XAT Exam Pattern 2023 (Revised): Marking Scheme, Section-wise Pattern, Duration, Syllabus, Books

XAT Exam Pattern 2023 has been revised by XLRI. This year, XLRI has introduced a mock keyboard test of 5 minutes in part 2 and shifted the GK and essay writing sections in part 3 of the paper. Also, the number of questions is increased in the DM section from 21 to 22.

  • XAT 2023 question paper has a total of 105 questions. Out of these, 101 are MCQs from 4 sections- Decision making (22), Verbal & Logical Ability (26), Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation (28), and General Knowledge (25). The essay writing section has subjective-type questions (1 to be attempted out of 3 questions). Check XAT 2023 Syllabus
  • XAT exam duration is 210 minutes- 175 minutes for Part 1 (DM, VALR, and QADI), 5 minutes for Part 2, and 30 minutes for Part 3 (GK and Essay).
  • The candidates must note that there is a penalty of 0.10 mark per question after 8 unattempted questions in XAT question paper.
  • XAT aspirants must prepare as per the updated XAT test pattern and focus on revision and solving more sample papers and mock tests. Check XAT Preparation Tips

XAT Exam Pattern 2023: Key Changes Introduced

XAT Exam Pattern has been updated and as per the new paper pattern, there are 3 parts in XAT 2023 exam. XAT Exam pattern has undergone the below-mentioned important changes:

  • Essay Writing section has been clubbed with the GK section in Part 3. 30 minutes have been given for this part instead of the earlier 25 minutes.
  • All questions except the essay will be MCQs. A total of 101 MCQs will be asked in the paper- 76 in Part 1 and 25 in Part 3.
  • Scores obtained in GK will not be included in the calculation of the final XAT score.
  • XAT paper time duration has been increased from 190 minutes to 210 minutes.

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XAT Exam Pattern Highlights

XAT Exam Pattern 2023 Highlights

Feature Details
XAT Exam Mode Computer Based Test
Total Number of Questions 105
Total Marks 100 (Essay writing section will be evaluated only if the candidates get shortlisted for the PI round)
XAT Exam Sections

Part 1:

  • Verbal and Logical Ability
  • Decision Making
  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation

Part 2:

  • Mock Keyboard Testing

Part 3:

  • General Knowledge
  • Essay Writing
Duration of XAT Exam 210 minutes (3.30 hours)
Sectional Time Limit Yes, Part 1- 175 minutes, Part 2- 5 minutes, and Part 3- 30 minutes
Medium of XAT Exam English
Type of Questions MCQs
Number of Answer Choices 5
XAT Marking Pattern
  • +1 mark for a correct answer
  • - 0.25 mark for an incorrect answer
  • Beyond 8 unanswered questions, 0.05 marks will be deducted for each unanswered question.
Questions without Negative Marking No Negative Marking for GK Section
XAT Exam Sections Included in Percentile Calculation 3 sections only: GK is not considered for percentile calculation

Must Read News

XAT Section-wise Pattern

XAT 2023 Sectional Exam Pattern

As per XAT paper patternXAT test paper is divided into three parts.

  • Candidates can move to the GK section, after completing the first 2 parts in the initial 180 minutes.
  • There is no sectional limit for the first 3 sections of XAT paper. 
  • Candidates can switch between sections in part 1 of the paper.
XAT Previous Years' Section-wise Question Distribution

The sectional XAT exam pattern is given below including the number of questions and the time duration:

Part Section Name Max. Questions Max. Marks Time Limit
Part 1 Verbal and Logical Ability 26 26 175 minutes
Decision Making 22 22
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 28 28
Part 2 Mock Keyboard Testing - - 5 minutes
Part 3 General Knowledge 25 25 30 minutes
Essay Writing 3 (1 to be attempted) Essay will be evaluated after the candidates is shortlisted for the PI round.
Total - 105 100 210 minutes

XAT Verbal and Logical Ability Pattern

The Verbal and Logical Ability section of XAT 2023 comprises 26 objective-type questions.

  • XAT Verbal & Logical Ability section will include questions from topics of grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and critical reasoning.
  • Around 4 RC passages with 3 questions each will be asked. The verbal ability section will have 8 to 10 questions.
  • The level of difficulty is generally moderate to difficult.
  • Important Topics from VARC & LR are:
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Para Jumbles
    • Para Completion
    • Vocabulary
    • Analogy
    • Critical Reasoning
    • Statements and Assumptions

XAT Decision Making Pattern

Considered one of the prominent sections in XAT exam pattern, candidates should score fairly well in decision making to make it to XLRI.

  • A total of 22 questions will be asked from decision making with 6 sets carrying 3 MCQs each and 1 set with 4 MCQs.
  • The level of difficulty of this section is moderate.
  • Important topics are Short caselets, Analytical Reasoning, Situational sets, Data Arrangement Sets, Business Decision Making

Check XAT Syllabus for Decision Making

XAT Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation Pattern

A total of 28 questions will be asked from the Quant and DI section as per the latest XAT exam pattern. There will be individual questions along with DI sets.

  • A total of 4 DI sets will be asked in the form of graphs, charts, tables, and caselets. Each DI set will have 3 questions.
  • Based on previous year exam analysis, the difficulty level of XAT 2023 QADI is expected to be high.
  • Questions in QA are mostly asked from the below-mentioned topics:
    • Algebra- 4-6 questions
    • Geometry- 2-3 questions
    • Arithmetic- 5-6 questions
    • Number System- 2-3 questions
    • Mensuration- 1-2 questions

Check XAT Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation

XAT General Knowledge Pattern

XAT GK section is the most dynamic as there is no defined set of questions that can be asked. The scope of XAT GK questions is vast and needs rigorous preparation.

  • 25 questions are asked in the GK section of XAT exam that must be attempted in 30 minutes along with the essay writing section.
  • Based on the analysis of previous year papers, questions from static GK and current affairs will be in the ratio 60:40.
  • A key feature of this section is that marks obtained are not taken into account while calculating XAT scores.
  • Important topics include Politics, History, Sports, Nation and States, Business, Economics, International Relations, Society. 

Check XAT Syllabus for General Knowledge

XAT Essay Writing

XAT Essay Writing section was reintroduced in 2022 after 3 years. XLRI had removed the essay section in 2019.

  • XAT essay writing section is clubbed with the GK section in part 2 of the paper. 30 minutes will be given to attempt both the GK section and write a short essay of not more than 250 words.
  • The topics could either be based on current affairs, social & economic issues or could be abstract & thought-provoking. Tabulated below are the essay topics of past 16 years’ XAT exam:
Year XAT Exam Essay Topics
  • Capitalism and democracy follow different logics
  • Candidates with stellar academic record are preferred by B-schools for admission but they make average managers
2018 Ethical Practices and Sustainability: Do they co-exist?
2017 Globalization and Jingoism always coexist
2016 Technology and Nature are natural enemies
2015 Listening is a dying art. We hardly listen to understand. We only listen to refute or reply.
2014 The most beautiful thing can neither be seen nor be touched but can only be felt
2013 Corruption is the root cause of economic slowdown in India
2012 Government is not addressing the root cause of poverty Or, Government is not able to implement the policies properly due to the huge magnitude of poverty
2011 The statesman who would attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted to no council and senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.
2010 Earth provides enough to satisfy everybody's need but not everybody's greed
2009 The Inherent vice of Capitalism is unequal sharing of blessings and the inherent virtue of Socialism is equal sharing of misery
2008 Gender Imbalance would lead to Third World War
2007 Economic growth without environmental damage – a mirage or a reality
2006 India has one of the largest pools of talented manpower, but few innovations and patented products
2005 More than one billion Indians: A gigantic problem or a sea of opportunities
2004 Asked at the age of 83, as to which of his project would he choose as his master piece, Frank Lloyd Wright, the architect answered, "The next one"
2003 To give real service, one needs to add something that cannot be bought or measured, like sincerity and integrity

XAT 2023 Marking Scheme

XAT exam marking scheme 2023 is the same as last year. Candidates must make note of the following points regarding XAT Marking Scheme 2023:

  • There will be a total of 101 MCQs in XAT paper carrying 1 mark each.
  • XAT GK section will not have negative marking for incorrect answers
  • The scores obtained in the GK section will not be counted for calculating the final XAT Score.
Number of Questions 100
Marks awarded for every correct answer +1
Marks deducted for every wrong answer in XAT VALR, QADI, and DM sections -0.25
Marks deducted for unattempted questions -0.10 per question for 8 unattempted questions
XAT Exam Duration

XAT 2023 Exam Duration: Overall & Sectional Time Limit

  • XAT 2023 exam duration is 210 minutes- 175 minutes for part 1, 5 minutes for part 2, and 30 minutes for part 3. 
  • There will be no sectional time limits for VALR, QADI, and DM sections in part 1 of the question paper.
Part  Section Overall & Sectional Exam Duration
1 Verbal & Logical Ability No Sectional Time Limit
Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation No Sectional Time Limit
Decision Making No Sectional Time Limit
Overall Part 1 175 minutes
2 Mock Keyboard Testing 5 minutes
3 General Knowledge No Sectional Time Limit
Essay Writing No Sectional Time Limit
Overall Part 3 30 minutes

People Also Ask

Ques. Is there any negative marking in XAT exam?

Ans. Yes, there is a provision of negative marking in XAT exam. For every incorrect response, 0.25 marks are deducted. However, negative marking is applicable only to the 76 questions in part 1 of the paper. GK section does not have negative marking.

Ques. In which languages is XAT exam conducted?

Ans. XAT exam is conducted only in the English language. All the question in XAT question paper are in english only.  

Ques. Which section will have the maximum questions in XAT 2023 question paper?

Ans. Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation section will have the maximum questions in XAT question paper, i.e. 28. VALR, DM, and GK sections will have 26, 22, and 25 questions respectively.

Ques. What will be the format of questions in XAT 2023 exam?

Ans. XAT question paper will comprise 101 MCQs and 1 descriptive essay question. Each question will have 5 options out of which only 1 will be correct. 

Ques. What is considered a good attempt in XAT exam?

Ans. The number of good attempts depends on the difficulty level of the exam and XLRI XAT Cut off is generally in the range of 91 to 95. Hence, attempting 60+ questions will be considered a good attempt in a moderate-difficult exam to clear the cut offs.

XAT Syllabus

XAT Syllabus 2023

Changes have been introduced in XAT test pattern and syllabus and hence, It is extremely important to go through the entire syllabus and exam pattern for XAT 2023 to understand the important topics and devise a preparation strategy accordingly. Given below is the section-wise XAT Syllabus 2023:

Sections Important topics
Decision Making Complex Arrangement, Caselets, Arrangement of data, Grouping, Assumptions, Premises, Conclusions, etc.
Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation Number System, Geometry, Mensuration, Percentage, Surds and Indices, Arithmetic, Algebra, Mensuration, Bar Diagrams, Pie Charts, Tables, Data Interpretation, etc.
Verbal and Logical Ability Para jumbles, Verbal reasoning, Critical Reasoning, Error Detection, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Analogy, Fill in the Blanks
General Knowledge Management, Important personalities, Science & Technology, Economy, Politics, Static GK, Sports, Prizes and Awards, World, Government, Constitution of India, etc
Essay Writing A short essay of 250 word on any topic- abstract, social & economic affairs, business & management, current events around the world, national policies, and decision making.

Check XAT Syllabus 2023 in detail

XAT Preparation Books

Best Books for XAT 2023 Preparation

Books play an important role in preparation for XAT exam. It is very important to choose the right books for preparing according to the latest XAT exam pattern and ensure comprehensive preparation for XAT 2023 test. Given below are some recommended books as per the updated paper pattern and syllabus for candidates preparing for XAT 2023.

Preparation Books for XAT Verbal & Logical Ability

XAT English Preparation Books
Book name Author
How to Prepare for VARC for CAT Arun Sharma
Verbal Ability and Comprehension for XAT  Bharat Patodi
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning R S Aggarwal
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
Koncepts of LR – Logical Reasoning for CAT, XAT, CMAT, Bank PO & Other Aptitude Tests Gajendra Verma

Preparation Books for XAT Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

XAT Quantitative Ability Books
Book name Author
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R S Aggarwal
How to Prepare for QA for CAT Arun Sharma
Quantitative Aptitude Simplified for XAT Deepak Agarwal
Concepts of Numbers for XAT and Other Aptitude exams (Old Edition) Gajendra Kumar
Quantum CAT S K Verma

Preparation Books for XAT General Knowledge

Books play an important role in the life of students. It is very important to choose the right books for proper preparation. Given below are some recommended books for candidates preparing for XAT 2023:

XAT Important Books
Book name Author
Lucent’s Objective General Knowledge Lucents
General Knowledge Arihant
IIFT & XAT (GK Compendium)  Career Launcher

Target XAT (Past Papers + 5 Mock Tests)

Disha Publications
XAT Solved Papers 2008-2022  Career Launcher
Jabbing the XAT R.K Jha

Recommended Magazines

Reading magazines is a fun way to boost your vocabulary and stay updated with topics for general awareness. 

  • Competition Success
  • India Today
  • Business World
  • Business Line by The Hindu Group

Check Best Books for XAT Preparation 2023 (Section Wise)

XAT Exam Pattern over the last 6 years

XAT Previous Year Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme (2016-2022)

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Total Questions 101 100 100 99 98 98 104
Duration 3 hours 10 minutes 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours
Mode of Exam Online Online Online Online Online Offline Offline
Type of Questions 100 MCQs + 1 Descriptive Essay 100 MCQs 100 MCQs 99 MCQs 97 MCQs + 1 Descriptive 97 MCQs + 1 Descriptive 103 MCQs + 1 Descriptive
Answer Options 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Level of Difficulty Moderate to High Moderate to High Moderate to High Moderate to High Moderate to High Moderate to High High
Total Sections


3+1 3+1 3+1 3+2 3+2 3+2
Distribution of Questions

VALR- 26

DM- 21

QADI- 28

GK- 25

Essay- 1

VALR – 26

DM – 21

QA & DI – 28 

GK – 25

VALR - 26

DM - 21

QA & DI - 28

GK - 25

VALR - 26

DM - 21

QA & DI - 27

GK - 25

VALR - 24

DM - 21

QA & DI - 27

GK - 25

Essay- 1

VALR - 24

DM - 21

QA & DI - 27

GK - 25

Essay- 1

VALR - 26

DM - 23

QA & DI - 29

GK - 25

Essay- 1

Marks deducted for unattempted questions 0.10 marks per question are deducted for more than 8 unattempted questions 0.10 marks per question are deducted for more than 8 unattempted questions 0.10 marks per question are deducted for more than 8 unattempted questions 0.05 marks per question are deducted for more than 8 unattempted questions 0.05 marks per question are deducted for more than 8 unattempted questions 0.05 marks per question are deducted for more than 12 unattempted questions 0.05 marks per question are deducted for more than 13 unattempted questions

XAT Paper Analysis: Difficulty Level & Good Attempts

Going through the analysis of XAT paper is essential to get an idea of the difficulty level of every section, XAT paper pattern, and the number of good attempts:

Section Difficulty Level Good Attempts Suggested Time (in minutes)
Verbal & Logical Ability Moderate 14-15 35-40
Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation Moderate-Difficult 16-18 40-45
Decision Making Moderate 11-14 40-45
General Awareness Moderate 9-11 10-15
Essay Moderate - 15-20
Total Moderate 50-58 210

Check the detailed section-wise analysis of XAT previous years’ paper

XAT Preparation Tips

XAT 2023 Preparation Tips

  • Allot considerable time to each section and try to follow this as it will help you to attempt maximum questions accurately. Solve maximum questions from each topic of each section to get hold of the entire syllabus.
  • Devote extra time on reviewing questions which you are not confident about and practice them again and again.
  • The reading comprehension part of the Verbal Ability section is an area where candidates can score well. So, practice as many RC passages as possible to score well.
  • Focus on attempting sectional mock tests within the stipulated time to prepare thoroughly for XAT 2023 exam. 
  • Join a good XAT coaching institute to clear your concepts.
  • Candidates should take 2 mock tests at least once a week. It will help increase speed and accuracy for answering well in XAT exam. 

Check XAT Preparation Tips and Study Plan

Important Instructions for XAT 2023 Exam

Candidates have to follow the instructions while taking the XAT Exam. The instructions are important for the changed XAT exam pattern and will help you to take the computer-based exam easily.

  • For time management, a timer will be present on the right-hand side corner of the computer screen.
  • No specified sequence has to be followed by the candidates while answering the questions.
  • While responding to the questions, you will get options for checking the count of attempted and unattempted questions. 

Candidates can change their response to another option if needed. Also, you can answer the questions in any sequence but you can see only one question at a time.  There are a few more instructions that should be taken into consideration are:

  • They can select the option of ‘Next Question’ or ‘Previous Question’ to move on to different questions.
  • The ‘Erase’ button at the bottom of the screen can be used to change the response. 
  • To review a particular question, candidates can use the ‘tag’ option to bookmark it and later ‘detag’ the same, if required. 
  • To know the status of every question, there is a color palette on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Different colors against the question status they represent are as follows:
On-Screen Feature Interpretation
Yellow  The question hasn't been answered and kept for review
Purple  The question has been answered and marked for review
White  The question hasn't been answered
Green  The question has been answered

Most of the selections made by the candidate will be in autosave mode. You must make sure that questions marked for review or attempted will be considered attempted unless you use the ‘erase’ option on them. After finishing the exam you can use the ‘Preview Submit’ Button to view their responses. Candidates can only leave the exam hall after the completion of 190 minutes. 

XAT 2023 Mock Test

XLRI releases the official XAT 2023 mock test on the official website. The questions give a fair idea about what can be expected in XAT exam. This paper has a time duration of 210 minutes. The sections include Verbal and Logical Ability, Decision Making, Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation, General Knowledge, and Essay Writing. Practicing XAT 2023 Mock Paper, along with the sample papers, helps you enhance your speed and accuracy. They help you manage your time properly. 

Check XAT Mock Test

XAT Exam Pattern FAQs

XAT Exam Pattern FAQs

Ques. Have any changes been introduced in the overall XAT exam pattern compared to last year?

Ans. The overall exam pattern for XAT has undergone certain changes like:

  • Part 2 introduced as mock keyboard test.
  • The essay writing test has been reintroduced along with the GK section in part 3.
  • Duration has been increased from 190 to 210 minutes.
  • GK section not to be considered for percentile calculation.
  • The number of questions in DM section has been increased from 21 to 22.

Ques. What is the syllabus for the GK section of XAT? How do I prepare for it?

Ans. GK questions for XAT can be based on Politics, History, Sports, Nation and States, Business, Literature, Economics, International Relations, Society. To prepare for the same, candidates must devote some time to current affairs every day, leaving the GK to section preparation for the last is a mistake that most candidates commit and it causes unnecessary stress. Candidates can read newspapers or watch daily current affairs on various news channels to remain updated. Good command over GK will be immensely helpful for the Group Discussion round. Check XAT Syllabus

Ques. Will the candidates be able to choose the order of attempting sections during XAT exam?

Ans. Yes, the applicants can choose any section in Part 1 of XAT question paper, to begin with. However, the GK section can be attempted by the candidates after they’re done with the first 3 sections in part 1. 

Ques. Will there be an essay section in XAT 2023?

Ans. Yes, XAT 2023 will have the essay writing section. Essay Section was removed from XAT Exam Pattern in 2019 but it was reintroduced in XAT 2022 exam. 

Ques. What will be the duration of XAT 2023 exam?

Ans. XAT 2023 exam duration will be 3 hours 30 minutes- 175 minutes for Part 1 (VARC, DM, and Quant), 5 minutes for Part 2, and 30 minutes for Part 3 comprising GK & Essay Writing sections. Candidates must note that there will be no sectional time limit for the 3 sections in Part 1 of XAT question paper 2023.

Ques. Will there be any sectional time limit as per the latest XAT test pattern?

Ans. First, 3 sections have to be completed in 175 minutes, while 30 minutes will be given for the GK & Essay section. Apart from this division in time, there is no separate time limit for VARC, DM, and Quant sections in Part 1 of the paper.

Ques. Will the candidates have access to an on-screen calculator?

Ans. No, the candidates will not be given access to the on-screen calculator. Hence, candidates must practice calculations well and make sure that they go through the short tricks for faster calculation. Being thorough with topics like Divisibility, squares & square roots, cubes & cube roots, ratio-percentage conversions, profit & loss formulas, alligations, and Number system concepts help in doing calculations in a short amount of time.

Ques. What sections will be there in XAT 2023 exam?

Ans. As per the updated XAT Exam Pattern, the 2023 exam will comprise these sections:

  • Verbal and Logical Ability
  • Decision Making
  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation
  • General Knowledge
  • Essay Writing

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure


Note: Additional Fees INR 200

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