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What scholarships are available at IIIT Allahabad?

Subham Agarwal Posted On : April 20th, 2023
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

IIIT Allahabad, offers various scholarships to its students. Here are some of the scholarships available at IIIT Allahabad:

  1. Merit-cum-Means Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to students who have secured a minimum CGPA of 7.0 in the previous semester and whose annual family income is less than INR 4.5 lakhs. The scholarship amount is INR 1,000 per month.
  2. Institute Free Studentship: This scholarship is awarded to students who have secured a minimum CGPA of 6.0 in the previous semester and whose annual family income is less than INR 1.0 lakh. The scholarship covers tuition fees and a monthly stipend of INR 250.
  3. SC/ST Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to students belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) categories. The scholarship covers tuition fees and a monthly stipend of INR 250.
  4. Minority Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to students belonging to minority communities (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and Parsis). The scholarship covers tuition fees and a monthly stipend of INR 2,000.
  5. Inspire Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to students who have secured a rank within the top 1% of their respective board in the Class XII exam and have taken admission in any of the National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), or Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs). The scholarship covers tuition fees and a monthly stipend of INR 5,000.

In addition to these scholarships, IIIT Allahabad also offers other financial assistance schemes such as student loans, education loans, and internships that can help students manage their expenses. It's worth noting that the availability and eligibility criteria of scholarships may vary from year to year and students are advised to check with the institute's official website for the latest information.

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How much scholarship does a student of dual degree from IIEST Shibpur get? Is there any merit based scholarship for the general category students?

Arindam Chakraborty Posted On : March 30th, 2021
B.E. Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (2019)

First of all, the scholarships are not generally given, considering the scholars of IIEST. This should be kept in mind always.

The amount of money in the scholarships and the payment mode may differ in different cases. It can be paid regularly until the completion of the degree, or as a one-time payment. But you must know that there are subjects and the criteria to get the scholarships, which should be maintained.

Many former students have pointed out that the Global Alumni Association of Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, frequently funds the stipend, in which this institute sometimes acts as a whole or sometimes as an individual. Still, everything depends on the criteria, which is not always the academic merit.

In the following some criteria are listed, which are normally maintained:

  • Academic Record
  • Some Co-curricular activities
  • Sports or Athletic records
  • Financial Background of the student (if you are from an economically poor background, then it is subjected to the lowest academic criteria)
  • Subject-based performances

However, more other criteria are not always listed but the college administration before the admission process.

Besides these institutional scholarships, there are also MHRD sponsored scholarships. These are well-documented, and you can get the details from the MHRD website; thereby, much explanation is not required in this regard.

You must check whether your parents/guardians are qualified to receive Income Tax reimbursement or the returns to support educational costs before applying for scholarships.

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What is the scholarship at SVNIT?

Sourabh Jain Posted On : August 30th, 2022
B.Tech from Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat

SVNIT offers many scholarships to deserving students. Students get scholarships for institute fees and hostel fees as well. For B.Tech students under 1 lakh, family income gets a tuition fee waiver. The alumni association also offers a few scholarships to students. There are provisions for mess fee refund as well.

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Is there any scholarship for OBC students studying at Nit Calicut?

Adele Azeem Posted On : August 20th, 2021
Studied at NIT Calicut (2019)

Yes, there are various scholarships available for OBC students studying at NIT Calicut. There is one scholarship called MOMA, it is a Merit cum scholarship. It is of national level Central government funded scholarships. State government funded scholarships are also available. 

All OBC students are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The notification for this scholarship will be displayed in the academic building. The student can ask the dates for the form from the seniors.

For all the information, one can visit the district welfare department website and get the required information. One can also talk to a fellow senior student and know all the requirements and information of the scholarship.

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Are there any scholarships in IIIT Guwahati?

Sunil Singh Posted On : May 6th, 2021
Studied B.Tech ECE

My brother has studied here and as per him, fee waiver scholarships are actually not a part of IIIT Guwahati. My brother has not encountered anyone in requirement of a scholarship program held by IIIT Guwahati. 

At the same, contrary to any scholarship programs, there are several students in the institute who have availed themselves of education loans for further studies. They are managing circumstances at their personal levels, and none of their financial weights are provided or funded by the institution itself.

You can get in touch with the administration and get hold of any crucial information. They can tell you about any scholarship program actually run and funded by the institute. They will provide you valuable information more than anybody in the student area.

In a nutshell, IIIT Guwahati does not receive any known funds from the government for meeting recurring expenditure (or in particular, any running expenses). 

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What are the scholarships given at SASTRA university?

Ved Gupta, Posted On : October 30th, 2021
B.Tech Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Thanjavur (2024)

According to the information I got from the website, there are 2 types of scholarships provided by SASTRA University.

Hostel Scholarships: 

Students availing this scholarship should meet a certain criteria.

  • They should not have paid the fine for mess facilities.
  • Hostel attendance should be perfect.
  • Indiscipline action should not be done by the student in the hostel.
  • They should have a minimum of 90% class attendance.

If you meet the above criteria and have and maintain a good CGPA, you will be offered a scholarship of INR 16,000. This reimburses the Mess Fee for a year.

Dean’s List Merit Scholarship for Top Scorers in University Examinations:

There are two levels in obtaining this.

  • If you are in the top 2-3% in the university, you will be offered two-fifths of a semester fees. 
  • If you are in the top 3-10% in the university, you will be offered one-fifth of a semester fees. 

Therefore, SASTRA University is known to have helped students who face financial difficulties. They will help you complete your studies in extreme cases. If you are a good student with a decent GPA and conduct you will be assured a proper graduation.

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Can I avail any scholarship in IIEST Shibpur in the 2nd year based on the first-year results?

Mahak Sharma Posted On : March 14th, 2021
IIEST Shibpur

Yes, students can avail themselves of the scholarships. The college provides some amount to the toppers of each branch based on their ranks(CGPA) under the scholarship from GAABESU(Global Alumni Association of Bengal Engineering and Science University) office. Merit-Based Scholarship is given to departmental toppers for subsequent years too.

Not only for the toppers, but scholarships based on the financial status is also provided by the college to help such student. Also, Book-grants are available which helps you get books for every semester. You can avail of these scholarships from the GAABESU office on the campus.

If you are needy or meritorious, you will get a scholarship. So work hard and try to get good marks.

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Does NIT Jamshedpur gives scholarships on their fees?

Shristi Sengupta Posted On : April 23rd, 2021
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (2021)

Joining NIT Jamshedpur is the most worthwhile decision you will always feel. With a small campus and high placements, NIT Jamshedpur makes a huge difference when compared to other NIT’s and other governmental colleges. It is situated in the TATA town which plays a huge role in placements as the TATA motors and TATA powers pick core branches students. And again, the fees here are quite affordable and expenses are less.

Now, coming to your question, you will be given a fee concession on the basis of your family's annual income. You will get a fee concession if your family income is below a certain amount.

  • If you have your family income less than or near to 1 Lakh, your full tuition fees will be remitted. You will only have to take care of the hostel and mess expenses.
  • For annual income in between 1 Lakh and 5 lakhs, your 2/3rd of the tuition fee will get remitted/semester. But same you have to hold the expenses for hostel and mess.

Note: During fee submission, you will have to pay the whole fee for the semester. At the end of the year, your tuition fees will be remitted for both semesters together.

You might have got an overview of how worthy it is to join NIT Jamshedpur if one opts for it. With Fewer fees, easily accessible things, and in the main town of Tata which helps in easy placements. It’s all good to go here.

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Is the IEP at Thapar University worth the money invested? Does Thapar University offer scholarships on the basis of needs or performance?

Atmanand Anand Posted On : August 10th, 2021
Studied at Pune University (2019)

During the admission in the IEP, students are expected to choose a second stream as a backup if they are unable to secure a seat for the IEP. Since the seats are limited, not every student opts for IEP. 

Also, if you are financially secure then you might as well go for it without any hesitation. There is a possibility that you might not be able to secure a seat for IEP and end up with the second stream after two years which you do not likely prefer to opt for.

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What are my chances of getting into IIM Bangalore with 84/68/87, 2 international scholarships and 1 National Scholarship?

Rajnish Roy Posted On : July 27th, 2021
MBA from IIM Calcutta (2019)

One of my friends is an alumnus of IIM Bangalore and here is what he had to say.

If you are a general category student then it will be difficult to get a call back from IIM B. It is difficult to say anything specifically since you have not mentioned your category and whether you have any work experience or not.

It’s good that you have scholarships. However, it does not add anything to your profile. Scholarships don’t feature as eligibility criteria for getting a call from IIM B.

It only takes into account academic credentials, work experience, CAT score, Gender diversity, and category.

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