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JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Attempts and Qualification Marks

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria has been modified by the IITs. As per the recent updates, a candidate must have secured at least 75% aggregate marks in the class 12 (or equivalent) board examination or must be within the top 20 percentile of successful candidates in their respective class 12 examination. JEE Advanced 2023 is expected to be conducted in August, 2023. 

Read the article to know more about the different eligibility requirements for appearing in JEE Advanced 2023, for admission into IIT post-qualifying the exam, and eligibility criteria for foreign nationals.

The exam is conducted by one of the seven zonal coordinating IITs under JAB for admission to Bachelor, Integrated Master, and Dual Degree programs in all the IITs. Detailed eligibility criteria for JEE Advanced 2023 such as age limit, the percentage required, passing year, qualification and nationality are mentioned in the following article. Check JEE Advanced Reservation

JEE Advanced Eligibility

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility (for Indian Nationals and OCI/PIO)

There are five criteria that a candidate must fulfill to appear in JEE Advanced 2023. Any changes in JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility will be updated here. JEE Advanced eligibility for engineering aspirants is as follows:

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria 1 - Performance in JEE Main 2023

  • Candidates should be in the top 2,50,000 (including reserved categories) in Paper 1 of JEE Main 2023.
  • However, the total number of candidates can be slightly greater than 2,50,000 in the presence of tied ranks/scores.
  • The percentages of various categories of candidates to be shortlisted are: 10% for GEN-EWS, 27% seats for OBC-NCL, 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST and the remaining 40.5% is OPEN for all. 
  • Within each of these four categories, 5% horizontal reservation is available for PwD candidates.

JEE Advanced 2023: Category-wise Distribution of Top 2, 50,000 Candidates 

For the convenience of candidates, the category-wise distribution of candidates for the previous year is tabulated below:

Category Number of “Top” Candidates
OPEN 96187 Total: 101250
GEN-EWS 23750 Total: 25000
GEN-EWS-PwD 1250
OBC-NCL 64125 Total: 67500
SC  35625 Total: 37500
SC-PWD 1875
ST 17812 Total: 18750
ST-PWD 938

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria 2 – Age limit

Candidates should have been born on or after October 1, 1998. Five years relaxation is given to SC, ST and PwD candidates, i.e. these candidates should have been born on or after October 1, 1993.

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria 3 – Number of Attempts

A candidate can attempt JEE Advanced a maximum of two times in consecutive years.

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria 4 – Year of Passing Class XII

  • Candidates should have appeared for the class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in either 2021 or 2023 with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects.

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria 5 – Earlier Admission at IITs

  • A candidate who has earlier been admitted in an IIT/ISM (irrespective of whether or not they continued in the program) OR accepted an IIT seat by reporting at a reporting centre in the past, is not eligible to apply.
  • Those candidates whose admission at IIT was cancelled after joining IIT are not eligible.
Equivalent Examination

Equivalent Examination to Class 12

  1. Class XII exam from Central or State Board recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
  2. Final exam or 2 year course in Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy
  3. Senior School exam conducted by National Institute of Open Schooling with minimum 5 subjects
  4. Any school, board or university in India or abroad which is recognized by AIU. H.S.C. vocational examination
  5. A Diploma recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or a State Board of Technical Education of at least 3 years duration
  6. General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London, Cambridge or Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level
  7. High School Certificate Exam of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva

Performance in Class XII (Or Equivalent) Board Examination

It is essential for candidates to qualify one of the following criteria for admission to IITs:

  1. Must have secured at least 75% aggregate marks in class 12 (or equivalent) Board examination. The aggregate marks for SC, ST and PwD candidates should be at least 65% with Physics, chemistry maths as compulsory subjects in the Class XII Board examination in 2023 or 2021.
  2. Must be within the top 20 percentile of successful candidates in their respective class 12 (or equivalent) board examination in 2023 or 2021 with physics, chemistry, and mathematics as compulsory subjects. 

If a Board gives letter grades without the equivalent percentage, the candidate should present a certificate from the Board specifying the equivalent marks against the grades. The marks scored in the following five subjects will be considered for calculating the aggregate marks and the cut-off marks for fulfilling the top 20 percentile criterion:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • A language (if the candidate has taken more than one language, then the language with the higher marks will be considered)
  • Any subject other than the above four (the subject with the highest marks will be considered).
JEE Advanced Eligibility Foreign Nationals

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria for Foreign Nationals

Candidates falling under the following category will be considered as Foreign Nationals for JEE Advanced:

  • Non-citizens of India (by birth or naturalized)
  • Non-OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) and Non-PIO (Persons of Indian Origin) category
  • Candidates whose parents are not citizens of India and do not come under OCI/PIO category at the time of JEE Advanced 2023 Registration.

Seats for Foreign Nationals

  • Seats allotted to foreign nationals are supernumerary with a cap of 10% of the total number of seats in every course.

Reservation for Foreign Nationals

  • Foreign nationals are outside the ambit of reservation of seats under the OBC-NCL, GEN-EWS, SC, ST and PwD (Persons with Disability) categories as mandated by Govt. of India.


These candidates are not required to write JEE Main and may register for JEE Advanced 2023 directly subject to fulfilment of other eligibility criteria.

  • Age limit: Students should have been born on or after October 01, 1997. 
  • Number of attempts: A maximum of two times in consecutive years.
  • Appearance in Class 12: A student should have appeared for the Class 12 (or equivalent) examination for the first time in either 2021 to 2023. 

Performance in Class 12 or Equivalent Examination

The candidate should satisfy at least one of the following two criteria for admission to IITs:

  1. Must have secured at least 75% aggregate marks in class 12 (or equivalent) Board examination.
  2. Must be within the top 20 percentile of successful candidates in their respective class 12 (or equivalent) board examination.

The marks scored in the following five subjects will be considered for calculating the aggregate marks and the cut-off marks for fulfilling the top 20 percentile criterion:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • A language (if the candidate has taken more than one language, then the language with the higher marks will be considered)
  • Any subject other than the above four (the subject with the highest marks will be considered).

Cut Off Marks for Top 20 Percentile

  • The cut off marks for the top 20 percentile are calculated based on Class 12 marks.
  • The top 20 percentile cut off for the academic year 2023 will be considered for students passing class 12 in 2023.
  • Similarly, the top 20 percentile cut off for the academic year 2021 will be considered for students passing class 12 in 2021.
  • In case the board does not provide information about the cut off for the top 20 percentile, candidates will have to produce a certificate from the board. 

Documents Required for registration

  • Birth certificate for age proof
  • Class XII marksheet/certificate for 75% cut off (if available at the time of registration)
  • Identity proof
  • Citizenship certificate/Passport
  • Testimonial (if required)

Foreign Centres for JEE Advanced 2023

Foreign centres where JEE Advanced is held are as follows. Any change in JEE Advanced 2023 Foreign centers will be updated here.

  • Dhaka (Bangladesh)
  • Dubai (UAE)
  • Kathmandu (Nepal)
  • Singapore
JEE Advanced Eligibility FAQs

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility FAQs

Ques. Is there any change in JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility?

Ans. Any change in JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility will be known after the release of the official brochure for JEE Advanced 2023. However 75% eligibility criteria for admissions into IITs had been scrapped earlier. 

Ques. How much marks should I score in JEE Main 2023 to be eligible to appear for JEE Advanced 2023?

Ans. Eligibility for JEE Advanced depends upon JEE Main Cut off. Students who clear the cut off and be in the top 2.5 lakh AIR holders of JEE Main will be considered eligible for JEE Advanced. Further scores will be updated here after JEE Main 2023 is conducted and cut off is released.

Ques. If I enter a wrong category during my JEE Main 2023 Registration, can I correct it during JEE Advanced 2023 Registration?

Ans. No, details entered during JEE Main Registration 2023 can’t be changed under JEE Advanced 2023 Registration. 

Ques. If I wrongly enter my category as GEN-EWS during JEE Main 2023 Registration. can I still register for JEE Advanced 2023?

Ans. Yes, you can register for JEE Advanced 2023 by declaring that you do not belong to the GEN EWS category provided your JEE Main score is above the general category cut off.

Ques. If I appear for my class XII exam in 2023, can I register for JEE Advanced 2023 without uploading a certificate?

Ans. Yes, the candidates who appear in class XII exam in 2023 do not have to upload any document regarding their class XII examination at the time of JEE Advanced Registration 2023 

Ques. What are all the subjects that are considered for JEE Advanced eligibility?

Ans. The minimum qualifying marks to be eligible for JEE Advanced is 75% in class 12. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English/Hindi and any other subject apart from these 4. Change in JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility will be updated here. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Advanced 2023 : 11 answered questions

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Ques. Which date should I chose for the BITSAT: before the JEE (Advanced) or after JEE (Advanced)?

● Top Answer By Saarthak Rai on 01 Feb 21

Many aspirants go through the same conflict. The preference depends on your career priorities and aim. Some points are discussed below which may be helpful in deciding.  If you are solely focused on JEE Advanced and have a decent score in JEE Main, then it is better to take the date after JEE Advanced. A good score in JEE Main will give you a backup and you can completely focus on JEE Advanced this way. If you didn’t do well in JEE Main and have lesser hope to score good marks, then you can take BITSAT before JEE Advanced. It is because delaying will increase the pressure. If your priority is BITSAT then it is better to be fully focused on this exam and go for the 3rd or 4th day of the exam. It will give you sufficient time to review the previous paper. If you are not sure about your preference then it will be better to attempt the exam prior to JEE Advance. For most exam aspirants, JEE Advanced is the dream from the beginning and it will be better to end the journey with your initial aim. Thus, you should choose the date as per your priority and comfort. Decide by judging your nervousness, preparation and then give priority to your choice....Read more

1 Answer

Ques. What is the key difference in the preparation of the JEE Main and Advance?

● Top Answer By Piyush Raj on 16 Feb 23

To join a reputed college, Indian students are required to give JEE-Main and JEE-Advanced. Cracking these exams with a top rank gives you the opportunity to join top National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Admission into such reputed colleges, kickstart your Engineering career. Although both JEE-Main and JEE-Advanced are Engineering entrance exams, both have severe dissimilarities. The aspects of these dissimilarities have been discussed below. Level of difficulty: JEE-Advanced is far more difficult than JEE-Main. The primary focus of JEE-Main is to evaluate the candidates' knowledge of their class 11th and 12th syllabus while JEE-Advanced is taken to evaluate the analytical and problem-solving skills of the students. Syllabus: The JEE Main syllabus is similar to the one prescribed by CBSE whereas JEE-Advanced has a different syllabus. Various topics covered in JEE Main are not included in JEE Advanced. Eligibility: A good JEE Main rank will open doors for admission to NITs and IITs. But with a good JEE Advanced rank, one can get admitted into the most coveted IITs. Qualification: JEE Main required a student to have completed his Class 12th only. Whereas JEE Advanced has set certain minimum cutoff criteria in JEE Main and also meets minimum board exam criteria. Examination pattern: JEE Main exam comprises one paper only while JEE Main comprises 2 papers. The former consists of objective and single-answer questions while the latter consists of a variety of problems including multi-right, matrix match, comprehension types, and much more. The pattern of the former hardly changes while the pattern of the latter is modified every year. I hope such a detailed comparison has cleared your doubts and clarified the doubts regarding both the entrance exams....Read more

3 Answer

Ques. What is the best chemistry book for IIT JEE mains and advance?

● Top Answer By Gunjan Gupta on 16 Feb 23

Before choosing the best book I think it is very important to know your syllabus. Only then you can identify your weak and strong points from the syllabus and focus more on your weaknesses. The most important topics that are covered are Mole Concept Atomic Structure Periodicity Chemical and Molecular Bonding States of Matter Electrochemistry and Redox reactions Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium General Organic Chemistry Hydrogen Solutions and Colligative Properties Chemical Kinetics Coordination compounds P block, D&F block elements Metallurgy You can start preparing for these topics from class 11 itself. The books that are considered Bibles of Chemistry and are highly recommended for JEE Main and JEE Advanced aspirant include Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations: This book by RC Mukherjee is the best book out there for Physical Chemistry  Numerical Chemistry: This book by P Bahadur is recommended by many top tankers Organic Chemistry : This book by Robert Thornton Morrison is the best book for Organic Chemistry. Concise Organic Chemistry: This book by JD Lee is a great book for inorganic chemistry. It will make you fall in love with the subject rather than rote learning. Other than books you can resort to Video lectures, question papers, and a doubt solving forum. Most importantly Chemistry is a subject that requires tremendous concentration and consistency. You can go for frequent mock tests to test your knowledge....Read more

3 Answer

Ques. Which books are best for JEE Main and Advanced exam preparations?

● Top Answer By Chaitali Ghosh on 18 Dec 21

The best books for JEE Main and Advanced exam preparations include the following: Maths: NCERT. Cengage by G.Tewani, Playing With Graphs Cengage and TMH for JEE Advanced. Algebra by Amit M. Aggarwal, Trigonometry by Amit M. Aggarwal for JEE Main and Advanced. For sequence and series refer to Hall and Knight. Physics: NCERT. HCV for all JEE aspirants. DC Pandey all series for JEE Main and Advanced. Archive, especially for Modern Physics, as subjective questions of IIT get repeated in objective pattern with a slight change. Chemistry: NCERT is mandatory for Inorganic Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry by VK Jaiswal. Organic Chemistry by MS Chauhan and Himanshu Pandey. Physical chemistry from GRB. From all these books study the important parts and actions, mark and make notes on them. But make sure to study NCERTs thoroughly....Read more

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