Dr. Sreelatha is the principal of St. Peter’s engineering college. She has held a very respectable position in a lot of educational institutions. She started as a lecturer and now also completed a Ph.D. in the electrical and electronics engineering department. She has risen and became a principal and is managing St. Peter’s Engineering College. She also has many research papers, publications, and international journals to her name. She is an IEEE member. She has got a special training program approval from AICTE through which is an AICTE UK program, like AICTE in association with the UK has organized one training program for the various leaders to make them leaders in technical institutions. She has got a good leadership training program and was certified by the UK Dudley University. She has received a grant of around 6.5 lakhs under the Prerna scheme of the AICTE for the academic year 2019 20. Under her leadership, the college also has received various grants from the AICTE and other funding agencies. Under her leadership, the St. Peter's engineering college will become number one in the region and we are expecting that soon it will become a university.
What is the one motivating factor which kept you stuck with the education industry?
“Teaching is my passion, not my profession”
I'm interested in teaching. Not only that, the education system and the changes that I thought of bringing made me stick to this field. Initially in the olden days, when we used to study the engineering course, it was to a limited extent, and we used to were dependent on faculty, later with a change in certain policies, it has changed, but even after a certain period, when I started my career, the teaching methodologies and other things remained the same. Then I got a thought that I must prove that with the changing and teaching-learning methodologies, and by analyzing the outcome-based education, you can bring a lot more changes in children and you can make them industry ready and you can make the students good, having good knowledge and useful for the society. So, with that idea, I continued this teaching field, and I've been in this field for the past 20 years, and I have seen a lot more changes in the teaching methodologies, especially since this pandemic has changed the teaching methodology to the opposite extent.
Describe a little bit about your leadership style?
“My Leadership Style is point-to-point teamwork based”
I believe in Yeah, basically, I, I believe in point-to-point explanation. And sitting with them and then working with them, rather than allocating the work and managing the things people feel that a manager is equal to a leader, but there are there is a basic difference between a manager and a leader, a manager will manage the things but a leader has to complete the task, as per the goal. So, I believe in that, and even students, everybody, I motivate them, I explain to them, I'll train them, then I'll expect the output from them. So, I'm successful at this young age, because of my I feel that it is because of my thought process and the policy, rather than allocating the work and then getting things done, I will be with them. If he's a student, I'll be with him. I'll follow up with him, I'll train him and get things done. If he's also a faculty, whatever person is working under me, I will proceed with the same strategy. So that helped me to reach this position at an early age.
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What do you think a student coming to St. Peter's will gain when compared to other colleges?
“St. Peter's new courses make the students industry-oriented”
In each and every semester, we have introduced some special courses that are needed by the industry for all branches of engineering, not even specifically the computer science in all branches of engineering, if you see the current scenario especially in the Telugu states, AP and Telangana, most of the students will prefer Computer Science and Engineering, artificial intelligence or IT the least preferred branches or the other core branches of engineering civil mechanical, electrical, in order to change that strategy, we have introduced the structure or we have designed our structure in our St Peter's engineering college in such a way that the core branches of engineering are also of equal importance to the top the computer science and engineering like we are every semester we introduced value-added courses with one credit and this value-added courses we have added in such a way that a student who chooses a particular course in second year can continue the up-gradation of that till his fourth year. So that he will be industry ready like till the third year, the second semester, he will be studying the course and in the fourth year first semester, he will get the training from that particular industry, where he can be grabbed after completion of his degree course. So, we have taken care in such a way that we have designed our syllabus and the subjects in such a way that the student is ready for any type of industry as per his requirement.
What should be the college's top priority for the next 10 years?
“Encouraging students to choose subjects based on their interest”
Students actually must choose based on their interests or at first every student will have some sort of interest from the beginning from his let me say not mine, I don't say from childhood, maybe by eighth class of the ninth class, he will have an idea what he wants to become. Accordingly, he has to choose the branches. Suppose if he has an aspiration to become an administrator or groups or services, then he has to prefer the core branches of engineering with which he can opt Well, the PG course and he can do prepare for the Administrative Services well, or suppose if he wants to become like the depending upon his idea of settlement, some students will have some students may not be having. So, depending upon that he has to choose the branch of engineering. First, he has to give preference for the branch of engineering, which he wants to join, then he has to go up for the colleges. In colleges, he has to choose whether it is a private university or a government university or an autonomous college or an affiliated college.
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What is the greatest unique strength of St. Peter's college?
“Experienced Faculty Members are the greatest unique strength of St. Peter's college”
The unique strength in St. Peter's engineering college has well-experienced faculty members in all the departments of engineering. We encourage our students to participate more in other activities like seminars or workshops or something like that. Also, we encourage our students to have self-learning, we have an MOU with IIT Bombay to do the training program for the students. And we have we are, we have an MOU with this TASK, Telangana skill development Academy and we have an employee with TCSIon on where we do various things. Our motto is students must be students. I mean like student-centric learning is the main motto of St. Peter's engineering college. Rather than the regular teaching rather than the regular classwork. We want to have our students be equipped with all sorts of skills on their own. So, we are striving hard towards that. In addition to the academics, we encourage our students to participate in various activities we have various clubs in our college like road track, JCI and music club is their photography club is their dance club is there and then a coding club is there and we have MOU with unifying which is a radio campus which is meant for all the colleges all over Telangana.