S.A.Engineering College

Mr.Venkatesh Raja is the Director of S.A. Engineering College.He is a board member in the Dharma Naidu Educational & Charitable Trust which does service to society through education. In his interview he talks about education and effective leadership which plays essential components in the development of a person. He highlights the crucial aspect of acquiring sound technical knowledge along with soft skills. Talking about the institute, he says, they strongly believe in the philosophy of education for all and we do not tolerate any sort of discrimination on our campus. Also, the faculty forms the backbone of their institute. Mentioning about the vision of the institute, they want to become one among the top 1% engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu. On a concluding note, he emphasises on the fact that Decentralization of power and decision making is a policy that the college firmly believes in, and this gives them a mode to develop and take decisions individually.

Education is the only way to social and financial development of an individual

I have always been passionate about the education industry as I strongly believe education is the only way to social and financial development of an individual. Another aspect that has always kept me connected to this field is my interest in serving the society. By providing education to the underprivileged, I am not only improving his/her life but also helping in moulding the society for a brighter future.

Leadership reflects not in a position but in the actions of a person

For me, Leadership reflects not in a position but in the actions of a person. I have always followed on principle when it came to leading people. The function of leadership is not creating more followers but creating more leaders.This has been my motto of leadership and it has worked out pretty well so far.

Word of mouth is the strongest form of marketing and a brand built through the same lasts much longer 

According to me word of mouth is the strongest form of marketing and a brand built through the same lasts much longer than brands that use traditional marketing methods. This can be built through the following steps. First step is good academics by having highly qualified faculties and Good scope for research by having state of art facilities. Apart from these two, helping the students with their careers after their undergraduate education is also very important. We have a center for Higher studies where the students are guided about various opportunities, we provide ample opportunities for entrepreneurship and the top priority for me is placements for which we have a placement cell which is closely monitored by the management.

A graduate from our college will have sound technical knowledge along with communication skills and research skills

Someone who graduates from S.A. Engineering College will enter the real world not just with sound technical knowledge but overall development right from communication to research experience to soft skills to managerial skills. We prepare our students to take up both the roles, a team player as well as a team leader which is required in the corporate world.

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Having Autonomous status gives us the freedom of framing our syllabus both theory and practicals

Having Autonomous status gives us the freedom of framing our syllabus both theory and practicals. Apart from this we also take into consideration recruiter needs and have made it a part of our curriculum. This helps us to understand to connect to the industry standards and raise our curriculum. 

We strongly believe in the philosophy of education for all and we do not tolerate any sort of discrimination on our campus

Education is a right to all irrespective of gender, race, religion or ethnicity. We at S.A.Engineering College strongly believe in this philosophy and we do not tolerate any sort of discrimination on our campus.

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Developing a shared vision around standards and success for all students is an essential element when you are leading a college

Principals are responsible for establishing a campus wide vision of commitment to high standards and the success of all students.I've learned that as long as you support them, there is really nothing the students can't do.So, developing a shared vision around standards and success for all students is an essential element when you are leading a college. Students should keep this in mind, they must grow to serve the nation and they must serve to grow themselves. 

We want to become one among the top 1% engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu

Our topmost priority is 100% placements. Once a student gets a job, it's a big relief for him and his parents who have invested a lot in his/her education. We are currently at around 85% placements and on the right track to reach our goal of 100% placements. Another top priority from a management perspective is to become one among the top 1% engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu. We have already got autonomous status which is the first step to achieve this goal. In a few years, we are certain that both our goals would have been accomplished.

Our faculty forms the backbone of our college

Our biggest strength is our faculties as they are the backbone of our college. Majority of them are PHD holders. We have state of art research facilities at SAEC. Not just that, we are in constant touch with our 16 batches of our passed out students who are always available when any help is required for the current students. 

Online degrees standalone will not hold as much value as a full time college degree

The biggest threat to higher education in India as I see is Online mode of teaching and online degrees. The number of education technology companies coming up is increasing with every passing year. However, I strongly feel online degrees standalone will not hold as much value as a full time college degree, but yes, they can be taken up as an add-on to one's traditional degree.

Also check S.A.Engineering College Faculty

Decentralization of power and decision making is a policy that we follow at our College

Decentralization of power and decision making is a policy that we follow at our College. Every department has the autonomy to make their own decisions if it's for the betterment of their department and the college. Our management has weekly meetings with all the stakeholders where they hear out various issues and address them. We also give a lot of importance to Alumni inputs as they are the ones that have been in the system and are now living in the corporate world. The ability to listen to all our stakeholders is something that helps us establish and maintain a healthy environment in our college.