XAT GK 2023: Syllabus, Important Topics, Questions, Paper Analysis, Preparation

XAT GK is the most dynamic of all the sections of XAT exam. XAT GK section comprises 25 objective-type questions from a wide variety of topics like banking, economy, history, business, and current affairs.

  • In XAT GK section, around 60-70% of questions are from static GK and 20-30% from current affairs. XAT GK questions are direct and do not require any reasoning or analytical skills to solve. Check XAT Previous Year Exam Analysis
  • As per XAT 2023 GK Marking Scheme, there will be no negative marking for wrong answers and 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer. Also, 0.10 marks per question will be deducted for more than 8 unanswered questions in XAT 2023 exam. Check XAT 2023 Exam Pattern
  • It is important to know that scores obtained in General Knowledge (GK) section for XAT 2023 will not be considered in the calculation of the final XAT score and percentile. However, XAT GK scores will be considered during the final selection. Check XAT Cut off
  • To begin with XAT GK preparation 2023, one should refer to static general knowledge books by Lucent’s or Arihant and solve the previous year's XAT GK questions. Check Best Books for XAT Preparation
  • Apart from GK, XAT 2023 will have 4 other sections- VALR (26 questions), DM (22 questions), QADI (28 questions), and Essay (1 descriptive question). Check XAT 2023 Syllabus

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XAT GK Highlights

XAT GK 2023 Highlights

XAT GK 2023 pattern and syllabus have remained largely the same throughout the years. Being thorough with all the details of XAT GK section is extremely crucial for preparation, as it will help in devising a clear strategy for preparation. Here is the detailed information on XAT General Knowledge Pattern and Marking Scheme for your reference: 

  • XAT 2023 exam duration will be 210 minutes- 175 minutes for part 1, 5 minutes for Part 2, and 30 minutes for XAT GK and essay.
  • XAT General Knowledge section will have a total of 25 multiple-choice questions having 5 options each
  • There will be no negative marks for the incorrect answers in XAT General Knowledge section. 
XAT General Knowledge (GK)
Particulars Details
Mode  Computer Based Test
Duration 30 minutes (along with the essay)
Nature of Questions Objective (MCQs)
Number of Questions 25
Total Marks 25
Marks Awarded +1 for every correct answer
Negative Marking No Negative Marking for XAT General Knowledge Section
Medium English
Considered for Percentile Calculation No

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XAT Exam Pattern

XAT Exam Pattern 2023

XAT Exam Pattern has undergone a few changes with the reintroduction of the essay writing section in part 3 of the paper. Here is the sectional division of the questions and the time limit for each section of XAT: 

Section Name Max. Questions Time Limit
Verbal and Logical Ability 26 175 minutes
Decision Making 22
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 27
General Knowledge 25 30 minutes
Essay 1

Check Top XAT Coaching Institutes to Boost your Preparation

GK Syllabus

XAT GK Syllabus 2023

To score well in the GK section of XAT 2023 exam, a candidate will have to remain in constant touch with important events happening around the world on a daily basis. Important features of the General Knowledge section of XAT Syllabus are mentioned below:

  • Topics to be covered in this section are history, politics, author names, business, economy, current affairs (national and international), etc.
  • XAT GK section is clubbed with the essay writing section in part 3 of the paper. 30 minutes are given to attempt part 2 of the paper.
  • It has been observed that static GK accounts for 60-70% of the questions while the rest are based on current events of the past 4-6 months.
  • As per previous year papers, the difficulty level of XAT General Knowledge 2023 is expected to be moderate.
  • Good Attempt: Candidates are advised to attempt all the questions as there are no negative marks allotted to this section.
XAT GK Syllabus  Weightage in XAT GK Section Important Topics for Preparation
Static GK 60-70% Indian Polity, History, Geography, Economics, Important Organizations and their headquarters, Capitals & Currencies, Firsts in India
Current Affairs 30-40% Current Events of National Importance, International Affairs, Business & Economic Developments, Awards & Recognitions, Personalities in News, Government schemes like PMJDY, Swachh Bharat, Make in India, Sports, Books in News.

Click here to download XAT GK Sample Papers

XAT General Knowledge Syllabus Topics

XAT GK Syllabus is divided into 2 sections- Static GK and Current Affairs. The important topics of XAT GK Syllabus are given below for your reference:

XAT General Knowledge Important Topics
Politics Nation and States
History Literature
Sports Awards and Recognitions
Business Economics
International Relations Society
Merger & Acquisitions Civics
Science Static General Knowledge
Business Parliament 
Literature Banking
XAT GK Books

Recommended Books for XAT GK Preparation 2023

Developing a reading habit is absolutely important, and for adequate preparation, you need to refer to the right books. Here is a comprehensive list of the best books for XAT 2023 General Knowledge preparation: 

Name of Book Publisher/Author
Manorama Yearbook Mammen Mathew
Current Affairs Yearly  Arihant 
General Knowledge: Latest Current Affairs & Who's Who RPH Editorial Board
Pearson General Knowledge Manual  Pearson
Pratiyogita Darpan Upkar Prakashan
The Mega Yearbook Disha Experts
Target XAT (Past Papers + 5 Mock Tests) Disha Experts
XAT Solved Papers Career Launcher
Jabbing the XAT RK Jha
Objective General Knowledge Lucents

XAT GK Preparation: Recommended Magazines & Newspapers

Reading magazines helps in increasing vocabulary and staying updated with current affairs. You can also read these during your leisure time, as these will be beneficial for XAT PI rounds as well. 

  • Competition Success
  • India Today
  • Business World
  • Business Line by The Hindu Group
  • The Week
  • Newspapers- The Hindu, Economic Times, The Indian Express, Hindustan Times

Also Read: Best Books for XAT Preparation 

XAT GK Analysis

XAT GK Previous Year Exam Analysis

Going through the previous year's XAT GK questions is important to gain an understanding of the important areas and the type of questions asked in the exam. XAT GK Paper Analysis for the past 2 years is given below for your reference.

XAT GK 2022 Paper Analysis

  • 25 questions of moderate-high difficulty were asked from current affairs and static general knowledge.
  • 13 questions were from current affairs and 12 were based on static GK. 
  • Attempting 10-12 questions correctly was considered a good attempt. 
Type of GK Questions Number of Questions Difficulty Level Good Attempts
Current Affairs 13 Difficult 5-6
Static GK 12 Moderate-Difficult 3-4

XAT GK 2021 Paper Analysis

Given below is the topic-wise division of questions asked in XAT 2021 GK section:

Aspect Number of Questions Level of Difficulty
History 1 Moderate
Geography 4 Moderate
Economy 7 Easy
Current Affairs 2 Easy
Personality and Awards 3 Moderate
Science and Technology 2 Moderate
Polity 2 Easy
Miscellaneous 2 Difficult
Sports 2 Moderate

XAT General Knowledge Previous Year Questions

For the General Knowledge section, questions can be asked from any topic, and are generally not repeated. All questions are generally based on the latest General Knowledge and Current Affairs. However, by looking at the previous years' questions you can get an idea of the kind of questions that are asked in the paper and prepare accordingly.

  • Who acquired GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare?
  • Which of the following is not part of VIACOM 18?
  • Highest import to India?
  • Which Indian bank was the first to issue “Green Bonds” for financing renewable and clean energy projects?
  • Giga fiber to be launched by which company?
  • Who is the SBI Chairman?
  • What are the names of Parliament Budget Sessions?
  • Name of Liquid for dissolving Gold?
  • Name of Rajasthan Snake Dance? 

Check detailed XAT Paper Analysis

XAT GK Preparation Tips

XAT GK (General Knowledge) Preparation

XAT GK section is the most dynamic of all the sections as there is no defined domain from which questions can be asked. However, to excel in the GK section, candidates are advised to go through the below-mentioned preparation tips for XAT 2023:

  • Read newspapers daily to stay updated with the relevant current affairs.
  • For static GK, it is essential to follow a reference book like Lucent’s GK or any other good book.
  • Attempting questions based on important topics like Economy, Business management, persons in news, Banking, etc. from any useful resource will provide the much-needed knowledge and confidence to attempt questions in XAT 2023 exam.
  • The trick behind acing XAT General knowledge lies in good time management as candidates have to attempt a total of 25 questions in about 30 minutes along with the essay. Try to solve XAT Mock Test for GK within 15 minutes.

Click here for more details on XAT GK Preparation

XAT GK Sample Papers

Solving sample papers is of utmost importance if you want to ace XAT exam with more than 90 percentile. Practicing mock tests and previous year's papers will help you in getting a clear idea of what you need to study and whatnot. For the GK section, although the questions will always be different based on the current affairs, practicing sample papers and XAT previous year papers will give you an understanding of the major areas you need to focus on. Check XAT Sample Papers


XAT General Knowledge 2023 FAQs

Ques. Which are the best newspapers to read for the General Knowledge section of XAT? 

Ans. The best newspapers to read for the General Knowledge section are as follows: 

  • The Hindu
  • The Economic Times
  • The Indian Express
  • Business Standard
  • Hindustan Times

Some other materials you can refer to include YouTube Channels, online resources provided by various coachings like T.I.M.E, Career Launcher, Unacademy, etc. 

Ques. Which are some of the best online resources for XAT 2023 General Knowledge? 

Ans. One of the best resources for XAT 2023 General Knowledge is sample papers and mock tests.

  • Candidates can also refer to various YouTube channels for daily news and other online coachings such as GKToday, Adda247, Next Exam, Unacademy, BYJUs, hitbullseye, etc.
  • You can also join online study groups on social media platforms like Telegram, Facebook, etc., for XAT 2023 General Knowledge preparation. 

Ques. How to prepare for XAT GK 2023? 

Ans. To prepare for XAT GK, one must start by reading a good static GK book by Lucent’s, Arihant, Career Launcher, or others.

  • It is very important to make plenty of notes as they help in quick revision.
  • Learning through flashcards can also be beneficial, as it can help you remember factual information.
  • Read newspapers daily and refer to daily current affairs from other online sources without fail.
  • You can also start studying with your friends or join a study group as it will keep you focused and motivated during the preparation phase. 

Ques. If I opt for a 100-day study plan, what are my chances of getting selected in XAT 2023?

Ans. Well, a 100-day study plan, if followed precisely, will ensure that your study would be completed within time. But your dedication and commitment will make all the difference.

Ques. What is considered a good attempt in XAT GK section?

Ans. The number of questions considered a good attempt depends on the difficulty level of the paper. For a moderate-high difficulty level paper, 12-15 questions with 90% accuracy would be considered a good attempt. 

Ques. What is the syllabus for the GK section of XAT? How do I prepare for it?

Ans. Questions asked in XAT GK can mainly be divided into 2 types- Static GK & Current Affairs.

  • Static GK questions are based on Politics, History, Sports, Nation and States, Business, Literature, Economics, International Relations, Society.
  • Current Affairs include national and international events, business developments, government schemes, and persons in news.
  • To prepare for current affairs, candidates must read newspapers every day or watch daily current affairs on various news channels. Good command over GK will also be immensely helpful for the PI rounds.

Ques. Is there any negative marking in XAT GK section?

Ans. No, XAT GK section does not have any negative marking for incorrect answers. Hence, one can attempt all 25 MCQs in XAT GK section without worrying about marks deduction. 

Ques. Are XAT GK scores considered for calculating the cut off percentile?

Ans. No, XAT GK scores are not considered for calculating the cut off percentile. However, these scores are considered while preparing the final merit list for MBA/ PGDM admissions after the conclusion of XAT GD-PI rounds.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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