XAT Mock Test 2023 (Out): Check Direct Link to Take Official Mock Test

XAT Mock Test 2023 has been released by XLRI Jamshedpur on Dec 27, 2022. Successfully registered candidates can access the same on the official website by entering their login ID and password. Attempting XAT Mock Test will help the candidates in getting familiar with the actual paper pattern.

XAT 2023 mock test will have 100 MCQs divided into 4 sections (DM, VALR, QADI, GK) and 1 essay. The essay writing section has been introduced again and this has led to an increase in the exam duration from 180 to 190 minutes. Check Revised XAT 2023 Exam Pattern

xat mock test official

For the first part, candidates will be given 165 minutes and for the second part (GK & Essay), 25 minutes will be given. Candidates must also download previous years’ XAT Question Papers with solutions for last-minute preparations. Download XAT Previous Year Question Papers

How to Take XAT 2023 Mock Test?

Candidates need to follow the below-mentioned steps to take XAT 2023 Mock Test:

  • Visit the official XAT 2023 website- xatonline.in
  • Click on the “Mock Test” button above the navigation bar.
  • Enter your login credentials used during registration (XAT login ID and password) and then you can start the test.
XAT 2022 Mock Test

XAT 2023 Mock Test: Revised Exam Pattern & Marking Scheme

In order to take XAT mock test free, candidates must familiarize themselves with the revised XAT 2023 exam pattern.

  • The duration of XAT exam has been increased by 10 minutes to 190 minutes.
  • The paper is divided into 2 parts; part 1 and part 2. It is an online exam.
  • Syllabus for XAT 2023 includes Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation, Decision Making, General Knowledge, and Essay Writing. 
  • Time limit for part 1 is 165 minutes for all 3 sections combined and candidates can switch from one section to another. 
  • Time limit for part 2 (GK and Essay Writing) is 25 minutes.
  • Negative marking for incorrect response is applicable (-0.25 marks) only for part 1. For part 2, there is no negative marking. 
  • There are 5 options for each question in XAT. 
Part Section  Number of Questions  Time limit  Negative Marking
Part 1 Verbal and Logical Ability 26 165 minutes  Yes 
Decision Making 21 Yes 
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 28 Yes 
Part 2 General Knowledge 25 25 minutes  No 
Essay Writing 1 No

Must Read: XAT Preparation Tips, Study Material, and Topper's Tips

Why Solve XAT Mock Tests?

Let us understand how solving mock tests before appearing for the actual exam can be beneficial to all aspirants:

  • Mock exams will prepare candidates for the XAT 2023 test and help aspirants familiarize themselves with XAT. 
  • After revising each chapter, it is vital to put the learning to test. Mock exams test a candidate’s application capability to the fullest. 
  • XAT is a test of not just your aptitude, but also the pace at which you can solve the problems. The more you practice, the faster you get and the higher number of questions you can attempt. 
  • By solving mock test questions, you will be able to assess yourself; the topics which you are good at, and topics that need improvement. This way you can focus on your weaknesses.
  • Solving more mock papers means covering a wider range of probable questions. This will help you cover every possible type of problem that might have otherwise been a challenge.
  • Solving mock tests will help you understand the tricks and shortcuts to identify correct options. Since the time limit does not allow candidates to attempt all questions, some can be answered by guesswork. 
  • Candidates often score less than what they deserve due to stress and panic in the exam hall. Solving mock tests help them gain confidence. 
  • Mock tests help candidates to revise the entire syllabus at once. If you hate learning something which you already learned, mock tests are for you!

Must Read:

How to Answer XAT Online Mock Tests?

Candidates must familiarize themselves with the online test rules and regulations before taking the exam.

  • The test comprises 2 parts. Part 1 has 3 sections that need to be attempted in 165 minutes. For PwD category candidates, 55 minutes extra are allotted for part 1.
  • Once the mock test starts, the timer on the top right corner of the screen will also start. On completion of 165 mins, the timer will be 00:00 and part 1 will be locked and the candidates will be directed to part 2 for which 25 minutes will be provided.
  • Questions will be displayed on the left side of the screen and questions set in a box on the right side. Candidates can jump from one question to another by clicking on the question number. 
  • Candidates can select the “next question” option to answer the question succeeding it or the “previous question” option to answer the one preceding it. 
  • If you are not sure of the answer you opted for, use the “erase” button at the bottom of the screen to eliminate the response. 
  • In order to review a particular response, click on the “tag” option and bookmark the same. You can also de-tag if needed.
  • The status of every question will be displayed in the question box in which all question numbers are color-coded. 
Color on Question Number Significance
Gray You have not visited the question
Red You have visited the question but not answered it
Green You answered the question but have not flagged it as marked for review
Purple You have not answered the question but flagged it as marked for review
Purple with Green You answered the question as well as flagged it as marked for review

Tips to Answer Each Section

There are a few tricks to scoring higher marks in XAT. Candidates might find the following tips helpful while answering questions from the given sections:

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: 

  • Solve non-RC questions such as para jumbles and grammar first and try not to spend a lot of time on questions that you are completely unfamiliar with.
  • Attempting to answer all questions would be futile. A good attempt would be 7 - 8 questions out of 12.
  • Do not spend more than 50 minutes out of 165 minutes for VA. For vocabulary and parajumbles 10 - 15 minutes should suffice and for RC, 30 minutes are adequate.

Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation:

  • Use your reading time wisely to figure out the questions you are familiar with so that not much time is not spent on problems that you would not be able to solve.
  • As questions from these sections will be mostly mathematical, try to calculate using shortcuts, tricks, and formulas. 
  • For DI questions, do not make any assumptions and try to stick strictly to what is written in the problem

Decision Making:

  • Always opt for the most ethical choice over options that provide short-term solutions or do not solve everyone’s problems.
  • Options in which no action is being taken or the situation does not change for the better must be avoided as these are not solutions.
  • Do not choose options that reflect your personal opinions. Don't let your political, social, or economical ideologies reflect on your answer.

General Knowledge:

  • Avoid spending a lot of time on a question with which you are not familiar. Overthinking will not solve a problem. 
  • As there is no negative marking in this section, you can go for guesswork on a few questions. 
  • Despite the fact that there is no negative marking for XAT GK, avoid spending more than 30 seconds on one question. 

XAT Mock Test FAQs

Ques. When will the XAT 2023 exam be conducted?

Ans. XAT 2023 exam will be conducted on January 8, 2023, in online CBT mode. 

Ques. Does XAT have any official mock tests to solve?

Ans. Yes, candidates who have registered themselves for the exam can log in with their credentials on the official website to solve mock test papers. 

Ques. What are some tips to solve XAT Verbal ability and reading comprehension?

Ans. Some tips to solve XAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension include solving non-RC questions first such as para jumbles and grammar, not spending a lot of time on questions that you are completely unfamiliar with, Attempting to answer 7 - 8 questions out of 12 instead of all.

Ques. What are some tips to solve XAT Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation?

Ans. Some tips to solve XAT Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation include using your reading time wisely to figure out the questions you are familiar with, trying to calculate using shortcuts, tricks and formulas and for DI questions, do not make any assumptions, and try to stick strictly to what is written in the problem. 

Ques. What are some tips to solve XAT Decision Making questions?

Ans. Tips to solve XAT decision making include opting for the most ethical choice over options that provide short-term solutions or not solve everyone’s problems, avoiding options in which no action is being taken or the situation does not change for the better, not choosing options that reflect your personal opinions. Don't let your political, social, or economical ideologies reflect on your answer, and avoid choosing extreme decisions or decisions which solve a problem partially. Implement more logic and less emotion. 

Ques. Is solving mock tests enough for the XAT exam?

Ans. XAT is an exam that tests your concepts and aptitude. It is vital to clear your basics before appearing for XAT or similar competitive exams. So solving mock tests should only suffice if you can solve all problems irrespective of the difficulty level. 

Ques. If I am preparing for CAT, do I have to prepare separately for XAT?

Ans. Level of difficulty of XAT is higher than that of CAT. Candidates who can solve higher-level problems of CAT can avoid similar topics in XAT but not otherwise.