JEE Advanced AAT 2023: Exam Date (OUT), Registration, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 is going to be conducted on June 21, 2023.  IIT Guwahati is in charge of conducting the examination and is going to start JEE Advanced 2023 Registration for AAT on June 18, 2023. The last date to apply for the same is June 19, 2023. Candidates who have qualified JEE Advanced 2023 are going to be able to register for AAT 2023 at the official website – JEE Advanced AAT 2023 is going to be conducted as a 3-hour offline (paper and pen-based) test. The exam is conducted only in English.

  •  JEE Advanced 2023 Syllabus for AAT consists of sections such as Freehand Drawing, Geometrical Drawing, Three Dimensional Perception, Imagination and Aesthetic Sensitivity, Architectural Awareness.
  • The allotment of seats will solely be based on the category-wise All India Rank (AIR) in JEE Advanced 2023.

What is AAT? 

Architecture Aptitude Test or AAT is an entrance test conducted for B. Arch. admission at IIT RoorkeeIIT Kharagpur and IIT (BHU) Varanasi. The exam is conducted only for candidates who have qualified JEE Advanced 2023. 

AAT 2023 Highlights

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Highlights

Particulars Details
Exam Name Architecture Aptitude Test
Exam centers 7 Zonal IITs
Duration of Exam 3 Hours
Mode of Exam Offline
Language of Exam English
IITs offering B. Arch Course IIT Roorkee, IIT Kharagpur, IIT (BHU) Varanasi
Portal for AAT Registration

AAT 2023 Exam Dates

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Exam Dates

Events Dates
JEE Advanced 2023 June 04, 2023
JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Registration begins June 18, 2023
Last date to register for JEE Advanced AAT 2023 June 19, 2023
JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Exam  June 21, 2023
Declaration of AAT 2023 Result June 25, 2023
JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Eligibility

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for AAT 2023, candidates are required to secure qualifying scores in their JEE Advanced 2023.  

  • The candidates must have been born on or after October 01, 1999. 
  • The candidates must have appeared in the class 12th examination.
  • The candidates must have qualified JEE Main 2023 and appeared for JEE Advanced. Only the top 2,50,000 rank holders are eligible for JEE Advanced 2023
  • The candidates must have scored qualifying marks in JEE Advanced.

AAT 2023 Registration

How to Register for AAT 2023?

The registration window for JEE Advanced AAT 2023 will be open from June 18 to June 19. Candidates must follow the given below simple steps to register for AAT 2023:

  1. Visit the official website of JEE Advanced.
  2. Login using the JEE Main Registration Number, Date of Birth, and Password.
  3. Select the ‘Yes’ radio button corresponding to the ‘Would you like to register for AAT 2023?’ label, and click ‘Proceed’.
  4. Select a preferred exam center from the list of seven IITs.
  5. Click the ‘Fill Registration Details' button.
  6. Carefully fill in all the required information in the registration form. Click ‘Submit’.
  7. Take a printout of the acknowledgment screen to be used for future references.

AAT 2023 Admit Card

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Admit Card

Note that no new admit card will be provided to the candidates appearing in AAT 2023. The original JEE Advanced 2023 Admit Card should be produced in the AAT examination hall.

The admit card will contain the following details- Name, JEE Advanced Roll Number, Photograph, Signature, Date of Birth, Address for Correspondence, Category, and Language of the Question Paper. The candidate must possess safely the original admit card till all the formalities of admission are complete

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Exam Centers

At the time of registration for JEE Advanced AAT, candidates will be able to select their preferred exam center for Architecture Aptitude Test. The entrance exam will be held across the 7 zonal coordinating Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).

  • IIT Bombay Zone
  • IIT Delhi Zone
  • IIT Guwahati Zone
  • IIT Kanpur Zone
  • IIT Kharagpur Zone
  • IIT Madras Zone
  • IIT Roorkee Zone
AAT 2023 Exam Day Instructions

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Exam Day Instructions

On the day of the examination, the test-takers are required to follow the guidelines given below. 

  • Carrying the downloaded admit card with valid id proof is required. 
  • The candidates have to complete their papers in the allotted period only. No extra time will be granted. 
  • Candidates should bring their own drawing and coloring aids to the examination center.
  • Candidates must report to the examination center on time. After the commencement of the exam, no candidates will be allowed to give the examination. 
  • Any indiscipline item is strictly prohibited in the examination hall. 

What to Carry and What Not to Carry on the Examination Day?

The candidates are required to carry certain things and certain things are strictly prohibited in the examination hall. The list of the items is given below. 

Things to carry

  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Drinking water
  • Downloaded admit card 
  • A photo identity card

Things not to carry 

  • Electronic devices like mobile phones, smartphones, calculators, tabs, digital watches, etc
  • Slide rule
  • Logbooks
  • Any study material
  • Any textual / written material

AAT 2023 Exam Pattern

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Exam Pattern

The test will consist of only one paper of three-hour duration from 9:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs. The language of the paper will be English. The test comprises the following topics - Geometrical Drawing, Freehand Drawing, Imaging, and Aesthetic Sensitivity, Three Dimensional Perceptions, and Architectural Awareness.

Particulars Details
Mode of Examination Offline
Duration of Exam 3 hours
Language of Examination English

Freehand Drawing;
Geometrical Drawing;
Three Dimensional Perception;
Imagination and Aesthetic Sensitivity;
Architectural Awareness

The candidates must carry their own drawing and sketching aids for the exam as these things will not be provided by the authorities. There is no official pattern for this exam available. However, as per the students who have taken the exam the paper usually has the following pattern:

Section Number of questions
General Knowledge 4
Geometry drawing 3
3D Aspects 3
Freehand drawing 3
Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity 3
Total 16

AAT 2023 Syllabus

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Syllabus

  • Freehand Drawing: This would comprise of a simple drawing depicting the total object in its right form and proportion, surface texture, relative location, and details of its parts on an appropriate scale. Common domestic or day-to-day life usable objects like furniture, equipment, etc. from memory.
  • Geometrical Drawing: Exercises in geometrical drawing containing lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, etc. study of the plan (top view), elevation (front or side views) of simple solid objects like prisms, cones, cylinders, cubes, splayed surface holders, etc.
  • 3-dimensional Perception: Understanding and appreciation of 3-dimensional forms with building elements, color, volume, and orientation. Visualization through structuring objects in memory.
  • Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity: Composition exercises with given elements. Context mapping. Creativity checks through the innovative uncommon test with familiar objects. The sense of color grouping or application.
  • Architectural Awareness: General interest and awareness of famous architectural creations – both national and international, places, and personalities (architects, designers, etc.) in the related domain.

AAT 2023 Exam Preparation Tips

The result of AAT is only declared only through the pass or fail status. However, the candidates aiming to pursue the B.Arch course from IIT, have to pass this exam. Given below are some of the tips which would help a candidate in his/her AAT exam preparation.

  • General Knowledge: More focus should be given to recent architecture-related affairs. The candidate must focus on the following areas for GK section preparation:
    • Famous monuments and their Architects
    • Location and the shape of the monument
    • Basic common questions like a traffic signal, road safety, etc.
  • Geometric Drawings: A questionnaire can be prepared for questions like transforming a certain shape into meaningful visual aspects.
  • Freehand: Practice freehand drawings to judge how good is your hand in pen and paper. Practice sketching and use of colors. Practicing this will surely help the candidate
  • Imagination: Well, imagination comes from within. Thus to ensure that your brain is active in this part, do a lot of creative art involving creative thinking and imagination of visuals.

Recommended Books for AAT 2023

Students can refer to the following books for preparation of JEE Advanced Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT)-

  1. Arihant Publications book – A Complete Self Study Guide for B.Arch Entrance Examination (English) by P.K Mishra
  2. NATA/JEE B.Arch. Study Material Kit Paperback
  3. Keys to Drawing- Strategies and Exercises for Gaining Confidence and Enhancing Your Creativity by Dodson
How to check AAT Result?

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Result

JEE Advanced AAT Result 2023 will be declared on July 24, 2023 on the official portal of JEE Advanced. There will be no ranking, merit list, or category-wise cut off in the result of AAT 2023. However, the Joint Implementation Committee of JEE Advanced will decide on a general cut off score for AAT 2023.

Those candidates who will score marks equal to or above the cut off will be counted as qualified. The available B.Arch. seats will be allotted to the qualified candidates based on their category‐wise All India Rank in the JEE Advanced 2023.

The breakup of Seats for AAT 2023

IIT Participating in AAT 2023 General Category Seats OBC Category Seats SC and ST Category Seats Total Number of Seats
IIT Roorkee 17 9 9 35
IIT Kharagpur 20 11 9 40

The seats will be allotted by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) 2023 through the counseling process. Once after clearing the AAT 2023, candidates will need to register for JoSAA 2023. The seat matrix will be declared at

AAT 2023 Cutoff

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Cutoff

The table tabulated below shows the B.Arch Opening & Closing Ranks in 2017 round 7 are given below:

Category IIT Kharagpur 2017 IIT Roorkee 2017
Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank
General 6448 14927 5062 14983
OBC NCL 3067 4182 3134 4180
ST 323 1122 533.01 905
SC 871 2263 2135 2320

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 Selection Criteria

Considering the marks in the following examination, candidates will be given admission to the Architecture course. 

  • Architecture Aptitude Test 
  • Performance in Class XII or equivalent examination

Details About Class 12th Examination

The candidates need to fulfill either one of the following given criteria to take admission to the B.Arch course

  • The candidates must have secured a minimum of 75% marks in class 12th or equivalent. The candidates belonging to SC / ST / PWD category must have secured at least 65% marks. 


  • The candidates must be in the top 20 percentile in the class 12th board examination in 2023 or 2023. 
  • The candidates must have passed 10+2 with compulsory subjects Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. 

Marks Considered for Calculation of Top 20 percentile

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Anyone language (if candidates have two languages, then, the higher marks in any of the languages will be considered)
  • Any subject other than the above four subjects

Other Important Information Regarding Class 12th Marks

  • The candidates who appeared in Class 12th or equivalent examination for the first time in 2020 and reappeared in all the subjects, then, the best of the two performances will be considered. 
  • In the case of any subjects PCM and language are not evaluated in the final year, then, the marks from the same subjects from the previous years will be used to calculate the percentage of aggregate marks. 
  • For the calculation of the total marks for 5 subjects, if the marks awarded in a subject are NOT out of 100, then the marks will be scaled out of 100 so that the total aggregate marks are from 500. 

AAT 2023 FAQs

JEE Advanced AAT 2023 FAQs

Ques. I have appeared in JEE Main B.Arch / B.Plan paper 2023. Am I eligible for AAT, without writing JEE Advanced?

Ans. No, to be eligible for JEE Advanced AAT 2023, students need to score qualifying marks in JEE Advanced 2023 exam. 

Ques. What kind of questions can I expect in AAT 2023?

Ans. The questions asked in the exam will test your knowledge according to different subject areas such as Imagination and Aesthetic Sensitivity, Freehand Drawing, Geometric Drawing, 3 D Perception, etc.

Ques. Which IITs offer B.Arch program for AAT qualified students?

Ans. After clearing JEE Advanced AAT 2023, candidates can get admission into 3 IITs that offer B. Arch program. These include IIT Kharagpur, IIT Roorkee and IIT (BHU) Varanasi. 

Ques. What is the duration of JEE Advanced AAT 2023?

Ans. JEE Advanced AAT 2023 is a 3-hour long exam consisting of 5 sections.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Advanced 2025 : 7 Answered Questions

Ques. My daughter has a JEE Advanced rank of 6048 (General). What are the branches she can get in IIT Kharagpur?

Tabulated below are the JEE Advanced Cutoff 2023 for IIT Kharagpur: Branch Opening Rank Closing Rank Civil Engineering 4479 6556 Computer Science and Engineering 112 303 Electrical Engineering 1288 1805 Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering 434 1145 Mechanical Engineering 2042 3350 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 5448 6920 Mining Engineering 7169 8739 Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture 6846 8355 Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering 6407 7751 From the above table we can infer that with a Rank of 6048 one can get the following branches  Civil Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Mining Engineering  Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture  Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering ...Read More
Answer By Aditya Trivedi 21 Mar 23
1 Answer

Ques. Can I get an IIT with 4000 JEE Advanced Rank?

I recently completed my Graduation from IIT BHU. Securing a rank of 4000 in JEE Advanced is a commendable achievement, and it opens up several opportunities for admission into the Indian Institutes of Technology. However, whether you can get admission into a specific IIT with this rank depends on various factors including: Some branches are more competitive than others, so the cutoff ranks may vary accordingly. Each IIT has a different number of seats available for each branch, and the cutoff ranks can fluctuate based on this. Reservation quotas may affect the cutoff ranks for different categories (General, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, etc.). The difficulty level of the exam can influence the cutoff ranks. Here are the cutoff trends for B.Tech Admissions at various IITs (for CSE and Civil Engineering branches, Open Category seats)- B.Tech cutoff trend at the IITs through JEE Advanced (Open Category) College Name B.Tech CSE B.Tech Civil Engineering IIT Madras 148 6132 IIT Delhi 118 4472 IIT Bombay 67 4371 IIT Kanpur 238 6116 IIT Roorkee 412 7100 IIT Kharagpur 279 7177 IIT Guwahati 654 8453 IIT Hyderabad 674 9303 IIT Indore 1385 10994 IIT BHU 1079 10232 I hope this gives you a basic idea of the JEE Advanced cutoff at various IITs across India. For a more detailed overview of these cutoffs, you can visit the official website of JoSAA- More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Is 12,000 JEE Advanced Rank decent enough for admission into an IIT?

Yes, there are a total of 17,385 seats in the IITs, you can get admission into IITs with a rank of 12k in JEE Advanced. However, you will probably not get admission in top 7 IITs and in the branches which are the favourites of the most people. But indeed you can get admission into IITs with 12,000 rank in JEE Advanced. You can visit the official JoSAA website to check the previous year cutoff trends for B.Tech admissions at the IITs- More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Can I get into IIT Bombay with Rank 3000 in JEE Advanced?

Securing a rank of 3000 in JEE Advanced is a commendable achievement, and it will open up a wide range of opportunities for you in terms of college choice.  With a rank of 3000, you have a good chance of getting admission into IIT Bombay, but you may not get your desired domain. With this rank you can get admission in these specialisations at IIT Bombay:  Environmental Science and Engineering Civil Engineering Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science You can visit the official JoSAA website to check the previous year IIT Bombay branch wise cutoff for B.Tech Admissions- This will give you a better understanding of your options....Read More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: The application fee for foreign nationals from SAARC countries is USD 75 while for candidates who belong to Non-SAARC countries, the application fee is USD 150. Indian Nationals (including PIO/OCI) who have chosen exam centers outside India, have to pay USD 75 as the application fee.

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