NEET 2023 Biology Exam Pattern: Check Updated Pattern, Marking Scheme, and Sectional Weightage

NEET 2023 Biology Exam Pattern is provided by the exam conducting body, i.e. NTA. As per the revised NEET exam pattern, the time duration has been increased from 180 to 200 minutes. NEET Biology exam pattern now provides for the division of this section into two subjects, i.e Zoology and Botany comprising 50 questions each. Check NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus

The questions in each subject are further divided into section A and section B having 35 and 15 questions respectively.​ From section B, candidates can select 10 objective-type questions as per their preference. NEET UG 2023 paper will be conducted in 13 languages. Check NEET 2023 Exam Pattern

As per NEET 2023 Marking Scheme, candidates will get 4 marks for marking each correct answer. 1 mark will be deducted for marking an incorrect answer. NEET 2023 will be conducted in pen-paper mode in a single time slot on the exam date. Candidates will be given an OMR sheet to mark their answers. Download Previous Year NEET Question Papers

Candidates are advised to know the entire syllabus along with the Biology NEET exam pattern. Go through the article to get all the information in detail like the marking scheme, exam medium, weightage, etc., for NEET 2023.

NEET Biology 2022 Exam Pattern Highlights

NEET Biology 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

Features Highlights
Mode of the Exam Offline
Total Time Duration 3 hours and 20 minutes
Number of Questions Zoology – 35 + 15 Botany – 35 + 15
Medium English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Marking Scheme +4 for each correct answer -1 for an incorrect answer

Must Read:

NEET 2022 Biology Exam Pattern

NEET 2023 Biology Exam Pattern

In the below section, the entire NEET Biology 2023 Exam Pattern is tabulated.

Particulars Details
Duration 200 minutes in total
Exam Mode Offline (pen and paper based)
Total Marks 360
Sectional Marks Zoology - Section A: 140 Marks; Section B: 40 Marks
Botany - Section A: 140 Marks; Section B: 40 Marks
Medium/Languages 13 Languages
Question Type (MCQ) Multiple Choice Questions
Marks Distribution +4 for marking each correct answer and _1 for marking each incorrect answer
Options in Total 4

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NEET 2023 Biology Exam Pattern: Language Options

The list of the exam centres along with the exam medium are tabulated below.

Medium of the exam Exam Centre
English All exam cities/centres
Tamil Available only in exam centres in TamilNadu
Kannada Available only in exam centres in Karnataka
Gujarati Available only in exam centres in Gujarat, Daman, Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Marathi Available only in exam centres in Maharashtra
Assamese Available only in exam centres in Assam
Hindi All exam cities/centres
Telugu Available only in exam centres in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Oriya Available only in exam centres in Orissa
English and Urdu Available only in exam centres
Bengali Available only in exam centres in West Bengal
Punjabi Punjab
Malayalam Kerala

NEET 2023 Biology Exam Pattern: Marking Scheme

  • As per NEET 2023 Biology Exam Pattern, there are 4 marks for each correct answer in NEET Biology Paper 2023.
  • For marking an incorrect answer, -1 will be deducted as negative marking.
  • Zero mark will be deducted for unattempted questions.
  • Questions will contain 4 responses and marking more than one response in the OMR sheet will be taken as the wrong answer. So, -1 will be deducted as negative marking from the question.
Subject Total Marks Number of questions Marking Scheme
Botany Sec A: 140 Sec A: 35
  • +4 marks will be awarded for each correct response
  • -1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response
  • Section B will have internal choices
Sec B: 40 Sec B: 15
Zoology Sec A: 140 Sec A: 35
Sec B: 40 Sec B: 15
Total 360 90
Important Topics from NEET Biology Syllabus

Important Topics from NEET Biology Syllabus 2023

  • Zoology is considered Animal Biology and that is considered the most interesting and complicated subject of the NEET Syllabus 2023. It majorly deals with the Animal Kingdom including the structures, embryology, habits, classification, and distribution of both animals-living and extinct.
  • Botany is also known as Plant Science or Phytology which is a crucial part of NEET Biology & Science of Plant Life. The subject contains the study of Fungi and Algae. Candidates who have done specialization in the field of plant study are known as a Botanist or Plant Scientists.

Candidates can refer to the below mentioned important topics for Botany and Zoology both:

In Zoology

  • Evolution
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Cockroach
  • Animal Diversity
  • Human Reproduction
  • Animal Diversity
  • Human Health and Disease
  • Animal Tissue
  • Human Physiology

In Botany

  • Plant Reproduction
  • Biomolecules
  • Ecology
  • Genetics
  • Biology in Human Welfare
  • Plant Physiology
  • Cell Biology & Cell Division
  • Plant Morphology
  • Plant Anatomy

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NEET 2023 Biology Exam Pattern: Chapter-wise Weightage

As per the previous year trends, candidates can refer to the Biology chapter-wise weightage tabulated below:

Botany Subject

Topics of Class 11th Number of expected questions Topics of Class 12th Number of Expected questions
Living World 1 Reproduction in Organisms 1
Biological Classification 3 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 4
Plant Kingdom 3 Principles of Inheritance and Variation 5
Morphology of Flowering Plants 5 Molecular Basis of Inheritance 5
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 2 Microbes in Human Welfare 2
Cell-The Unit of Life 3 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 1
Cell Cycle and Cell division 1 Organisms and Populations 2
Transport in Plants 8 Ecosystem 3
Mineral Nutrition Biodiversity and Conservation 2
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Environmental Issues 2
Respiration in Plants
Plant Growth and Development

Zoology Subject

Topics of class 11th Number of expected questions Topics of class 12th Number of expected questions
Animal Kingdom 2 Human Reproduction 3
Structural Organisation in Animals 2 Reproductive Health 1
Digestion and Absorption 18 Evolution 3
Breathing and Exchange of Gases Human Health and Disease 2
Body Fluids and Circulation Biomolecules 1
Excretory Products and their Elimination Biotechnology Principles and Process 2
Locomotion and Movement Biotechnology and its Application 2
Neural Control and Coordination
Chemical Coordination And Integration

Previous Year Distribution of Questions from Botany Section

Difficulty Level/ Topic Cell & Cell Cycle Diversity of Life Plant Physiology Structural Organisation of Plants Biology in Human Welfare Ecology Reproduction & Sexual Reproduction Genetics
Easy 1 1 3 3 0 2 1 2 13
Medium 1 3 2 0 1 2 1 1 11
Difficult 4 1 4 2 1 3 0 4 19
Total 6 5 9 5 2 7 2 7 43

Previous Year Distribution of Questions from Zoology Section

Difficulty Level/ Topic Animal Kingdom Human Physiology Biomolecules Structural Organisation in Animals Animal Husbandary & Biotechnology Evolution: Theories & Evidences Human Health & Diseases Human Reproduction & Reproductive Health
Easy 2 1 3 1 3 3 0 0 13
Medium 2 7 2 0 4 0 3 2 20
Difficult 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 2 14
Total 5 12 6 2 10 4 4 4 47

Important Points for Marking the OMR sheet

Important Points for Marking the OMR sheet

Candidates must check the below-mentioned points before filling the OMR sheet for NEET 2023

  • All the responses need to be marked by using only the ballpoint pen that will be given in the exam hall on the day of the exam.
  • Changing answers on the OMR sheet is not allowed.
  • Candidates who will remove any responses from the OMR sheet will be considered an offense.
  • Candidates can only do the rough work on the test booklet that will be given by the examiner in the exam hall.
  • A candidate must not forget to mark the test booklet code on the OMR sheet.

Important Instructions for Candidates

  • On the day of the entrance test, the NEET Admit Card needs to be carried out and presented to the exam center for verification purposes. The admit card must be carried along with one original and valid photo identification proof like Aadhar Card, Passport, College ID, PAN Card, Driver’s License, Voter ID, or Employer ID.
  • On the exam day, neither Beverages nor any food items will be allowed inside the exam hall. Only those candidates who are suffering from any illness can carry their medicine inside the exam hall.
  • NEET Admit Card will be considered valid when both the signature and the photograph of the candidate will be clearly visible.
  • Candidates must report to the venue of examination 60 minutes before the scheduled time of examination.
  • Candidates can take the entrance test when their credentials are verified by the concerned authority of the exam center.
  • Candidates who will appear in the entrance exam need to ensure that the test booklet will contain the same number of pages as mentioned on the cover of the test booklet.
NEET Biology Exam Pattern FAQs

NEET Biology Exam Pattern FAQs

Ques: How many questions are there in section A of Botany for NEET 2023?

Ans: There are a total of 35 questions in section A of Botany for NEET 2023. In section B, there are 15 questions out of which only 10 have to be attempted.

Ques: What number of questions are there in section B of Zoology for NEET 2023?

Ans: In NEET 2023, there are a total of 15 questions in section B of Zoology. Out of these, only 10 are to be attempted.

Ques: How many questions can I expect from the section on Reproductive Health of Zoology in NEET 2023?

Ans: Based on the previous year's exam analysis, in NEET 2023 biology paper, you can expect 1-2 questions from the section on Reproductive Health of Zoology.

Ques: Shall I get any extra marks for attempting any difficult question from the section of Botany in NEET 2023?

Ans: No, no extra points will be added for attempting any difficult question from the Botany section in NEET 2023.

Ques: What are the total marks allotted for the section of Biology in NEET 2023?

Ans: For the section of Biology, a total of 360 marks are added in NEET 2023. It accounts for 50% of weightage in NEET exam.

Ques: How many questions will be there in the Biology section in NEET 2023?

Ans: In NEET 2023, there will be 100 questions asked from the Biology section out of which 50 questions will be asked from Botany and 50 questions will be asked from Zoology.

Ques: Are there any sectional limits in NEET 2023?

Ans: No, no sectional limit will be there in NEET 2023. Candidates can concentrate on a particular section as per their preference. The overall time limit for the exam is 200 minutes.

Ques: Will NEET Biology have descriptive questions in NEET 2023?

Ans: No, According to NEET Biology Exam Pattern, the examination will only have Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). No descriptive-type questions will be asked in NEET 2023.

Ques: What are the number of marks that will be deducted for attempting no questions in the Biology section in NEET 2023?

Ans: As per the paper pattern for NEET 2023, there will be no deduction of marks for unanswered questions. Such questions will not be taken into consideration while calculating the total marks of the candidate.

Ques: What will be the marking scheme in the NEET Biology Paper in NEET 2023?

Ans: As per NEET Exam Pattern 2023, candidates will be awarded +4 marks for each correct response whereas -1 will be deducted for every incorrect answer.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: General EWS and OBC Category Fees- INR 1500

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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