NEET 2023 Biology Class 12 Syllabus: Check Important Topics, Study Notes, Books, Syllabus PDF

NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus holds 50% weightage in the exam, hence, it plays an important role in qualifying NEET examination. The candidates must go through the detailed NEET 2023 Biology class 12 syllabus to prepare thoroughly & to get a good score in the exam.

  • NEET biology syllabus for class 12 consists of various topics/subjects like reproduction, evolution, biotechnology, etc. which all candidates must prepare in a well-structured way.
  • As per NEET 2023 Exam Pattern for Biology, the question paper will comprise 100 questions.
  • Refer to the class 12th NCERT books and practice NEET question papers while starting with NEET 2023 biology preparation.

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Biology Class 12 Syllabus

NEET 2023 Biology Class 12 Syllabus

NEET 2023 biology syllabus for class 12 consists of the chapters given below. The detailed topic-wise class 12 biology syllabus for NEET 2023 is tabulated below:

NEET Biology Syllabus Class 12
Genetics and Evolution
Biology and Human Welfare
Biotechnology and its Applications
Body, fluids, and circulation
Ecology and Environment
Biotechnology principles & processes
Reproductive health
Human health & disease
Biology Syllabus PDF

NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus PDF

Download NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus PDF along with chemistry and physics syllabus PDFs.

Subject-wise NEET Syllabus PDF Link
NEET 2023 Syllabus Click here
Download NEET Physics syllabus PDF Click Here
Download NEET Chemistry syllabus 2022 PDF Click Here
Download NEET 2023 Biology syllabus PDF Click Here
Biology Class 12 Syllabus: Botany

NEET 2023 Biology Class 12 Syllabus: Botany

NEET 2023 Biology class 12 syllabus is divided into two parts including Botany and Zoology. The complete list of topics included in the Botany section along with weightage is mentioned below:

NEET 2023 Botany Class 12 Syllabus Number of Questions Marks Allotted
Sexual Reproduction in flowering Plants 4 16
Genetics & Evolution 10 40
Principles of Inheritance and variation 7 28
Molecular basis of inheritance 3 12
Microbes in Human Welfare 1 4
Ecology & Environment 9 36
Biodiversity and Conservation 3 12
Ecosystem 1 4
Environmental Issues 4 16
Organisms and Population 1 4
Biology Class 12 Syllabus: Zoology

NEET 2023 Biology Class 12 Syllabus: Zoology

NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus for class 12 zoology is given below for your convenience:

NEET 2023 Zoology Class 12 Syllabus Number of Questions Marks Allotted
Reproduction 6 24
Human Reproduction 3 12
Reproductive Health 3 12
Evolution 3 12
Biology & Human Welfare 8 32
Human Health and Disease 4 16
Microbes in Human Welfare 3 12
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 1 1 4
Biotechnology 5 20
Biotechnology and its application 2 8
Biotechnology and its processes and principles 3 12
NEET Zoology Class 12 Weightage 22 88

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Biology Class 12: Important Topics

NEET Biology syllabus Class 12: Important Topics

The important topics along with weightage included in the NEET Biology syllabus for class 12 are written below.

Name of the chapter Expected number of questions (Approx.) Weightage in percentile (%ile)
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 0-1 2
Biological Classification 0-1 2
Biomolecules 1 4
Animal Kingdom 2 7
Biodiversity and Conservation 1 3
Body Fluids and Circulation 0-1 1
Biotechnology and its Applications 1 3
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes 1 3
Breathing and Exchange of Gases 0-1 2
Cell: The Unit of Life, Biomolecules 0-1 2
Chemical Coordination and Integration 1 4
Cell Cycle and Cell Division 0-1 2
Digestion and Absorption 1 3
Ecosystem 0-1 2
Evolution 0-1 2
Excretory Products and their Elimination 0-1 2
Environmental Issues 0-1 2
Human Health and Disease 1 3
Human Reproduction 1 3
Locomotion and Movement 0-1 2
Microbes in Human Welfare 0-1 2
Neural Control and Coordination 0-1 2
Mineral Nutrition 0-1 1
Molecular Basis of Inheritance 2 6
Morphology of Flowering Plants 1 5
Organisms and Populations 0-1 2
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 0-1 2
Plant Growth and Development 0-1 1
Plant Kingdom 1 4
Principles and Inheritance and Variation 1 5
Reproduction in Organisms 0-1 1
Reproductive Health 0-1 2
Respiration in Plants 0-1 1
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 0-1 2
Structural Organisation in Animals 0-1 2
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 1 5
The Living World 0-1 2
Transport in Plants 0-1 1
Total 90 100
Marks Distribution

NEET Exam Pattern 2023: Marks Distribution

Below you can check the number of questions asked from different topics of physics, chemistry, and biology in NEET exam.

Subjects Number of Questions Maximum Marks
Physics 45 180
Chemistry 45 180
Biology 45+45 360
Total 180 720

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Difficulty Level of Important Chapters

NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus: Difficulty Level of Important Chapters

Given below is the distribution of important topics in NEET biology syllabus as per the difficulty level:

Important Chapters Important & Easy Topics Important and Difficult Topics Not Important But Easy Not Important and Difficult
Ecology Human & Plant Physiology Genetics & Evolution Cell Structure & Function Biotechnology Body Fluids and Circulation Environmental Issues Sexual Reproduction in Flowering plants Biological Classification Molecular Basis of Inheritance Human Health and Disease Plant Kingdom Photosynthesis in Higher plants Breathing and Exchange of Gases Animal Kingdom Chemical Coordination and integration Cell - The Unit of Life Digestion and Absorption Biodiversity and Conservations Morphology of Flowering Plants Human Reproduction Cell Cycle and Cell Division Reproductive Health Biotechnology - Principles and Processes Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Evolution Ecosystem Excretory Products and their Elimination The Living World Transport in Plants Mineral Nutrition Locomotion and Movement Respiration in Plants Neural Control and Coordination Biotechnology and its Applications Plant Growth and Development Structural Organisation in Animals Anatomy of Flowering Plants Organisms and Populations Microbes in Human Welfare Biomolecules Reproduction in Organisms

Must Read:

Preparation Books

NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus: Preparation Books

The list of the best NEET 2023 Biology Books is mentioned below:

Book Author
NCERT Biology class 12 NCERT
Objective Biology (volumes 1 & 2) GR Bathla
Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips MTG
Biology Classes 11 and 12 (Volume 1 & 2) Pradeep Publications
A Class Book for Botany A C Dutta
Objective Biology for NEET- Vol 1 & 2 Trueman
Biology 2022 Preparation Tips

NEET Biology 2023 Preparation Tips

The biology section holds significant weightage in the NEET-UG exam, thus an effective preparation strategy is a must. A total of 100 questions (90 to be attempted) of 360 marks are asked in NEET Biology section. Some of the effective preparation tips for the NEET biology section are mentioned below.

  • Refer to the NCERT books. The candidates must study the detailed NEET Biology syllabus and revise all the topics at least twice before NEET 2023 exam.
  • The diagrams and charts are also a part of NEET Biology syllabus and hence students must prepare thoroughly for the exam. Several times, questions based on diagrams are also asked, so practice such kinds of questions as well.
  • Spend extra time studying topics like Animalia and Plantae as they are a little tough and thus require more attention.

NEET Syllabus 2023 is prepared considering the syllabus classes 11 & 12 of various boards including CBSE, ICSE, NIOS, and many state boards. NEET syllabus is useful for the students in preparing for each and every subject more effectively. The main purpose of releasing NEET syllabus is to help candidates understand all the relevant topics included in NEET entrance exam.

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Biology Syllabus FAQs

NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus FAQs

Ques. From where can I get the NEET syllabus 2023?

Ans: NEET 2023 syllabus is released along with the exam brochure, so the candidates can refer to the official website for the same. The pdf for the same is also provided in this article. Also, practice more previous year papers to get insights into NEET syllabus and exam pattern.

Ques. Should I refer to the NCERT books for biology while preparing for NEET Exam 2023?

Ans: Yes, the candidates must refer to the class 11 and 12 NCERT books for all three subjects, including Physics, Chemistry and Biology for their NEET preparation.

Ques. In how many sections is NEET Biology syllabus divided?

Ans: NEET Biology syllabus is divided into two categories- Botany and Zoology. Check the topics given for each section of Biology syllabus (Botany + Zoology) in the article above for NEET exam.

Ques. How many questions are asked in NEET 2023?

Ans: A total of 200 questions are asked in NEET exam. Out of these, only 180 have to be answered. So, out of 100 questions from biology, only 90 have to be answered.

Ques. What is the difficulty Level of NEET Biology questions?

Ans. As per the last year’s review given by candidates, close to 50% of the questions were easy to attempt. However the exam-takers found 15% of the questions difficult to answer.

Ques. Does it help if I solve NEET practice papers and Mock Tests?

Ans. By doing more NEET practice papers and mock tests, the candidates can improve their score by practicing more variety of questions. Also with the help of mock tests, candidates can also improve their time management skills.

Ques. Am I supposed to study both class 11 and class 12 books while preparing for NEET Exam?

Ans. Yes, candidates must prepare well from both class 11 & 12 books and refer to the detailed syllabus of PCB while doing effective NEET 2023 exam preparation.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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