DIT University - [DIT], Dehradun - Scholarship Details

Dehradun, UttarakhandPrivate UniversityEstd 1998
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DIT University Scholarship DIT University offers numerous scholarships based on the students’ needs and merit. The institute always encourages scholarly aptitude and merit in Students in order to facilitate scholarship among Students toward their Academic excellence. Please check out the entire article to get detailed information about the scholarships offered by DIT University: 

Merit-Based Scholarship: Applicable to UG programs

  1. For First-Year Students:
Programs Merit-based Scholarship- Eligibility, Criteria & Percentage
Eligibility Criteria Scholarship Percentage on Tuition Fee of 1st year
BTech in CSE Percentage of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in XII Std. / JEE Score ≥ 95% or 1st Rank Holders of all Boards/ JEE Rank Between 1-50,000 100%
≥90% to < 95%/ JEE Rank Between 50,001-80,000 50%
≥ 80% to < 90%/ JEE Rank Between 80,001-1,00,000 25%
BSc (Hons.) CS Merit Scholarship on the basis of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in XII Std ≥ 90% 30%
≥ 80% to < 90% 20%
BTech in Core Engineering Percentage of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in XII Std. / JEE Score ≥ 90% or 1st Rank Holders of all Boards / JEE Rank Between 1-50,000 40%
≥ 75% to < 90% / JEE Rank between 50,001-80,000 30%
≥ 60% to < 75% / JEE Rank between 80,001-100000  20%
Bachelor of Architecture Percentage of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in XII Std. / NATA Score ≥ 90% Or 1st Rank Holders of all Boards / NATA score ≥ 130 20%
≥ 80% to < 90% / NATA score ≥ 110 to < 130 30%
Bachelor in Design and Animation Percentage of marks in aggregate of mandatory subjects in XII Std. ≥ 90% or 1st Rank Holders of all Boards 20%
≥ 80% to < 90% 10%
Bachelor of Pharmacy Percentage of marks in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics / Biology in XII Std. ≥ 90% or 1st Rank Holders of all Boards 30%
≥ 80 % to < 90% 20%
All B.Sc./ B.Sc.(Hons.) / B.Sc.(Hons.) with research Percentage of marks in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology in XII Std. ≥ 90% 30%
≥ 80% to < 90% 20%
BCA Percentage of marks in aggregate of mandatory subjects in XII Std ≥ 90% 30%
≥ 80% to < 90% 20%
All B.A./ B.A. (Hons.)/B.A. (Hons.) with Research Percentage of marks in aggregate of mandatory subjects in XII Standard ≥ 90% 30%
≥ 80% to < 90% 20%
B.Sc. Nursing Percentage of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in XII Std 90 % or Ist Rank Holders of all Boards 30%
80% to < 90% 20%
B.Sc. Medical Laboratory Technology 
B.Sc. Medical Technology (Operation Theater)
B.Sc. Optometry 
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Percentage of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in XII std ≥90 % or 1st Rank Holders of all Boards 30%
≥80% to <90% 20%
On the basis of CUET for UG Programs Percentile in CUET >=70% to <80% 15%
>=80% to <90% 25%
>=90% to <95% 50%
>=95% 100%
B.Tech-CSE (Lateral Entry) 5% on Tuition Fees
B.Tech-Core Engg. (Lateral-Entry)
B.Tech-IT (Lateral Entry) 2% on Tuition Fees
B.Pharm (Lateral Entry) 10% on Tuition Fees
  1. For Subsequent/ Continuing Years:

Students can also avail of scholarships offered by DIT University based on the CGPA obtained every year of study. The top 10% of the students in each UG program shall be eligible for the merit scholarships applicable to the tuition fee as per the below-mentioned details:

  • The scholarship will be awarded to the top 10% of total students who appeared in final term examination.
  • The scholarship will be awarded to the students subject to clearing all papers in a single attempt without any back paper, UFM, and Indiscipline case.

Scholarship Matrix (applicable to the top 10% of students in each program)

Particulars Scholarship % on Tuition Fee
First 30% of the top 10% 30%
Next 30% of the top 10% 20%
Balance 40% of the top 10% 10%

Uttarakhand/ Other Himalayan State Scholarships: Applicable to UG & PG Programs

26% of scholarships on Tuition fees shall be granted to permanent residents of Uttarakhand for whom 25% of seats are reserved in all UG and PG programs. For claiming the Uttarakhand State Scholarship, the student will be considered eligible only if he/she is carrying a valid Domicile Certificate in Original at the time of reporting for Counselling/Admission.

Also read: DIT University Admission

Shri Naveen Agarwal Ji Scholarship for Girl Students: Applicable to UG Programs

A scholarship of 10% of Tuition fees is applicable for Female students in their first year of UG and Diploma programs subject to the following conditions:

  • The student has scored 80% & above in X & XII Std. aggregate for UG programs and 80% in X Standard for Diploma programs.
  • The scholarship percentage will remain the same for all categories of admissions.
  • Scholarship to be continued from second year provided the student obtains CGPA 8.5 and above every year, without any back paper.

Scholarship for Children of Defence Personnel (Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guards, Paramilitary Forces including CAPF (AC)): Applicable to UG Programs

  1. Scholarship for Children of Defence Personnel

A scholarship of 5% of Tuition fees is applicable for wards of Defence personnel in the first year of the UG and Diploma programs. For claiming the scholarship, the student will be considered eligible only if he/she is carrying a valid certificate/document as under in the original at the time of reporting for Counselling / Admission.

  • In the case of serving Defence personnel – A dependent’s card issued to the servicemen / A certificate issued by the UnitHead/C.O. of the servicemen, an ID card of the servicemen, an ID/Aadhaar card of the student
  • In the case of retired Defence personnel – The discharge certificate of the servicemen, the ID card of the Ex-Servicemen. ID/Aadhaar card of the student.
  1. Scholarship for Children of Defence personnel (Martyrs Defence Personnel / Gallantry Medals Awardees)

A scholarship of 5% on Tuition fees is applicable for children of Martyrs Defence personnel in the first year of the UG programs. For claiming the scholarship, the student will be considered eligible only if he/she is carrying a valid Certificate/documents as under in original at the time of reporting for Counseling / Admission namely a Dependent’s card issued to the servicemen/A Certificate issued by the Unit Head / C.O. of the Servicemen, Aadhaar card of the father/mother, Certificate of Gallantry Medal Award, and the Aadhaar card of the student.

Read more about DIT University Placement

Scholarship on the basis of performance in Sports: Applicable to UG & PG Programs 

The scholarship amount will be awarded as per Sports Quota Scholarship policy which is applicable once at the time of admission on Tuition Fee only. However, students of the second year onward will be eligible for scholarships subject to participation in International/ National/state-level sports activities subject to approval from the competent authority. Check out the table mentioned below to know more about the program-wise scholarship on the basis of performance in sports:

Programs Scholarship Amount in Rupees
International Level National Level State Level
All B.A./B.A.(Hons.)/ B.A.(Hons.) with research, All B.Sc./ B.Sc. (Hons.) / B.Sc.(Hons.) with research All M.Sc., M. Des. -UX, M. Plan. INR 15,000 INR 10,000 INR 5,000
All B.Des., B.Pharm, MCA, All M.Tech., B.Pharm (Lateral)  INR 30,000 INR 20,000 INR 10,000
B.Arch., All B.Tech., B.Tech (Lateral), MBA INR 50,000 INR 25,000 INR 15,000

Other Scholarships: Applicable to UG & PG Programs

DIT University also offers scholarships to the graduating students opting for a higher program at this University, children of single mother, orphan students, etc. Tabulated below are the details of such scholarships containg information like eligibility, scholarship amount, and the documents required to apply: 

Name of the Scholarship Eligibility Scholarship percentage on Tuition fee Documents Required
Financial Assistance for Siblings Applicable for the siblings of present students / Alumnus 5% University ID card and Aadhaar / Any valid photo ID proof of the siblings bearing the name of the parent (Documentary proof of sibling is to be submitted), Copy of the Degree Certificate issued to the sibling by DIT / DITU (if applicable).
Scholarships for Graduating students opting for a higher program at DIT University students graduating/graduated from DIT University and opting for a higher program in DIT University without any gap on submission 5%  University ID Card b. Copy of Provisional Certificate issued in the same year / Grade Card (all semesters)
Scholarship for Children of Single Mothers Applicable for the children of single mothers (whose income is less than 6 Lakhs per annum) 5% Death Certificate of spouse/ Valid Proof of Divorce issued by Court of Law, The student has to submit the Certificate of Single Mother issued by the Competent State / National Government Authority, and Students applying for these scholarships are required to submit a copy of their mother's ITR /Form 26AS/income proof issued by a Competent Government Authority (in case of non-filing of ITR) for the last two financial years. 
Scholarship for Differently Abled Students Applicable for the differently abled student 5% Certificate of handicap issued by the Competent Authority at the State / National Government Hospital / Board (as per the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India)
Scholarship for Orphan Students Applicable for the Orphan student 5% Certificate from the Women Development & Child Welfare department confirming the orphan status, and an affidavit by the applicant duly notarized given on stamp paper of Rs.10/- undertaking that the applicant is an orphan/destitute. 
Scholarship for Children of the DIT University Applicable till the employee is serving the DIT University and shall be withdrawn when the employee leaves DIT University. 50% waiver in admission fee and 50% waiver on tuition fee  NA

NOTE: Scholarships applicable for differently-abled students, children of single mothers, and for orphan students can be continued only on maintaining a CGPA of 7.0 and above every year, without any back paper, UFM, and Indiscipline case. 


  • In case any candidate falls in Category (A), (B) & (C) the candidate may choose higher of the three options of Scholarship in the year of admission.
  • If the student belongs to Uttarakhand Category and is entitled for a higher scholarship from Category (A) or (C) in the year of admission (Refer point “a” above), he/she will continue to be eligible for the UK Domicile rebate for the rest of the tenure of the program.
  • In case any Girl Student is falling either in Category (A), Category (B), Category (C) and also in Category (D), in such case, she is eligible for Scholarship of Higher of the category (A) or (B) or (C) along with the additional scholarship of Category (D).
  • Scholarship Category (D, E, and F) are over and above scholarship of Category (A), (B) and (C), as applicable.
  • The students who are eligible for the scholarship/s as per the norms specified by the University should address their application to the Registrar with relevant documents for consideration latest by 31st August 2020.
  • The total of all scholarships is subject to a maximum limit of applicable Tuition fees for the year.
  • Scores / Marks / Grades / Ranks as required for the award of scholarship should be without any Back /Improvement / Supplementary papers.
  • Students completing their degrees from open school will not be eligible for scholarships mentioned at S. No. A.
  • In case, at any later stage, any discrepancy in the document/s or awarding of scholarship/s in the appropriate category is found, DIT University has the right to make necessary correction/s at any stage including the recovery of an amount of such scholarship.
  • In case of any dispute/discrepancy/clarification, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor will be final and binding.
  • All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of courts at Dehradun.

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