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How can I get admission in IIT Gandhinagar?

Shreya Dhar Posted On : March 31st, 2021
BTech Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (2018)

For B.Tech, you need to appear in IIT JEE and score a valid rank. If you are willing to take admission in M.Tech, a valid score in GATE is required. 

  • After the submission of the application, a list of the shortlisted candidates will be posted on the college’s website. 
  • If you are shortlisted, you will have to be present at the Campus on the date mentioned in the notice.
  • You will first have to appear for an Aptitude Test which consists of English, Maths, and Basic Core questions. The results for this test are declared in an hour or two.
  • If you are shortlisted after the Aptitude Test, you will have to attend a personal interview. This is considered the final round. 
  • If you are selected for the interview, you will be welcomed to the college’s MTech course. Sometimes questions based on Maths, Matrices, Differential Equations, etc. could be asked in the interview.

This is because the college is more into CFD and analysis of materials where one needs to have a good hold in the Finite Element Analysis.

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Does IIT Gandhinagar have facilities and a good infrastructure?

Poulomi Paul Posted On : March 5th, 2021

IIT Gandhinagar is the only IIT among various other semi-new IITs to have entirely shifted all its premises into its own campus. 

  • IITGN is privileged with an afresh 21st-century campus, which is popularly facilitated with all the major necessities. Besides, it also is benefited with enough infrastructure that can weigh up to catering to more than its current magnitude of students as a whole.
  • The new campus of the institution has both capacious classrooms, and small classrooms alongside huge auditoriums, offices for staff members, professors, and faculty employees all anew. 
  • Alongside those spacious rooms, it also has newly made 6 hostel buildings and 2 messes with various modernized equipment like wifi routers, smoke detectors, and more devices alike. 
  • The institution has a gymnasium, basketball court, cricket ground, volleyball court, temporary athletics track, TT room, and a football ground as well. There are things other than these which students can explore once they visit this vast campus.

Thus, as per your question concerns, IIT Gandhinagar has both facilities and infrastructure at par with other world-class institutes and is yet under development to become better.

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Which is the better option, Material Science IIT Gandhinagar or Metallurgical Engineering at IIT BHU?

Rohit Saha Posted On : March 12th, 2021
IIT BHU (2019)

You need to compare various aspects of both the institutes to reach a fair decision.  The parameters that you should consider for comparing are as follows. 

  • Course Structure
  • Course Specialization
  • Facilities
  • Faculty Members
  • Placements
  • Projects, alumni network, and so on

If you see the course structure and specialization, BHU is the oldest center of study for Metallurgical Engineering hence has loads of data available. But on other hand, less data is available for Material Science at IIT Gandhinagar as it is a growing discipline in the Meta field.

Academics: (Winning Institute - IIT BHU)

  1. For IIT BHU, there are two specializations in post-graduation: Alloy Technology and Extractive metallurgy
  2. For IIT Gandhinagar, it’s Material Science and Engineering. The course is more focused on Biomaterials and nano-materials.

Here is the list of subjects for Metallurgy at IIT BHU with the first 5 being the core subjects:

  1. Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
  2. Computational Methods for Metallurgy
  3. Computer Applications in Metallurgy Practical
  4. Materials Characterization
  5. Materials Characterization Practical
  6. Departmental Elective
  7. Humanities/Language


Now coming to the facilities, IIT BHU offers you a long list of facilities for this particular program which are:

  • Transmission Electron Microscopy Lab
  • Scanning electron microscopy with EBSD Lab
  • Projection Microscopy Lab
  • Structural Metallography Lab
  • Mechanical Testing Lab
  • Computer Lab
  • Extractive Metallurgy E&C Lab
  • Chemical Metallurgy Lab
  • Transport Phenomena Lab
  • Welding Lab
  • Foundry Lab


The faculty at both the institutes are quite good, to know more about the faculty you can visit their official websites:


Now, coming to the placements, both the institutes offer moderate placements in these fields. Most of the students switch to Ph.D. from India as well as in international institutes.

All in all, it depends on your interest and goals. So,  make such decisions carefully. 

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Should I leave NITK Surathkal CS for IIT Gandhinagar CS? I've finished my 1st year from NITK.

Ashutosh Mukherjee Posted On : March 5th, 2021
IIT Gandhinagar

You should go to IIT Gandhinagar. That being said, if you have obtained the CSE degree course at Gandhinagar, then the most probable rank you ought to have is under 1800, since the closing rank is around 1800–1900. In that case, you can opt to go for other old IITs’ by compromising with the branch. You will get far better students at old IITs, which can be a plus side to your personal development and further enhancement.

For the most part, the problem with the new IITs is that they lack to provide a greater established alumni network and good infrastructure. However, since IIT Gandhinagar was established back in 2008, you can expect decent infrastructure and facilities. 

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Should I join IIT Gandhinagar VLSI or NIT Calicut telecommunication for an MTech?

Tridiv Banerjee Posted On : June 21st, 2022
M.Tech from National Institute of Technology, Calicut

For an MTech in VLSI, you should prefer IIT Gandhinagar. The course curriculum is research-oriented. Students usually have multiple publications during their MTech tenure. During the cohort, you will participate in many projects. 

Almost everyone from the branch gets placed. According to  IIT Gandhinagar placements, M.Tech VLSI students get salary packages in the range of INR 10-20 LPA.

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2 Answers

How is the director of IIT Gandhinagar?

Aishwarya Patil Posted On : March 5th, 2021
B.Tech IIT Gandhinagar

The Director of IIT Gandhinagar, Dr. Sudhir Jain as some say “Man with brilliant ideas”.

  • An incredible and dynamic person with a different aura of authority around him, he holds very different views of working and managing from the others. He believes rules and regulations are meant to make someone carve a better person out of oneself, thus he imposes rules which can be a little out of the book.
  • A man with critical listening skills, he outright listens to students and tries to solve their problems. The college has a legislative student body that consults him regarding different issues. He does not directly give orders courses ideas given by the student body itself. 
  • Dr. Sudhir’s great oratory skills inspire and motivate many people. He has a flair towards extracurricular activities and always gives his students the freedom to form or join any kind of club or society which tends to go a long way for the holistic development of students. 

His undistinguishable nature makes him such a great mentor. There aren't any restrictions for girls from going out of the hostel like any other college. He believes if boys are entitled to freedom, so are girls.

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What are the career prospects after getting a BTech in materials science from IIT Gandhinagar?

Priyadarshini Sen Posted On : March 31st, 2021
MBA in Master of Business Administration Degrees, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (2020)

A lot is taught about fieldwork when one does their B.Tech. in MSE at IITGN. If you are eager to gain more and more knowledge then it is advisable to take up projects under the professors.


NIT Gandhinagar

Total Fee


Companies Visited

Goldman Sachs, HPCL, ISRO, etc.

Highest Package

40 LPA

Recruiting Companies

ACC Limited, Hindustan Construction Company, JMC Projects, Tata Steel, etc.

Also, the facilities provided by IITGN are commendable and the college possesses very well-equipped labs. They also have very good types of equipment for research in the field of Material Science.

Therefore, the opportunities after the completion of a degree are enormous. After your graduation, you can move to universities outside India to pursue a Master’s or a Ph.D. degree where your knowledge of B.Tech. would come in handy. Students can also take up jobs in the Steel industry or the Material’s related labs in India.

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What was the closing rank for IIT Gandhinagar CS according to mock round results?

Sushma Singh Posted On : March 5th, 2021
IIT Gandhinagar

There is no specific closing cutoff for the mock-round allocation. Though based on the previous year's data, the closing rank is supposed to be in the range of 1500-2000. It can increase but it is less likely to drop below 2000.

The mock seat allocation is done on the basis of options filled in by the particular candidates within the time limit. It is however meant to provide each student an overview about the status of the option filled in by them for their personally opted IIT course, as per record.

It is worth keeping another notice that the choice filled by an individual can only be modified as per data until the set time limit.

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Which is better, IIT Gandhinagar or NIT Tiruchi?

Pratyush Dhar Posted On : April 5th, 2021
BTech from IIT Gandhinagar

Even though both institutes are good, one has the tag of being an IIT, and the other ranks #9 on the NIRF ranking scale; however, they can't be compared this way. One of my friends is from IIT Gandhinagar, I’ll describe it for you. 


  • Most students opt for a Ph.D. or MS abroad because the projects given in BTech are not compulsory. You are free to pursue your interests in the projects of your choice from the second year onwards. 
  • If you're interested in research, then IIT GN will definitely help you because there are many alumni in the US. 


  • Many research internships available to you through these connections which many students turn into fruitful PhDs. 
  • If you're seeking non-core jobs, then you'd find that the culture is not as focussed upon non-core jobs as in other institutions, hence fewer opportunities.


    • The infrastructure is absolutely marvelous, rather, it is definitely one of the best of all IITs. 
    • Brand new AC hostels and a sports complex have been established last year. 
    • The mess has received numerous awards for its food, so that doesn't need any elaboration.
  • The college keeps up the excellent work by making sure that the complaint related to infrastructure or repairs are attended to as soon as they are filed.

Moreover, there are no hostel timings or restrictions on movement for both boys and girls. The course structure is also very flexible and focuses more on an individual's interest and expansion of skills. IIT Gandhinagar is a new IIT and is still trying to establish its reputation as an IIT, whereas NIT Trichy has an excellent reputation that matches that of 6 of the old IITs. Some of my friends claim that it provides better funding for research.

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How is "Amalthea" beneficial for freshers of IIT Gandhinagar and other colleges?

Radhika Roy Posted On : March 26th, 2021
Studied B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (2019)

This should be addressed to the freshers who do not happen to have an idea or even a motive for choosing Amalthea. For working under any organization, there are some vital factors that you need to understand. 

Following are the factors that should be considered:

  • Must be aware of new companies 
  • Coming across new people.
  • Enhancing better relationships.
  • Boosting your confidence.
  • Widening your viewpoints.
  • Sharpening your writing skills.
  • Better thinking and verbal skills.
  • Learning how to function even in tough situations and staying calm throughout. 

There will be times when your frustration level would reach its peak, but here is where the real test lies. You must stay calm and take decisions practically in the real world. Solutions must come to you naturally.

Learning is promoted in every possible way, especially to visitors. These visitors would be people who would address you and discuss such interesting topics where you would learn about products in the exhibition and understand how innovative research works. Through all the events that would follow, you will simply learn better and gather the necessary experience that would come in handy in the future. These visitor speakers are generally scientists or corporate experts. Under their guidance, you can expect great benefits.

At the end of the day, the strategy that compels you to opt for Amalthea matters the most. If something that adds-on to your arsenals and helps you gain knowledge from a unique choice, Amalthea is not going to let you down in that perspective.

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