MSN Institute of Management

Dr. Sharan Kumar Shetty is an Associate Professor at the MSN Institute of Management. He has more than 15 years of experience in teaching, training, research and educational leadership for both Indian and international institutions. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“I take pride in being a part of this noble profession”

Education sector itself creates the other sectors in society. Educators create future leaders for the society which is very crucial for the development of the economy. The development of any economy depends on the nation’s education system. Being an educator, my role is to instill leadership qualities in the students so that they take the nation to great heights. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“I have always believed that our collective goal should be the institute’s development”

The main objective of any leader is to build a legacy and ensure that its being carried on. I delegate the authority and responsibility to those who can put their heart and soul to get the organization on the top. Leaders must be selfless rather than thinking about their growth. 

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“We walk them through the different aspects of the subjects they will be learning”

I myself have worked abroad for five years. In fact, I have visited numerous countries to deliver the training programme. What I found unique in them is that they are serious learners. Here in our institute, first and foremost I make them understand why they are here. Most of the time the students are not aware of their path. Being an educator, my duty is to make them realize the importance of the course. I believe that teachers must inspire and they should be a role model to others.

How does the curriculum of MSN Institute of Management ensure the best practice of industry?

“The students learn through corporate live programme in their curriculum”

The curriculum is solely designed to meet the industrial expectations. The institute has taken initiatives in moulding the young minds to connect with the industry through an internship programme. Students get their training under the supervision of industry professionals. We also offer value-added courses to make them job-ready. 

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Any insights into how your college could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Providing a sense of belonging and an inclusive environment”

MSNIM welcomes all sections of society to pursue their MBA education. All the students need is to have a hunger for learning and at the same time would love to become a leader. We always create an environment where students from every walks of life feel included and welcomed. Awareness is raised on the importance of working together and weeding out any differences. 

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the college and the students are?

“Making sure that the students get the best learning experience”

Being a teacher my first and foremost role is to create a conducive environment for the students to learn. The educators at MSNIM ensure 360-degree learning methods to the students. We encourage the students to follow the 3D model learning- Discussion, Dialogue and Discourse. 

What do you think should be the MSN Institute of Management]’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To be the best of its kind”

The top priority of our institute is to ensure being on the path of excellence in terms of research, ranking, accreditations and placements in the top companies. MSNIM should be on the top list in management education.

When you first came to MSN Institute of Management what was your vision for the institute? Has it evolved over time, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“Being the first choice for the aspirants”

My first and foremost mantra is to create a brand name for the institute. I have been trying my level best, every day and night, to take this institute to heights of excellence like other top institutes of the world. I have a strong vision of the same. I am sure that it will happen soon.

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What do you see as the MSN Institute of Management’s greatest strengths?

“Focusing on instilling leadership qualities with values, etiquette and professionalism”

The greatest strength lies in the excellent academic fraternity with foreign exposure. 60% of our faculty members have served abroad for the top industry and academic institutions, therefore gaining a lot of experience. The faculty members are well connected with various industries. The academic members treat the students as budding industrialists, who shall become great leaders. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Realize the potential you hold within”

Education is one of the important weapons in our life. Pursuing quality education with the team of great academicians will add value to your career. Engage with ambitious people and adapt the good qualities.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

“Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a culture of respect and trust”

The simple mantra is to create a healthy relation and environment in our institute by ensuring that our graduate products are contributing their best to society. The ultimate objective of our education system is to produce professionals that can work together and understand the needs of those around them.