GRE General Test Preparation: Tips, Strategies, Books, Coaching, Apps and Preparation Materials

GRE General Test Preparation: Tips, Strategies, Books, Coaching, Apps and Preparation Materials

GRE general test preparation includes strategies, preparation books, online coaching, and practice papers. GRE general test preparation requires a minimum of four weeks to prepare. Taking a diagnostic test, setting a target score, focusing on strengths and weaknesses are a few of the GRE study tips.

GRE Preparation for General Test

GRE is a requirement for postgraduate studies, the difficulty level of the questions is comparatively higher. Below are a few of the GRE study tips to ace the preparation:

Set a Realistic GRE General Test Score

Candidates should begin their GRE preparation with a diagnostic test. Based on the score of the diagnostic test, candidates will understand their strengths and weaknesses. They should set their target GRE score based on the requirements of their selected universities.

Check: GRE Cutoff for Top Universities

Build your Strategy for GRE Preparation

Candidates either select GRE online preparation, or coaching classes, or even GRE self-preparation at home for the best way to study for GRE verbal and quant. Research on finding a suitable environment for your GRE preparation.

Authentic GRE General Test Preparation Materials

To prepare for GRE, only authentic preparation materials should be consulted. For self-preparation, candidates need to purchase GRE preparation books like Barron’s, Princeton, 5 lb, Magoosh, and more which provide relevant GRE practice questions and explanations.

GRE Verbal Preparation Tips

GRE verbal is a section where the candidates, not just from a science background, then candidates studying English as a major finds it much difficult. The following tips for verbal reasoning GRE can help the candidates here:

  • Read more and learn more new words every day to strengthen the GRE vocabulary
  • Make a habit of reading English daily to grab a good reading speed
  • Think in English to guess an unknown word by reading the sentence
  • Revise what you read the previous day
  • Apply a newly learned word in sentences regularly
  • Practice with GRE verbal practice sets
  • Track the mistakes after each mock test
  • Learn how to avoid these mistakes and incorporate that during the next mock test

GRE Quant Preparation Tips

GRE quant is all about time management coupled with mathematical skills – so the candidates need to be strategic enough while practicing. The following GRE quant tips can be followed for the same purpose:

  • Plugin numbers
  • Estimate the complicates questions
  • When shortcuts cannot solve a question apply the basic rules
  • Look to the details in graphs and chart
  • Understand the takt-time to solve each type of questions of GRE quant

GRE Preparation Books for General Test

The best way to study for GRE is by consulting the GRE preparation books few of which we have listed below:

  1. The Official Guide to GRE General Test - Check PDF
  2. 5 lb Book of GRE Practice by Manhattan - Check PDF
  3. Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions - Check PDF
  4. Essential Words for GRE - Webster - Check PDF
  5. GRE Prep by Magoosh - Check PDF
  6. Kaplan GRE Verbal Workbook - Check PDF
  7. GRE Analytical Writing - Vibrant - Check PDF

GRE Preparation Apps for General Test

Apps are often considered the best way to study for GRE since they offer on-the-go guidance. GRE general test preparation tips can be studied from the following apps:

  • GRE Prep and Practice by Magoosh: This has numerous verbal and GRE quant practice questions, review texts and detailed video explanations, 40 GRE sample questions for diagnostic tests, GRE test preparation courses.
  • Ready4GRE: This contains diagnostic tests to determine the target score, GRE training online through text and audio, practice tests based on official GRE, strategies for verbal and quant, GRE vocabulary words, video explanations, and more.
  • Varsity Tutors GRE Exam Prep: It contains numerous practice papers, diagnostic tests, in-depth explanations, detailed GRE quant topic explanations, and flexible study sessions.
  • GRE Test Prep Math and Verbal: Plenty of GRE verbal and math sample questions, expert advice for difficult problems, score predictor, and timed GRE practice tests.

Hopefully, these GRE general test preparation tips can help the candidates in planning their specific way of preparation that will result in success.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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