NEET Study Notes for Structure of Animals and Plants: Structure of Animals and Plants is a chapter in NEET Biology Syllabus that explains the morphology, anatomy, and functions of different parts of flowering plants and the animal tissues, morphology, anatomy, and functions of different systems.
- In NEET 2022, a complete understanding of these topics will help you in securing around 16 marks. The number of questions from this unit is usually 3-4.
- As this chapter also plays an integral part in the foundation for other chapters, candidates should ensure that they understand the concepts well and attempt sample questions provided in the article.
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Important Topics in NEET Structure of Animals and Plants
Topic | Sub- Topics |
Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants |
Morphology and modifications; Tissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants: Root, stem, leaf, inflorescence- cymose and racemose, flower, fruit, and seed • Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy, and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (cockroach). (Brief account only) |
NEET Study Notes on Morphology of Flowering Plants
Morphology is defined as the science that deals with the study of the form and structure of things. The morphology of a flowering plant includes the root, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits.
Flowering Plants
- The most diverse group of land plants with 3,00,000 known species are Flowering Plants.
- Flowering plants are also known as angiosperms. They produce fruits bearing seeds.
- Flowering Plants reproduce by the process of pollination. In this process, pollen grains transfer from anther of the male flower to the stigma of the female flower. Where seed is formed after fertilization occurs.
Root System
Root is the brown underground part of a plant. The collection of roots with their branches is collectively called the Root System. There are three types of Root System that are described below:
- Taproot System- Taproot develops from the germination seed radicle along with the primary roots and functions. This gives rise to the taproot system. Taproot is mostly found in dicotyledonous Examples of dicotyledonous plants with taproot systems are mustard seeds, mangoes, grams, and banyan.
- Fibrous Root System- From the stem, thin moderately branching roots or primary root, roots develop these are known as Fibrous Root system. Fibrous Root is mostly found in monocotyledonous plants On full maturity, such roots develop like a mat and do not penetrate deeply into the soil. Examples- Wheat, Paddy, Grass
- Adventitious Root System- Such Root Systems exist mainly in monocotyledonous plants. Root that originates from any part of the plant except radicle is called adventitious roots. Adventitious root systems support the plant by providing mechanical support, vegetative propagation. Examples- Banyan Tree, maize, oak trees.
What are the functions of root?
Root performs the function of Storage, Anchorage, and Absorption of water and minerals.
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Shoot System
Shoot System of a plant is above the ground. It is that part of the plant that is responsible for bearing branches, leaves, flower, fruits and conduction of water and minerals.
- A stem develops from plumule.
- The stem grows away from the soil towards the light. There is negative geotropic growth.
- At the apex of the stem, there is a terminal bud.
- The shoot can be classified into nodes and internodes in angiosperms. Branches, leaves, flower buds develop from nodes.
Leaves are that part of the plant that develops from nodes. Leaves are responsible for photosynthesis and providing nutrition to the plant.
- The leaf is divided into three parts- Leaf base, Petiole, and Lamina.
- Part of leaf that is in contact with the stem is called leaf base. Petiole is that part of the leaf that connects lamina with the stem.
- Lamina is the flattened part of the leaf where photosynthesis and transpiration occur. Leaves are green due to the presence of chlorophyll which helps in photosynthesis.
- Based on the lamina, leaves can be divided into simple and compound leaves.
- The arrangement of veins and veinlets in the lamina of a leaf is called venation
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Flowers are the reproductive part of the plant that gives rise to seeds and fruits. Inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis. It has two main parts- racemose and cymose. Racemose allows the axis to grow while cymose terminates the growth.
- Flower arises from a part known as a bract.
- Insects, birds act as a medium in the process of pollination. They help in the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma.
- Typically flower has four main parts calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
- The outermost whorl of the flower is calyx wherein each individual part is called sepal, Corolla consists of petals, Androesium is the outer whorl consisting of stamens, Gynoecium is the female reproductive part which consists of three main parts stigma, style, and ovary.

Fruit is the matured ovary developed after fertilization. On fertilization, the ovary forms fruits and ovules form into seeds.
- In fruits like grapes, bananas, seeds are not found, such fruits are known as parthenocarpic.
- There are three main types of fruits- Simple, Aggregate and Composite. Fruit that is developed only from the ovary is called true or simple fruit. Example- Mango and Coconut.
- Fruits that develop in places of parts of flower-like thalamus,inflorescence . These are called false fruits or composite fruits. Examples- Raspberry and Strawberry.
- Seed is that part of the plant which exists within a fruit. It is the fertilized or matured ovule.
- Seeds contain seed coats which is a protective covering and embryo.
- There are two main types of seeds called Albuminous or endospermic seeds and Exalbuminous or non-endospermic seeds.
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NEET Study Notes on Structural Organisation in Animals
The smallest unit of an organism is called Cell. Tissues are a group of similar cells that perform a specific function. There are four main types of tissue.
- Epithelial tissue- In these tissues, there is the absence of blood vessels. Many organs are internally and externally covered by these tissues. The nutrients are gained through the process of diffusion. Such tissues can be classified in two simple epithelium and compound epithileum.
- Connective Tissue- The most abundantly present tissue that supports is known as connective tissue. These tissues derive their name due to their function of linking and supporting the other tissues in the body. It can be classified into three- connective tissue, skeletal tissue, and vascular tissue.
- Muscular Tissue- Such tissues aid in the contraction, relaxation, and other bodily movements. These tissues are mainly composed of many fine fibrils which are called myofibrils. Muscular tissues are classified into skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles.
- Nervous Tissue- These tissues are found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves which are responsible for coordinating and controlling the functions of the body. Nervous tissue is the major component of the neural system. Neurons are the largest cell in the body.
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NEET Study Notes on Morphology of an Insect (Cockroach)
The body of cockroach is divided into - Head, Thorax, and Abdomen

- Head- Head of the cockroach is made by combined 6 embryonic segments. It consists of compound eyes and two antennas from the head. Head is covered by exoskeleton called Head capsule. On the anterior part, which consists of two mandibles, two maxillae, and labium, the mouth is present. The median flexible lobe acts as the tongue.
- Thorax- Thorax is the middle part of the body. It is divided into three parts- Prothorax, Mesothorax, and Methatorax, Head and thorax are connected by a short extension known as the neck which is known by prothorax.
- Abdomen- Abdomen is wider than the thorax and is divided into two segments. Abdome is broader in female cockroaches than a male cockroach.
Digestive System
Digestive system includes mouthparts, alimentary canal, and a pair of salivary glands.
The alimentary canal is divided into three parts- foregut, midgut, and hindgut.
- Foregut - Foregut or Stomadaeudum comprises of mouth cavity, pharynx, esophagus, crop, and gizzard.
- Midgut- Midgut or Mesenteron is shorter in comparison to the foregut. It is lined with glandular endoderm. Midgut serves mainly for digestion and absorption.
- Hindgut- Hindgut or Proctodaeum consists of ileum, colon, and rectum.
Circulatory System
Circulatory System of a Cockroach is open. Blood flows through the body cavity. Circulatory Sytem of cockroach consists of heart, anterior aorta, and sinuses which are a system of ill-defined blood spaces. Blood circulation in cockroaches is completed 5-6 minutes.
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Nervous System
- Nervous System of cockroaches is spread throughout the body.
- Nervous system of cockroach can be divided into central, peripheral and sympathetic nervous system.
- Central nervous system consists of the brain while peripheral nervous system consists of nerves, Sympathetic nervous system consists of frontal ganglion.
Respiratory System
- Respiratory System in cockroach consists of the trachea which is present on the lateral side of the body.
- These open through 10 pairs of small holes which are called spiracles. Tracheal tubes which are further divided into tracheoholes carry oxygen to all the parts of the body,
- Exchange of gases also takes place through tracheoles by diffusion.
Excretory System
- Excretion in Cockroaches is performed by Malpighian tubes which are lined by glandular and ciliated cells.
- These absorb nitrogenous waste products which are converted into uric acid
- This uric acid is excreted from the hindgut.
Reproductive System
- Male Reproductive System of Cockroaches consists of a pair of testes, vasa deferentia, ejaculatory duct, utricular gland, phallic or conglobate gland, and male gonapophysis.
- Testes of the cockroaches are located in the abdominal segments 4th and 6th. Sperms are stored in seminal vesicles.

- The female Reproductive system consists of two ovaries which are located in abdominal segments 2nd and 6th.
- Oviducts of each ovary connect into a single median oviduct.
- Spermatheca receives sperms from spermatophores.
- Fertilized eggs are present cases called ootheca.

NEET Sample MCQs in Structural Animals and Plants
Question: Which tissue is responsible for flexibility in plants?
- Parenchyma
- Sclerenchyma
- Collenchyma
- None of the above
Answer: Collenchyma
Collenchyma is responsible for support and flexibility to plants. The tissue is made up of living cells that have unevenly thickened cellulose, pectin, and hemicellulose on the walls. Cells possess chloroplast. They provide tensile strength and flexibility to the plant body.
Question: Which plant hormone is responsible for fruit ripening in a plant?
- Zeatin
- Ethylene
- Auxins
- Gibberellic Acid
Answer: Ethylene
Ethylene Hormone is responsible for fruit ripening. Ethylene is produced in all parts of the plant gets diffused through the tissues of the plant and travels through the air to affect a different plant.
Question: What is responsible for water transportation in plants?
- Xylem
- Veins
- Phloem
- Chloroplast
Answer: Xylem
Xylem is responsible for water transportation in plants. In rooted plants, xylem tissue transports water, and nutrients unidirectionally, that is the transport takes place from roots to the stems and leaves.
Question: What is the part in the flower that is responsible for producing eggs?
- Calyx
- Pistil
- Stamen
- Corolla
Answer: Pistil is the female part of the flower and produces eggs. Carpel contains pistil of the flower. Pistil which is the female reproductive organ comprises of three parts- Ovary, Style and Stigma.
Question: Where are sperms stored in a cockroach?
- Testes
- Vas deferens
- Mushroom Glands
- Seminal Vesicles
Answer: Seminal Vesicles
Question: How many segments can the abdomen of a cockroach be divided into?
- 2
- 10
- 6
- 3
Answer: 10
The abdomen of a cockroach is divided into 10 segments. Whereas the body of the cockroach is divided into three parts- Head, thorax, and abdomen.
Question: Malpigihan tubes are present in the cockroach—?
- Between midgut and hindgut
- Before foregut
- Between foregut and midgut
- After hindgut
Answer: Between midgut and hindgut
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