Study Plan and Timetable for NEET 2023: Check Monthly Preparation Plan and Important Topics

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NEET 2023 is to be held on May 7, 2023. Most of the candidates must now be focused on completing their NEET Syllabus. To crack NEET 2023, candidates need to prepare a good study plan so that they can cover all the topics that carry good weightage in the syllabus. 

NEET Study Plan and Time Table should include the topics of high weightage. Solving at least 2 previous year NEET Question Papers weekly should be included in the preparation plan. With an updated NEET Exam Pattern, candidates will get internal choice in section B of all 4 subjects. 

Every year more than 15 lakh candidates appear for NEET for a career in medical sciences. It is a single UG entrance exam for more than 97,000 MBBS and 27,000 BDS seats in over 600 medical colleges in India including JIPMER and AIIMS. Therefore candidates are advised to focus on their preparation and they can also refer to the plan provided below. 

NEET Monthly Study Plan

NEET 2023 Monthly Study Plan

  • Total Chapters in NEET Physics – 19
  • Total Chapters in NEET Biology – 10
  • Total Chapters in NEET Chemistry – 30

The Study Plan mentioned below is for quick revisions because most of the candidates save the last two months for revisions. So to help those candidates in preparing a good preparation plan we have divided the topics in the table below. Check NEET Chapter-wise Weightage

November-December 2022



Basics of Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbons & Halides

Diversity in Living World



HydroCarbons, Chemistry in Every- day life



Current Electricity

Organic Chemistry (Aldehydes, Ketones, Ether)

Cell Structure and Functions


Mechanics (Units and Dimensions)

Polymers and Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

Biology in Human Welfare

January-February 2023


Laws of Motion

Mole Concept & States of Matter

Structural Organization in Animals and Plants


Modern Physics and Optics

Solutions, Solid State, Equilibrium

Genetics and Evolution


Kinematics & Work Energy & Power

Atomic Structure



Gravitation, Mechanics of Solids and fluids

Chemical Kinematics and Surface Chemistry


March-April 2023


Atomic Nucleus & Semiconductors

Chemical Bonding

Animal Kingdom


Thermodynamics, Kinetic theory & Properties of Matter

D & F Block Elements

Plant Physiology


Mechanics (Oscillations and Waves)

P Block Elements



Electromagnetic Waves and Communication Systems

Classification of Elements, S-block Elements, Hydrogen, and its Compounds

Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and Circulation

Candidates can repeat the same time table or start their revisions.
How to Prioritize NEET Topics?

NEET 2023 Prioritize your Topics

  • Once you are well versed with the exam pattern and syllabus of NEET 2023, the next step is to assign a specific time for every topic.
  • This becomes simpler when you isolate the topics based on their difficulty level and importance (set the difficulty level according to your requirements as the difficulty of the topic differs from one candidate to another) i.e., Easy, Moderate, and Difficult. 
  • This will help you to focus on a subject properly as you will be able to devote ample time to every subject.
  • This technique of splitting NEET Syllabus provides the guidance required to create a viable timetable. Candidates can segregate the topics on the basis of the undermentioned matrix:
Subjects Level: High Weightage, Less Difficulty Level: High Weightage, High Difficulty

Level: Moderate Topics, Moderate Difficulty

  • Morphology
  • Anatomy
  • Photosynthesis
  • Genetics
  • Molecular basis of inheritance
  • The Living World.
  • Biological Classification.
  • Plant Kingdom.
  • Morphology of Flowering Plants
  • Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  • Cell - The unit of Life.
  • Biomolecules.
  • Cell Cycle and Cell Division.
  • Cell
  • Animal physiology
  • Human reproduction and evolution
  • Human Health and Diseases.
  • Animal Husbandry.
  • Evolution.
  • Animal Diversity.
  • Animal Tissue.
  • Human Physiology
  • Human Reproduction.
  • Mechanics
  • Electrodynamics
  • Optics
  • Modern Physics
  • Heat and thermodynamics
  • Waves
  • Kinematics
  • Gravitation
  • Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium
  • Redox
  • Liquid Solutions
  • Electrochemistry
  • Chemical bonding
  • p-block
  • d-block
  • Coordination compounds
  • Alcohol
  • Aldehyde
  • Amines, and alkyl halide

Quick Links of NEET Study Notes:

NEET 2023: Check NEET Paper Analysis of Last 10 Years

Candidates preparing for NEET 2023 are highly recommended to go through NEET paper analysis of last 10 years to prepare strategically. You can check the detailed analysis of subject-wise NEET paper for last 10 years using the links provided here:

NEET Preparation Tips

NEET 2023: Preparation Plan

Step I: Know the Target

  • To achieve 600+ marks in NEET 2023, a candidate should aim to attain 150+ correct questions.
  • This means, out of 180 questions, the candidate should be able to solve at least 160 questions correctly, so that even if by chance the candidate fails to answer some questions, it won't matter much.
  • The key to success is that the candidate has to stop them from scoring negative marks.
  • The candidate should answer only those questions about which the candidate is 100% sure and can afford to take the risk. 

Step II: Know the subject in NEET’s Perspective

  • The candidate should be well aware about the difficulty level of the three subjects. This will help them to solve the questions appropriately. 
  • Biology is very theoretical and to the point, the subject needs not much thinking.
  • Only remembering the facts and concepts stated in NCERT will do the work.
  • The candidate should be well versed with all the diagrams, labels and examples related to the topics given in the book.
  • The candidate should ensure that they have revised each of these in double digits as many questions will be based on diagrams. 

Key: Practicing all diagrams with proper labelling can help you learn better 

Chemistry is a part theoretical and part application-based subject comprising of three parts, namely, Physical, Inorganic and Organic chemistry.

  • Questions of Physical Chemistry are mostly formula based, hence, one should be aware of all the formulas and the types of related to it.
  • Inorganic chemistry is something the candidate should use as a scoring point. If the concepts in inorganic chemistry are clear, no one can stop the candidate from scoring marks in the chemistry section of NEET 2023. 
  • Organic chemistry is mostly learning based. The questions asked in NEET from organic chemistry are mostly to the point. Chemical reactions and their names should be learned by heart

Key: Learning the Periodic Table is the key to success in Chemistry

  • Physics in NEET is rather tough as most of the questions are formula and application based and hence, it is destined to consume a lot of time of yours.
  • The questions are mostly formula based, so the candidate should be well versed with all the formulas and should know where to apply them. 

Key: Flowcharts can help clear your concepts in a much easier way. Divide the topics as major and minor topics and study accordingly. 

Step III: Study to Score

Apart from building a monthly time table, candidates should also prepare a daily time table and should strictly follow it. There are two types of studies, i.e., Self Taught Learning and Coaching. 

  • Candidates should know the difference between self taught learning and going to coaching classes. Learning is a personal process and it differs from one candidate to another.
  • Learning is something that will help you clear your concepts and give you in depth knowledge of the subject. Coaching classes are more beneficial for candidates whose concepts about the subject are clear and the only thing they need is regular practice. 
  • Candidates should devote at least 7-8 hours daily of rigorous study. The candidates can divide the subjects and topics to study based on their depth of knowledge in the particular subject. Divide the topics based on the venn diagram given below:

While studying, divide the topics on the basis of how difficult it is for you. Not only will this help identify your weak points but also it becomes easy for you to find the questions related to those topics on which you have a good grip and help you score sureshot marks in no time! In this way you will have ample time to solve the questions you find tough and lengthy.

Step IV: Make Notes instead of Spending Time Reading 

  • Learning gets better when a person writes what they learn.
  • As you start a topic, start making notes based on that in your own way.
  • A candidate may feel the urge of buying notes or getting them from their coaching institutes as it will require less work.
  • But as mentioned above, learning is a self process and should be done on their own. The more notes you make, the more the subject gets registered in your brain.
  • These notes will be helpful in the last moments before the exam as you could use them to revise the subject and as these notes are written in your own language, it will be easier to understand and won’ t create any further confusion in the eleventh hour. 

Step V: Practice, Practice, Practice!

The more you practice, the better are your chances to score more in NEET 2023. Once you are done with the learning part, lean towards the practice part. 

  • Solving last year's papers helps a lot as it will help you get accustomed to the exam pattern and while solving, you can devise new tactics for yourself.
  • During the last two months make it a habit of regularly solving at least 2 Previous Years question paper and Mock test papers and evaluate yourself at the end of each test.
  • Everyday, devote a minimum of 3 hours to solving MCQs on the subjects as it will help you to increase your speed and rational thinking.
  • Try to reach the goal of getting as many correct answers as you can and leave the habit of solving every question as the wrong answers can fetch you negative marks.

Step VI: Balance is a must

  • Keep a balance between work and play. This will help in maintaining your interest in the syllabus and level of productivity.
  • Take frequent breaks in the beginning and gradually reduce the frequency of breaks once the concentration ability is all built up.
  • Deal with the preparation process with patience, as shortcuts aren’t the solution. Rest is an important factor to make sure you are in the right mental and physical state to grasp more knowledge. 

Download NEET Mock Tests

Step VII: Always Be Prepared 

  • The candidate is advised to read the instructions regarding what to take and what not to take to the exam centre so that on the day before exam they don’t panic.
  • Keep all the important documents and stationary together that you have to carry to the centre at least 3-4 days prior to the exam. 
Understanding NEET Exam Pattern

Understanding NEET 2023 Exam Pattern

NEET Exam Pattern 2023: There is an internal choice in NEET question paper. The updated NEET exam pattern is as mentioned in the table below: 

Number of Questions


Maximum Marks 


No. of Subjects

4; Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology

No. of questions/ Section

Sections 2: A and B

  • Physics: Section A – 35, Section B – 15
  • Chemistry: Section A – 35, Section B – 15
  • Zoology: Section A – 35, Section B – 15
  • Botany: Section A – 35, Section B – 15

Type of Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Marking Scheme

Correct: +4; incorrect: -1; Unanswered- 0

Exam Mode 

Offline( Pen Paper Mode)


200 minutes

Knowing the exam pattern will help the candidate efficiently manage time, which in return will help the candidate attempt every question given in the question paper.

Must Read on NEET Exam Pattern:

NEET Syllabus

NEET 2023 Syllabus

The next focus is on the subject wise syllabus of the exam which will give us a broad idea about the topics that should be practiced. Before beginning, candidates must be aware of the syllabus and other related information to craft a preparation strategy. NEET covers a total of 97 chapters/ units in Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. 

Physics NEET Syllabus

Physics Syllabus of Class 11th

Physical-world and measurement

Laws of Motion


Work, Energy, and Power

The motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body


Properties of Bulk Matter


The behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory

Oscillations and Waves

Physics Syllabus of Class 12th


Current Electricity

Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

Electromagnetic Waves


Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

Atoms and Nuclei

Electronic Device


Chemistry NEET Syllabus

Chemistry Syllabus of Class 11th

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Structure of Atom

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

States of Matter: Gases and Liquids



Redox Reactions


s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)

Some p-Block Elements

Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques


Environmental Chemistry

Chemistry Syllabus of Class 12th

Solid State



Chemical Kinetics

Surface Chemistry

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

p- Block Elements

d and f Block Elements

Coordination Compounds

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers

Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen



Chemistry in Everyday Life

Biology NEET Syllabus

Biology Syllabus of Class 11th

Biology Syllabus of Class 12th:

Diversity in Living World


Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants

Genetics and Evolution

Cell Structure and Function

Biology and Human Welfare

Plant Physiology

Biotechnology and Its Applications

Human physiology

Ecology and environment

Must Read: 

Best Reference Books for NEET 2023

Best Biology Reference Books for NEET Preparation

Book Author

Trueman’s Objective Biology for NEET

M.P Tyagi 

Complete NEET guide: Biology

MTG Editorial Board

Pradeep Publication’s Biology

Pradeep Publication

40 Days Biology for NEET

S. Chakravarty

Objective Biology 


Pradeep Publication’s Biology 

Pradeep Publication

Publications for Biology

GRB Bathla’s

Best Physics Reference Books for NEET Preparation

Book  Author

Objective Physics

D.C. Pandey

Concepts of Physics 

H.C. Verma 

Problems in General Physics

I.E. Irodov

Physics for NEET

C.P. Singh

Fundamentals of Physics

Halliday, Resnick and Walker

Complete NEET guide: Physics

MTG Editorial Board 

40 Days Physics for NEET

SB Tripathi

Best Chemistry Reference Books for NEET Preparation

Book  Author 

40 Days Chemistry for NEET

Sudhanshu Thakur 

Physical Chemistry 

O.P. Tandon 

Organic Chemistry

Morrison Boyd

Objective Chemistry

R.K. Gupta 

Modern’s ABC of Chemistry for class 11th and 12th.

S.P. Jauhar

Concise Inorganic Chemistry for Inorganic Chemistry

J.D. Lee 

NEET is a parameter to gauge the genuineness and responsibility of understudies towards seeking after a medicinal course. This has led to a significant increase in the number of candidates appearing for the exam every year. This increase in the number of candidates has led to an increase in the competition amongst the candidates. Without a serious and sturdy preparation plan, making a significant mark in the exam is very difficult. 

Check Android apps for NEET Preparation

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: General EWS and OBC Category Fees- INR 1500

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