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Best Books for JEE Advanced 2023: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, Topic-wise Weightage and Tips

JEE Advanced 2023 is just a few months away and students are gearing up with their best preparation. Qualification in this exam will open the gates to IITs across the country. Only the top 250000 rankers in JEE Main exam will be appearing for JEE Advanced. The exam will be computer-based and two compulsory papers will be given. Check JEE Advanced 2023 Syllabus

To prepare for JEE Advanced, students must be well aware of the right books they must refer to, to be able to excel in this exam. We have provided here a list of subject wise most important books along to prepare for JEE Advanced 2023

JEE Advanced 2023 Highlights

Exam JEE Advanced 2023
Exam date August 2023
Application starts August
Papers Paper 1 and Paper 2
Exam duration 3 hours for each paper
Total marks 186 marks in each paper
Exam type Computer based test

Must Read

Physics Best Books

Best Books for JEE Advanced Physics 2023

The questions in the Physics section can be very tricky at times. The following books can help you through with such high-level questions in covering JEE Advanced Physics Syllabus:

Books Authors/ Publishers Remarks
Understanding Physics Freedman & Young Good for explanation
IIT Physics D. C. Pandey Contains good explanation
Understanding Physics D. C. Pandey Best for conceptual clarity
Concepts of Physics Vol. I and II H. C. Verma Best book for Physics
Problems in General Physics IE Irodov Good for problems
Problems in Physics S. S. Krotov Best for numerical problems
Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick & Walker Best for practicing

Important topics in JEE Advanced 2023 Physics

Unit and Topic Marks Weightage
Unit 1: Electrodynamics 23%
Unit 2: Heat & Thermodynamics 13%
Unt 3: Mechanics 25%
Unit 4:Modern Physics 19%
Unit 5: Optics 15%
Unit 6: SHM & Waves 5%

Preparation tips for JEE Advanced 2023 Physics

  • Physics as a whole stands on interesting concepts and laws. It is extremely important to understand those first. 
  • Try understanding topics using diagrams and charts, it will help you remember the topic visually. 
  • Revise the formulas whenever you can. 
  • Practice numerical questions.

Chemistry Best Books

Best Books for JEE Advanced Chemistry 2023

In JEE Advanced exam, the Chemistry section is comparatively easier than the other two allowing candidates to score well in this section. You can follow these books for covering JEE Advanced Chemistry Syllabus: 

Books Authors/ Publishers Remarks
Organic Chemistry O. P. Tandon Contains good explanation
Organic Chemistry Peter Sykes Good for practicing Organic Chemistry questions
Organic Chemistry M. S. Chauhan Good reference book
Organic Chemistry Morrison & Boyd Contains good questions to practice
Physical Chemistry O. P. Tandon Highly recommended book for Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry P. W. Atkins Good for practicing
Concise Inorganic Chemistry J. D. Lee Can be referred for Organic Chemistry
Modern Approach to Chemistry Calculation R. C. Mukherjee Best book to practice for Physical Chemistry section

Important topics for JEE Advanced 2023 Chemistry

Topics Marks weightage (in marks)
Organic Chemistry 45
Physical Chemistry 43
Inorganic chemistry 36

Preparation tips for JEE Advanced 2023 Chemistry

  • Deeply understanding the topics is very important.
  • Understand the underlying concepts of various equations, reactions, etc.
  • Prepare short notes you can refer to, whenever you need.

Mathematics Best Books

Best Books for JEE Advanced Mathematics 2023

Many students consider this section to be difficult in the JEE Advanced exam. But you can perform well when you have practiced from the following books. These books have questions of JEE Advanced level and are highly recommended by experts and toppers. Check JEE Advanced Mathematics Syllabus

Name of the book Authors/ Publishers Remarks
Maths XI & XII R. D. Sharma One of the best book
Advanced Problems in Maths for JEE Main & Advanced Vikas Gupta and Pankaj Joshi Good to practice problems
Algebra Hall & Knight Best for Algebra sums
Objective Mathematics for JEE Main & Advanced & other engineering entrance exams R. D. Sharma Contains good questions from every topic
Coordinate Geometry – Plane Coordinate Geometry S. L. Loney Refer for Coordinate Geometry
Trigonometry & Geometry – Plane Trigonometry Part I S. L. Loney Best for Trigonometry & Geometry section 
Calculus – Problems in Calculus of One Variable IA Maron Good for Calculus problems
Differential Calculus A Dasgupta Good for Differential Calculus
Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE Tata McGraw Hill Good book for practicing problems

Important topics for JEE Advanced 2023 Maths

Topics Marks weightage (in marks)
Calculus 38
Series, Complex Numbers, Binomial Theorem, Fundamentals, Quadratic equations 21
Coordinate Geometry 18
Permutation-Combination, Probability 12
Vector and 3D 11
Trigonometry 10

Preparation tips for JEE Advanced 2023 Maths

  • The only proven way to excel in Maths is by practicing regularly.
  • Enlist all the important formulas and keep it within eyesight such that you can revise it every now then.
  • Learn shortcut tricks to solve problems to save your time.

JEE Advanced Prep Tips

JEE Advanced 2023 Preparation Tips

  • Prepare notes: Preparing notes is considered to be an effective way to study for any exam. You can revise these notes anytime and anywhere. Moreover, short notes on every topic can help you remember those more precisely.
  • Solve mock tests and practice papers: On attempting mock tests or sample papers you get a better idea of the exam pattern and the marks weightage for every topic in JEE Advanced 2023. Practicing full-length tests will help you manage the limited time given to you more efficiently. These will also help you increase your speed and maintain accuracy.
  • Chalk out a perfect study schedule: It becomes easier to study for JEE Advanced when you have a study schedule for yourself. You must give sufficient time for each subject to cover up the whole syllabus. It is necessary that you religiously follow your routine.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: It can be really stressful at a time when you are just a few months away from your exam date. But it might adversely affect your health which is not at all desirable. So, avoid stressing over your performance in JEE Advanced 2023. Eat healthily and do not deprive yourself of sleep. Take short breaks while you are studying. If you do not feel like studying at the moment, don't force yourself. Get up, listen to some good music, do what you like and then start again. 
  • Motivate yourself: JEE Advanced 2023 is a crucial exam for you. Always remember that you can do it. You have been working hard to get into an IIT and nothing can stop you. You will excel with flying colors.

Frequently Asked Questions

JEE Advanced 2023 FAQs

Q1. Should I follow NCERT books for JEE Advanced 2023?

Ans. Yes, absolutely! NCERT books are very helpful for JEE Advanced exam. Questions are mostly framed from those books, so you must refer to NCERT books first.

Q2. Where to find good mock test papers for JEE Advanced 2023?

Ans. There are online as well as offline sources for JEE Advanced mock tests. You can visit websites like Toppr, Byju’s, Unacademy, and the like for online mock tests. Some papers are available free of cost while some are to be purchased in packages. You can also find mock test papers (in offline mode) by well-known publishers. 

Q3. Can you suggest a good Maths book for JEE Advanced 2023?

Ans. R. D. Sharma’s Maths for Class 11 and 12 is one of the best books to refer for your upcoming JEE Advanced 2023 examination. It contains basic to high-level questions on all topics. Toppers have praised this book, so you can definitely rely on it. You can also practice from another book by Sharma - “Objective Mathematics” which has been specially authored for engineering exams like JEE.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Advanced 2023 : 11 answered questions

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Ques. Which date should I chose for the BITSAT: before the JEE (Advanced) or after JEE (Advanced)?

● Top Answer By Saarthak Rai on 01 Feb 21

Many aspirants go through the same conflict. The preference depends on your career priorities and aim. Some points are discussed below which may be helpful in deciding.  If you are solely focused on JEE Advanced and have a decent score in JEE Main, then it is better to take the date after JEE Advanced. A good score in JEE Main will give you a backup and you can completely focus on JEE Advanced this way. If you didn’t do well in JEE Main and have lesser hope to score good marks, then you can take BITSAT before JEE Advanced. It is because delaying will increase the pressure. If your priority is BITSAT then it is better to be fully focused on this exam and go for the 3rd or 4th day of the exam. It will give you sufficient time to review the previous paper. If you are not sure about your preference then it will be better to attempt the exam prior to JEE Advance. For most exam aspirants, JEE Advanced is the dream from the beginning and it will be better to end the journey with your initial aim. Thus, you should choose the date as per your priority and comfort. Decide by judging your nervousness, preparation and then give priority to your choice....Read more

1 Answer

Ques. What is the key difference in the preparation of the JEE Main and Advance?

● Top Answer By Piyush Raj on 16 Feb 23

To join a reputed college, Indian students are required to give JEE-Main and JEE-Advanced. Cracking these exams with a top rank gives you the opportunity to join top National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Admission into such reputed colleges, kickstart your Engineering career. Although both JEE-Main and JEE-Advanced are Engineering entrance exams, both have severe dissimilarities. The aspects of these dissimilarities have been discussed below. Level of difficulty: JEE-Advanced is far more difficult than JEE-Main. The primary focus of JEE-Main is to evaluate the candidates' knowledge of their class 11th and 12th syllabus while JEE-Advanced is taken to evaluate the analytical and problem-solving skills of the students. Syllabus: The JEE Main syllabus is similar to the one prescribed by CBSE whereas JEE-Advanced has a different syllabus. Various topics covered in JEE Main are not included in JEE Advanced. Eligibility: A good JEE Main rank will open doors for admission to NITs and IITs. But with a good JEE Advanced rank, one can get admitted into the most coveted IITs. Qualification: JEE Main required a student to have completed his Class 12th only. Whereas JEE Advanced has set certain minimum cutoff criteria in JEE Main and also meets minimum board exam criteria. Examination pattern: JEE Main exam comprises one paper only while JEE Main comprises 2 papers. The former consists of objective and single-answer questions while the latter consists of a variety of problems including multi-right, matrix match, comprehension types, and much more. The pattern of the former hardly changes while the pattern of the latter is modified every year. I hope such a detailed comparison has cleared your doubts and clarified the doubts regarding both the entrance exams....Read more

3 Answer

Ques. What is the best chemistry book for IIT JEE mains and advance?

● Top Answer By Gunjan Gupta on 16 Feb 23

Before choosing the best book I think it is very important to know your syllabus. Only then you can identify your weak and strong points from the syllabus and focus more on your weaknesses. The most important topics that are covered are Mole Concept Atomic Structure Periodicity Chemical and Molecular Bonding States of Matter Electrochemistry and Redox reactions Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium General Organic Chemistry Hydrogen Solutions and Colligative Properties Chemical Kinetics Coordination compounds P block, D&F block elements Metallurgy You can start preparing for these topics from class 11 itself. The books that are considered Bibles of Chemistry and are highly recommended for JEE Main and JEE Advanced aspirant include Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations: This book by RC Mukherjee is the best book out there for Physical Chemistry  Numerical Chemistry: This book by P Bahadur is recommended by many top tankers Organic Chemistry : This book by Robert Thornton Morrison is the best book for Organic Chemistry. Concise Organic Chemistry: This book by JD Lee is a great book for inorganic chemistry. It will make you fall in love with the subject rather than rote learning. Other than books you can resort to Video lectures, question papers, and a doubt solving forum. Most importantly Chemistry is a subject that requires tremendous concentration and consistency. You can go for frequent mock tests to test your knowledge....Read more

3 Answer

Ques. Which books are best for JEE Main and Advanced exam preparations?

● Top Answer By Chaitali Ghosh on 18 Dec 21

The best books for JEE Main and Advanced exam preparations include the following: Maths: NCERT. Cengage by G.Tewani, Playing With Graphs Cengage and TMH for JEE Advanced. Algebra by Amit M. Aggarwal, Trigonometry by Amit M. Aggarwal for JEE Main and Advanced. For sequence and series refer to Hall and Knight. Physics: NCERT. HCV for all JEE aspirants. DC Pandey all series for JEE Main and Advanced. Archive, especially for Modern Physics, as subjective questions of IIT get repeated in objective pattern with a slight change. Chemistry: NCERT is mandatory for Inorganic Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry by VK Jaiswal. Organic Chemistry by MS Chauhan and Himanshu Pandey. Physical chemistry from GRB. From all these books study the important parts and actions, mark and make notes on them. But make sure to study NCERTs thoroughly....Read more

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