, interpret, understand, think to target this section and solve the questions on an effective scale.

  1. Quantitative Ability: XLRI has brought significant changes in this section. Numbers, Geometry and Mensuration questions have become more prominent and around 50% of the Quant questions are based on these areas. Arithmetic, Venn diagrams, functions are other favourite topics on which questions are formed in XAT.
  1. Data Interpretation: Data tables, graphs, charts, bar diagrams, data analysis & comparison are the major topics for DI and the questions are majorly asked in sets.

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Benefits of solving Practice Papers

Benefits of Solving XAT Quantitative Analysis Practice Papers

Practice papers are available for free online and can help candidates

  1. Knowledge about the format of practice paper: XAT Quantitative Analysis consists of various types of question formats primarily focusing on Mathematics, tables, charts and diagrams and having the clear knowledge about the set parameters helps to crack the examination with ease.

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  1. Improve the accuracy of solving question paper: The candidate will be provided with 180 minutes which may seem enough but there are events when the candidate is unable to solve all the questions. Thus, solving the practice paper enhances their skill of targeting and solving the paper within the stipulated time frame. 
  2. Enhancing the understanding of vivid concepts: The regular solving of practice papers will help the potential candidate to understand various concepts and topics in a vast picture. This will provide them with enough time scale to analyze and conceptualize other topics, thus, increasing their chances of acing XAT 2021. 
  3. Understanding the arc of preparation: If the candidate will solve the question paper on a regular basis they will eventually get vast scope to understand hir weak nodes and eventually to work on them rigorously to strengthen them thereafter.

XAT Quant Practice Paper FAQs

Ques. How to solve XAT Quantitative Analysis Practise Papers?

Ans. XAT Quantitative Analysis Practise Papers have to be solved just like they would be solved in an exam hall. Put a timer and understand where you lose time.

 Ques. What are the important topics for XAT Quantitative Analysis?
Ans. The important topics for XAT Quantitative Analysis are Numbers, Geometry, and Mensuration questions as over 50% of the syllabus are based on these topics.

Ques. What are the frequently asked topics in XAT Data Interpretation?

Ans. The frequently asked questions for XAT Data Interpretation include questions from Data tables, graphs, charts, bar diagrams, data analysis & comparison.

Ques. What is the most efficient way of attempting XAT Quant Paper?

Ans. qwerty.

Ques. The XAT Quant Paper can get time-consuming so it is important to prioritize which questions to attempt. It is a good practice to attempt the harder, time-consuming questions first?

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

XAT 2023 : 8 answered questions

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Ques. What is the CAT/XAT cut off for a non profile based calls from SP Jain?

● Top Answer By Arpita Banerjee on 07 Dec 21

If your profile is suitable for the specialization that you have opted for and you didn’t get a call based on your profile, then a CAT score of 95-96 can get you a call. But it is not necessarily true that everyone with a score of around 96+ will get a score-based call. They evaluate profiles too for shortlisting. 96-97 is a decent score for XAT. A score above 98 in either of these two should get you a call....Read more

1 Answer

Ques. Will aspirants be at a certain advantage this time around with the CAT results being announced before the XAT?

● Top Answer By Vishesh Thapa on 07 Dec 21

Some XAT aspirants might have already been receiving calls from IIMs before they write XAT. While the others who did not will be all the more determined to qualify XAT.  Yes, it will be an advantage to all students appearing for XAT because they will know where they stand. Most of the people who get really good scores in CAT rarely sit for XAT....Read more

1 Answer

Ques. Is the XAT exam tougher than the CAT exam?

● Top Answer By Manali Tomar on 13 Dec 21

Yes, as the questions are a bit more difficult than CAT in both quant and English.  VARC can be a bit difficult, if you have not focussed on topics of critical reasoning and decision making in your class. Quant sees a number of questions from inequality, progression, boolean algebra, PnC and the general level is higher than CAT.  The percentile-score balance and cut-offs for top 5 colleges which accept XAT scores, have low requirements.  People aren't able to get those scores also because the exam is tough.  XAT is easier because it is largely predictable.  CAT is famous for being very unpredictable.  So XAT is tougher than CAT by the level of questions asked. But as their paper is largely predictable it makes it comparatively easier to attempt....Read more

1 Answer

Ques. What is the cut off for JBIMS through CAT, XAT, CET for Maharashtra people?

● Top Answer By Chirag Mishra on 11 Apr 23

JBIMS is a well-known management institute located in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The cut-off for JBIMS through CAT, XAT, and CET for Maharashtra people varies each year and depends on various factors such as the difficulty level of the exam, the number of applicants, etc. Here are some approximate cut-off scores for JBIMS through CAT, XAT, and CET for Maharashtra people: CAT: The approximate cut-off percentile for JBIMS through CAT for Maharashtra candidates is 95+ percentile. XAT: The approximate cut-off percentile for JBIMS through XAT for Maharashtra candidates is 85+ percentile. CET: The approximate cut-off score for JBIMS through CET for Maharashtra candidates is 135+ out of 200. These are approximate cut-offs, and the actual cut-offs may vary from year to year. Also, meeting the cut-off is just the first step towards getting into JBIMS, and the selection process involves several other factors such as academic performance, work experience, group discussion, and personal interviews. It is advisable to prepare well and aim for a high percentile or score to increase your chances of getting admission to JBIMS....Read more

2 Answer

Ques. What is the expected cutoff for SPJain (both profile based calls and normal calls) and XIMB (BM and HR) through CAT and XAT?

● Top Answer By Ishant Jain on 13 Mar 23

SPJIMR According to the information available, the expected cutoff for SP Jain Institute of Management for both profile-based and normal calls through CAT and XAT is not released yet. So  I will base the answer on last year's cutoff XAT : 93.5 percentile  CAT : 85 percentile  However it’s important to note that for more certainty of admission, one must score around 93-95%ile score and a 680-690 min on GMAT. XIMB The XLRI admission cut-off is directly influenced by the difficulty level of the XAT question paper. XAT 2023 exam was held on January 8, 2023. The question paper was of moderate difficulty level, the same as last year. Given below are the section-wise XAT cut-off for XLRI admission 2023: General Engineers (BM) 95 Male 92 Female General Non Engineer (BM) 95 Male 92 Female General Engineers (HRM) 93 Male 91 Female General Non Engineers (HRM) 90 Male 88 Female XIMB CAT cutoff for the previous year was 91 percentile for Business Management and HRM cutoff hasn’t been released yet....Read more

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