NEET Exam Pattern 2023, Marking Scheme, Duration (Revised), Subject-wise Question Distribution

NEET Exam Pattern 2023 is announced by NTA on the official website- NEET exam duration is 200 minutes. The question paper will have a total of 200 questions out of which only 180 have to be attempted. PwD candidates will be provided additional 65 minutes for NEET exam. Further, each subject i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany will be divided into 2 sections A and B containing 35 and 15 questions respectively. Check NEET 2023 Syllabus

As per the updated NEET exam pattern, candidates will get internal choice in Section B i.e. out of 15 questions they have to attempt any 10. This provision of internal choice in section B is to rationalize the reduction of the syllabus by various boards. Check NEET Chapter wise Weightage

Like the previous year, NEET 2023 exam will also be conducted in 13 languages in pen-paper mode. Candidates can download previous years’ NEET Question Papers to get a better idea about the paper pattern and the weightage of important topics. Check NEET Cut off

NEET Marking Scheme: Test-takers will be awarded 4 marks for each correct answer while 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer. Hence, the maximum marks of the paper will be 720. It is important to be familiar with all details related to NEET exam pattern for adequate preparation. Check NEET Preparation 

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NEET Exam Pattern 2023 Highlights

Particulars Details
Frequency of NEET Exam Once in a Year
Total Number of Questions in NEET 200 Questions
Total Marks 720 Marks
No. of questions in each section
  • Physics: Section A – 35, Section B – 15
  • Chemistry: Section A – 35, Section B – 15
  • Zoology: Section A – 35, Section B – 15
  • Botany: Section A – 35, Section B – 15
Total Sections 2 i.e. A and B
Internal Choice in NEET Question Paper Yes; In section attempt only 10 questions out of 15
Marking Scheme + 4 for correct answer, -1 for incorrect answer
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Exam Mode Offline (Pen and Paper Test)
Duration 3 hours 20 minutes
Language options in NEET 13 languages: English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.

NEET Exam Pattern

NEET 2023 Exam Pattern

NEET 2023 will be conducted in offline mode i.e. pen-paper based mode only. Students will have to mark their responses on an OMR sheet. 

NEET 2023 Exam Pattern

  • Total Sections in NEET 2023 – The question paper will be divided into 4 sections i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology
  • Mode of Examination – NEET is an offline exam, i.e. it is conducted in pen paper mode at the test centers.
  • Type of Questions – NEET question paper has MCQ type questions only. No descriptive-type questions are there in NEET exam.
  • Total Time Duration – As per the latest NEET exam pattern 2023, the exam duration has been increased from 3 hours to 3 hours & 20 minutes. For PwD candidates, the exam duration is 265 minutes.
  • Negative Marking – As per NEET exam marking pattern, 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer
  • Marks for Correct Answer – For each correct answer, 4 marks are awarded​​.
  • Total Number of Questions – Each subject comprises 50 questions out of which 45 have to be attempted.
  • NEET Total Marks: NEET 2023 exam will be for a total of 720 marks.
NEET 2023 Exam Pattern

NEET Physics Exam Pattern

NEET Physics paper is divided into two sections- A and B. Section A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have 15 questions. Out of 15 Questions in section B, candidates can choose to attempt any 10 Questions. So, the total number of questions and utilization of time will remain the same.

Subject Section Number of Questions Marks Type of Question
NEET Physics Exam Pattern A 35 140 MCQ
B 15 40

NEET Chemistry Exam Pattern

NEET Chemistry comprises two sections- A and B carrying 35 and 15 questions respectively. Only MCQ type questions are asked in the paper. Internal choice is provided in section B of paper, so only 10 questions have to be attempted out of the 15.

Subject Section Number of Questions Marks Type of Question
NEET Chemistry Exam Pattern A 35 140 MCQ
B 15 40

NEET Biology Exam Pattern

Biology is divided into Zoology and Botany. Further, the two subjects will be divided into Sections A and B.  A total of 100 questions will be asked in this section out of which only 10 have to be attempted. 

Subject Section Number of Questions Marks Type of Question
NEET Biology Exam Pattern – Zoology A 35 140 MCQ
B 15 40
Botany A 35 140
B 15 40

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NEET Marking Scheme

NEET Marking Scheme 2023

As per NEET marking scheme 2023, one correct answer fetches you 4 marks and one incorrect answer will cost you1 mark. 

  • It is not mandatory to attempt all questions. There is no negative marking for unattempted questions. 
  • Once you mark an answer, it is not possible to change it.
  • Multiple answers will be considered incorrect responses and will be marked negatively.
Particulars Marks Allotted
Correct Answer +4
Incorrect answer -1
No answer/ Multiple answers 0

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Language Options for NEET

NEET 2023 Exam Pattern: Languages/ Medium of Paper

NEET 2023 will be conducted in 13 languages.

  • Candidates will be able to select the medium of NEET 2023 from Hindi, English, and Urdu in all the centers.
  • If the candidate has chosen a vernacular language, then the center will be allotted accordingly. 
NEET Languages NEET Examination Cities
English, Hindi, and Urdu All States and Cities
Telugu Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Bengali West Bengal and Tripura
Kannada Karnataka
Gujarati Gujarat, Daman and Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Tamil Tamil Nadu
Marathi Maharashtra
Assamese Assam
Oriya Odisha
Punjabi Punjab
Malayalam Kerala

Download Language Wise NEET Question Papers

Language-wise NEET question papers are available for previous years. Candidates can download NEET question paper PDFs for 2021 in the language of their choice from the links given below:

Language Opted by Candidates (Approx.) NEET Paper Code NEET Question Paper with Answer Key PDFs
English 12,63,273 M1 Check Here
Hindi 2,04,399 M1 Check Here
Telugu 1,624 M5 Check Here
Gujarati 59,055 M6 Check Here
Marathi 6,258 M6 Check Here
Tamil 17,101 M6 Check Here
Bengali 36,593 M6 Check Here
Kannada 1,005 M5 Check Here
Odia 822 M5 Check Here
Urdu 1,977 M5 Check Here

To download more NEET Question Papers, click here

NEET 2023 Exam Pattern: Weightage of Topics 

Some of the topics with high weightage are mentioned below. Candidates can expect both, theoretical as well as application-based questions from these topics. Check NEET Physics Syllabus

Topic Weightage Study Notes
Thermodynamics 9% Check Here
Current Electricity 8% Check Here
Wave Optics 4% Check Here
Ray Optics 3% Check Here

A variation has been there in Chemistry over the last couple of years. Topics like Organic Chemistry, chemical bonding should be practiced daily to understand the basic concepts. Check NEET Chemistry Syllabus

Topic Weightage Study Notes
Chemical Bonding 12% Check Here
Basic Concepts of Chemistry 10% Check Here
Chemical Equilibrium 8% Check Here
Organic Chemistry 7% Check Here

Preparation for Biology is not tough since most of the questions are asked directly from NCERT. The table given below includes topics from both, Botany and Zoology. Check NEET Biology Syllabus

Topic Weightage Study Notes
Human Physiology 12% Check Here
Biomolecules 10% Check Here
Biological Classification 9% Check Here
Molecular Basis of Inheritance 8% Check Here

People Also Ask

Ques: What is NTA NEET paper pattern?

Ans: NEET paper pattern is prescribed by NTA based on which the question paper will be prepared and marks will be allotted to candidates. NEET exam pattern has been revised and the exam duration has been increased from 180 minutes to 200 minutes. Further, each subject is divided into 2 sections A and B containing 35 and 15 questions respectively. 

Ques: How many papers are there in NEET exam?

Ans: NEET question paper will be divided into 4 sections. i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. No separate will be provided for the 4 subjects as they all are included in one single paper. However, candidates will be provided the option to select the language of their choice to take the examination during the time of registration process. 

Ques: Do NEET questions repeat?

Ans: No. Generally NEET questions do not repeat, however, there are topics with high weightage from where every year candidates can expect around 2-3 questions. 

Ques: Is there any negative marking in NEET?

Ans: Yes. One correct answer will get 4 marks and one incorrect answer will deduct 1 mark from the overall score. There is no negative marking for unattempted questions. Since the candidates will be using OMR sheet, therefore, once you mark an answer, it is not possible to change it.

Ques: How many questions do you need to practice to score high in NEET physics?

Ans: In order to score high in NEET physics and other subjects of the examination candidates are advised to download and practice previous year question paper which will help them in getting a better idea about the type of questions and difficulty level of the paper. 

Ques: What happens if we mark 2 options in NEET?

Ans: Multiple answers will be considered incorrect responses and will be marked negatively. 1 mark per question will be deducted for this practice. 

NEET 2023 Exam Pattern: Difficulty Level of Previous Year

Difficulty Level Easy Medium  Difficult
Subject Number of Questions Total Marks Number of Questions Total Marks Number of Questions Total Marks
Biology (Botany + Zoology) 13 + 13 104 11 + 20 124 19 + 14 132
Physics 25 100 16 64 4 16
Chemistry 14 56 22 88 9 36
Total 65 260 69 276 46 184

NEET Paper Analysis for Physics

Physics is considered to be the most difficult section in NEET exam. Mechanics is the most important topic carrying maximum weightage. From Electrodynamics you can expect almost 9-10 questions. Most of the questions involve lengthy calculations, hence it is imperative to remember all the formulas.

Must Read:

NEET Paper Analysis for Chemistry

Chemistry is regarded as a moderately difficult section in NEET paper. Over the years, application-based questions have increased in number. Organic Chemistry has gradually gained more prominence than Inorganic Chemistry, expect 16-17 questions from Organic Chemistry in the paper. Few questions are formed taking two different concepts together.

Must Read: 

NEET Paper Analysis for Biology

Biology is relatively easier than the other two subjects. The paper includes 45 questions each from Botany and Zoology. Maximum questions are asked from NCERT so students should spend more time on that instead of reference books. Human Physiology is an extremely important topic carrying high weightage. Genetics too has been a hot favorite of NEET and along with Human Physiology, they both cover almost 30 questions in the Biology section. 

Must Read: 

NEET 2023 Instructions for filling OMR Sheet

To avoid any inconvenience on the day of the exam, it is essential to go through the below-mentioned instructions for filling NEET OMR Sheet:

  • Answers have to be marked using a ballpoint pen, which shall be provided in NEET Exam hall.
  • Candidate must mark the test booklet code on the OMR sheet. 
  • Rough work should be done using the space in the test booklet only.
  • Candidates must not change answers in the OMR sheet, erasing any information printed on the OMR sheet is a punishable offense.

How is NEET Score calculated?

For every correct answer, the candidate is awarded 4 marks and for every incorrect answer, 1 mark is deducted.

NEET Score = (Correct answers X 4) – (Incorrect answers X 1)

Normalization is used to nullify the effects of the varying difficulty level of question papers in various exam sessions. 

NEET 2023 Syllabus

NEET 2023 Syllabus is the same as last year and includes the topics from class 11 & 12 NCERT syllabus for physics, chemistry, and biology. The subject-wise syllabus for NEET UG 2023 is given in the table below: 

NEET Subject NEET Class XI Syllabus NEET Class XII Syllabus
NEET Physics Syllabus Kinematics Current Electricity
Oscillations and Waves Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Laws of Motion Electronic Devices
Gravitation  Electromagnetic Waves
Properties of Bulk Matter Atoms and Nuclei
Thermodynamics  Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Physical-world and measurement Optics
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body  Electrostatics
Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory -
Work, Energy, and Power  -
NEET Chemistry Syllabus Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solid State
Structure of Atom Solutions
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Electrochemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Surface Chemistry
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Equilibrium p- Block Elements
Redox Reactions d and f Block Elements
Hydrogen Coordination Compounds
s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Some p-Block Elements Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Hydrocarbons Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Environmental Chemistry Biomolecules
Chemistry in Everyday Life
NEET Biology Syllabus Diversity in Living World Reproduction
Structural Organization in Animals and Plants Genetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and Function Biology and Human Welfare
Plant Physiology Biotechnology and Its Applications
Human Physiology Ecology and environment

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NEET Exam Pattern FAQs

NEET Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs

Ques. What are the changes introduced in NEET Exam Pattern?

Ans. NTA will release NEET 2023 information brochure soon. No changes are expected in NEET exam pattern this year.The exam duration for NEET 2023 is 200 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes). Apart from this, the rest of the details are as per the exam pattern of 2022. The total number of questions are 200 and further, the paper has been divided into two sections i.e. A and B where 35 and 15 questions respectively will be asked from each section. No changes are introduced in NEET marking scheme.

Ques. How many questions are there in NEET?

Ans. As per NEET paper pattern 2023, there are 200 questions in NEET. However, candidates need to attempt only 180 as there is an internal choice in section B of each of the 4 subjects. Each NEET subject has 50 questions out of which 45 have to be attempted.

Ques. What are the total marks of NEET exam?

Ans. NEET exam total marks are 720. Each of the 180 questions is for 4 marks. There is also a negative marking of 25% for each incorrect answer.

Ques. What is pass mark in NEET?

Ans. NEET Cut off is 50 percentile for UR, 40 percentile for reserved, and 45 for UR-PwD. NEET pass mark corresponding to the cut off percentile is released along with the result. In 2022, NEET pass mark was 117-715 for UR, 116-93 for SC/ ST/ OBC, and 116-105 for UR-PwD.

Ques. As per NEET exam pattern 2023, what type of questions will be asked in the paper?

Ans. NEET only has Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Each question will be followed by 4 options out of which one will be correct. There will be no descriptive type questions in NEET exam 2023.

Ques. I am not comfortable with the English language; can I take NEET exam in any other language?

Ans. Yes, apart from English, NEET can be taken in 12 other languages- Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Oriya, Urdu, Punjabi, Malayalam, and Kannada.

Ques. Can I opt for Bengali medium if I am appearing for the exam in Delhi?

Ans. No. As per the current rules, the vernacular mediums of NEET are subject to geographical restrictions related to examination centers. If a particular regional language can has been opted by a candidate then he/ she can take the examination in that particular state only. 

Ques. NEET Exam Pattern has been revised by NTA. What are the changes introduced in the total number of questions?

Ans. NEET will have a total of 200 questions (only 180 to be attempted). The exam duration is 3 hours and 20 minutes. NEET 2023 will have 4 sections, Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. Each of these sections will have 50 questions. 

Ques. What is NEET marking scheme? Is there any negative marking for incorrect questions in NEET?

Ans. Each question in NEET will have 4 marks. Therefore, the maximum number of marks in the exam is 720. Yes, for each incorrect response, 1 mark will be deducted from your total score but there is no negative marking for leaving or skipping any question.

Ques. Are there any sectional time limits as per the new NEET exam pattern?

Ans. No, there are no such sectional limits in NEET. You can spend any amount of time (from the total time given) on any particular section or question.

Ques.What if I opt for English medium and I am unable to understand a question in the exam? Will I be given a translated version of such questions?

Ans. If someone opts for English medium, the test booklet will be provided in English only. Therefore, if you are facing any problem with the meaning of a question, translated version of such question will not be provided. However, If a candidate opts for any other medium than English, then he/she will be provided with the booklet in both English and the chosen language.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: General EWS and OBC Category Fees- INR 1500

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