XAT Decision Making (DM) 2023: Syllabus, Pattern, Questions, Analysis, Preparation

XAT Decision Making Section is a unique section in XAT exam. XAT Decision Making questions are in the form of caselets followed by 2-3 questions based on data arrangement, inference & judgement, ethical dilemmas, business decision making, situational decision making, etc.

  • A total of 22 questions of moderate to difficult level will be asked in XAT 2023 Decision Making section.
  • Last year, the DM section comprised 7 data sets having 3 questions each. Check XAT Paper Analysis
  • XAT Decision Making will be clubbed with QADI and VALR in part 1 of the paper. There will be no sectional time limit to attempt the section. For all 3 sections of part 1, a total of 175 minutes will be given. Check XAT 2023 Syllabus
  • Each question in XAT DM section will carry 1 mark. A negative marking to the extent of 25% of the total marks allotted to a question will be applicable. Check XAT 2023 Exam Pattern
  • There is a provision of sectional cut off in XAT exam. Hence, it is essential to prepare well for all the sections of XAT 2023 in order to be able to meet the cut off criteria. Check XAT Cut Off

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XAT Decision Making 2023 Highlights

XAT Decision Making (DM) pattern and syllabus have remained largely the same throughout the years. Being aware of all the important details of XAT DM section is extremely crucial for preparation, as it will assist in devising a clear strategy for preparation. Here is the detailed information on XAT 2023 Decision Making pattern and marking scheme for your reference: 

  • The total duration of XAT exam will be 210 minutes
  • XAT Decision Making Section must be solved in no more than 35 minutes to ensure proper time availability for other sections.
  • XAT Decision Making section will have a total of 22 questions. 
  • There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer in XAT Decision Making section.
XAT Decision Making Highlights
XAT Decision Making (DM)
Particulars Details
Mode  Computer Based Test
Duration 30-35 minutes
Nature of Questions Objective (MCQs)
Number of Questions 22
Total Marks 22
Marks Awarded for Correct Answer +1 for every correct answer
Negative Marking -0.25 for every wrong answer
Medium English
Considered for Percentile Calculation Yes
XAT Exam Pattern

XAT Exam Pattern 2023

Knowing the sectional time limit for each of the sections of XAT will help you determine how to attempt the paper efficiently. Here is the sectional division of the questions and the time limit for each section of XAT 2023:

Parts Section Name Max. Questions Time Limit
Part 1 Verbal and Logical Ability 26 175 minutes
Decision Making 22
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 27
Part 2 Mock Keyboard Test - 5 minutes
Part 3 General Knowledge 25 30 minutes
Essay 1 (out of 3 options)
Total - 105 210 minutes

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XAT Syllabus 2022

XAT Decision Making (DM) Syllabus 2023

XAT Decision Making (DM) section is not included in most of the MBA entrance exams and thus many candidates may find it difficult to prepare. However, it can be prepared easily if candidates have knowledge of the syllabus, pattern, and the types of questions asked in previous years’ XAT exam. Salient features of Decision Making Syllabus for XAT 2023 are mentioned below:

  • XAT Syllabus for Decision Making section consists of data sets followed by 2-3 questions involving decision-making in a situation, data arrangement tests, etc.
  • It comprises 22 MCQs of moderate difficulty. Mostly Set-based questions on Business Decision Making and Ethical Dilemmas are asked
  • Decision Making section for XAT 2023 will have a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer.
  • Answering 16 – 17 questions is usually considered a good attempt.

Check detailed XAT 2023 Syllabus

Types of Questions Asked in XAT Decision Making

There are 3 types of questions that can be asked in XAT Decision Making section. These are:

  • Single Question Prompts: These are similar to critical reasoning questions. A short paragraph is followed by a single question. The number of such questions has decreased in the past few years. Last year also, there were no such questions.
  • 2-3 Question Prompts: These types of questions comprise a moderate length paragraph/ caselet followed by 2-3 questions. This set of questions is the most prominent and last year, there were 7 prompts with 3 questions each.
  • 4-5 Question Prompts: These are similar to reading comprehension questions. A lengthy caselet is followed by 4-5 questions. These caselets present multiple viewpoints of various stakeholders and hence require more concentration. 

XAT Decision Making Important Topics

XAT Decision Making Important Topics
Ethical Dilemma Business Decisions
Inference, Assumptions, and Judgement Analytical Reasoning
Situational Choices Conditions and Grouping Test
Data Arrangement Test Data Comprehension
Caselets Decision Making in a situation

XAT Decision Making Syllabus 2023: Important Terms

Candidates must familiarize themselves with the following terms related to XAT DM section:

  • Premise: A previous statement from which another is inferred, or an underlying assumption.
  • Assumption: Something which is taken to be true.
  • Fact: A piece of information that has been verified and correct.
  • Proposition: A statement expressing judgment or an opinion or is offered for consideration.
  • Inference: A conclusion made on the basis of evidence and facts.
  • Inductive: Employing mathematical reasoning to draw an inference.
  • Deductive: Something that can be proved by deriving conclusions using reason.
  • Reason: A cause, or explanation, or justification for an action or an event
  • Conclusion: Results are drawn from the summarization of several premises given in the question.

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Best Books for XAT DM

Best Books for XAT Decision Making 2023

XAT Decision Making Paper tests the candidate's decision making ability in a limited time period. This is one of the most unique aspects of XAT 2023 exam as most other management exams like CAT, CMAT, NMAT, etc do not have this section. Since XAT exam is highly competitive, candidates should use the right books and resources to prepare for the exam. Here are the recommended books for XAT Decision Making: 

Name of Book Publisher/Author
Jabbing the XAT (with solved papers) RK Jha
Target XAT (Past papers and mock tests) Disha Publications
Analytical and Logical Reasoning Arihant Publications
XAT Supplement  Career Launcher
Wiley's ExamXpert Solved Papers and Practice Tests for XAT  Ashu Jain, M K Jain
Study Package for CAT & other MBA Entrance Exams with 10 Mock Tests 3rd Edition Multiple Authors
MBA Study Guide (XAT|IIFT|NMAT|SNAP|CMAT)  Gautam Puri
XAT Simplified (Past Papers + 5 Mock Tests + General Awareness) Disha Experts

Check Section-wise Preparation Books for XAT 2023 

XAT DM Paper Analysis

XAT Previous Year Exam Analysis for Decision Making: Difficulty Level & Good Attempts

As there is no fixed syllabus for XAT DM section, going through the questions asked in previous year papers is the best way to prepare for the decision making section. XAT Decision Making Paper Analysis for 2022 is given below:

  • All questions were objective-type MCQs. Each question had 5 options out of which only one was correct.
  • There were a total of 21 questions- 7 sets with 3 questions each.
  • Attempting 16-17 questions was considered good for XAT DM section.
  • Overall, the questions were of easy-moderate difficulty level and did not require too much analysis.

A detailed analysis of the decision making section for 2022 session stating the important topics, difficulty level, and the number of good attempts is given below:

DM Passage Topics

Number of Questions

Difficulty Level Good Attempts



Moderate 2-3

Doctor SUV


Easy-Moderate 2-3



Moderate 1-2

A2Z Engineering


Easy-Moderate 2-3

Future Leaders School


Easy-Moderate 2-3

Assignment Submission


Moderate 1-2
Passage 7 3 Moderate 1-2



Easy-Moderate 17-18

Check detailed XAT Previous Year Exam Analysis

XAT Decision Making Section Analysis for past years (2021-2015)

An analysis of the number and types of questions asked in XAT Decision Making section from 2021 to 2015 is given below:

Year  XAT Decision Making Section Analysis
2021 4 sets with 3 MCQs each on Business Decision Making and 3 sets with 3 MCQs each on Ethical Dilemmas
2020 Questions of moderate level with no singlets made this section easy. Mathematical or analytical reasoning questions were missing and 16 - 17 would be a good attempt. 
2019 18 questions were of moderate difficulty level. 3 questions were similar to that of the previous year.
2018 The mathematical part was on the easier side and the non-mathematical part consisted of 8 sets with 2 - 3 questions from each with a medium level of difficulty. 
2017 The non-mathematical part consisted of mostly lengthy questions of medium-level difficulty. The mathematical part was of medium-difficult level. 
2016 XAT Decision Making section had a similar difficulty level as 2017. Reading and interpretation passages were however smaller. 
2015 Questions from the DM section were hard and difficult to solve. 

XAT Decision Making Preparation Tips

XAT Decision Making (DM) Preparation: Tips to Solve XAT DM Questions

In order to excel in XAT 2023 exam, candidates need to score well in the decision making section. Hence an appropriate strategy is essential to attempt XAT Decision Making questions.

Here are some tips for preparing for and solving Decision Making section for XAT 2023: 

  • Solve XAT Previous Year Question Papers to get an understanding of the type and difficulty level of questions.
  • It is always advisable to opt for the most ethical choice while answering decision making questions. 
  • Decisions which are harmful to others or provide a short-term solution are highly likely to be incorrect. 
  • You will often find an option in which the individual does not take any action or make a decision, thereby keeping the situation as it originally was. Such options must be eliminated as they defeat the very purpose of decision making.
  • While solving mock papers, if you come across a problem you could not solve, try to understand why the incorrect options were not the solution to the problem. Doing this will help you eliminate incorrect options faster.
  • If you are confused between two or more options, choose the one that would provide maximum benefit while causing minimum damage at the same time. 
  • Avoid making personal decisions or options that you might favor over idealistic options. Think from the point of view of the characters. Do not let political, social, or economical views influence your answer. 
  • Never opt for extreme decisions which might result in affecting one or more people negatively, as these decisions show only poor management skills. 
  • Always make decisions based on logic and reason rather than emotions. Decisions based on emotions reflect poorly on your ability to provide a just solution. 

Must Read: XAT Preparation Strategy & Plan

Mistakes To Avoid While Attempting XAT DM Section

  • Not Reading the Given Options Carefully: Reading all the given options is mandatory to arrive at the most suitable answer. There might be questions where the options could be confusing, hence it is necessary to read all the given options carefully and try eliminating the wrong answers.
  • Spending Excess Time on One Question: Never spend more than 90 seconds on any particular question. If you are unable to grasp the need of the question, you better leave it and save time for the other questions.
  • Misinterpreting the Question: It is very likely in XAT DM section to end up misinterpreting the question due to too many propositions for a given situation. Further, if a candidate misreads the question and skips certain important terms like critically analyze, not a conclusive decision, most appropriate, weakens the argument, etc., would end up marking the wrong answers.
  • Rushing Through the Data Set: Candidates are advised not to rush through the data given in the questions. Read the given data carefully and then analyze the demand of the question before jumping to definite conclusions. Missing out on even a single word/ phrase can lead to incorrect decisions.

XAT Decision Making Mock Test 2023

XAT Mock Test is made available by XLRI on the official website i.e. xatonline.in. The mock test is as per the updated paper pattern and will comprise 22 questions from DM, 28 questions from QADI, 26 questions from VALR, 25 from GK, and 1 essay. Registered candidates can access the mock by logging in on the website using their XAT id and password generated during XAT 2023 registration.

The benefits of taking XAT 2023 Mock Test include:

  1. XAT mock tests will assist in getting a clear understanding of the difficulty level and type of questions, marking scheme, etc.
  2. Mock test will help in revision and in identifying the topics that need more study and practice.
  3. Taking the mock test will help in improving time management and online test-taking skills.

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XAT Decision Making FAQs

XAT Decision Making 2023 FAQs

Ques. How many questions will be asked in XAT Decision Making 2023? 

Ans. 22 multiple-choice questions will be asked in XAT Decision Making 2023. Mostly, the paper will comprise 6-7 caselets with 3-4 questions each. Also, every question will have 5 options.

Ques: What is the time limit for attempting XAT decision making section?

Ans. The comprehensive time limit for attempting the first 3 sections in part 1 of the paper is 175 mins. Part 1 of XAT exam includes Decision Making, Verbal & Logical Ability, and Quant & DI There is no separate sectional time limit for XAT decision making. It is advised to allocate 35 minutes to XAT decision making section.

Ques: Are candidates allowed to switch between sections in XAT exam? 

Ans. Yes, candidates can switch between sections in part 1 of XAT question paper. However, only after completing all 3 sections of part 1 (VALR, DM, and QADI), candidates can move on to the part 2 and then to part 3 sections of GK and essay. 

Ques. What is considered a good attempt in XAT Decision Making section? 

Ans. While it varies every year depending on the difficulty of the paper and other sections, generally a good attempt in XAT Decision Making is 15-17 questions with 95% accuracy. 

Ques. Are XAT Decision Making questions tough?

Ans. XAT Decision Making questions do not require any theoretical or mathematical knowledge to solve. They are based on behavioral and managerial decision making which require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The questions provide various outcomes or solutions to the given situation and you just have to pick the most appropriate option.

Ques. What are the tricks to solve XAT Decision Making questions?

Ans. Solving XAT DM questions involves choosing the best solution to a given problem or finding the best alternative to a situation. Given below are the tricks to solve XAT DM questions correctly:

  • Every question has multiple stakeholders. Identify all of them and analyze the questions from each stakeholder’s point of interest. Options with one-sided viewpoints should be ignored.
  • Options that benefit the majority should be chosen.
  • Don’t choose options based on personal opinions or bias.
  • Options that provide unethical or unrealistic solutions should be outrightly rejected.

Ques. Does XAT Decision Making have negative marking?

Ans. Yes, XAT Decision Making negative marking is 25% of the total marks allocated to a question. Each question is worth 1 mark, hence, the negative marking for every incorrect answer is 0.25 marks. Also, for every unattempted question after 8 unanswered questions, 0.10 marks are deducted.

Ques. Are XAT previous year question papers enough for XAT Decision Making preparation?

Ans. XAT previous year question papers are the best source to prepare for the decision making section as there are no specific topics to study. What matters in XAT DM preparation is practicing as many sample question papers, previous year papers, and mock tests. One should solve at least 2-3 Decision Making question papers every day.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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