NEET 2021 Cut Off for RIMS, Ranchi: Check Opening and Closing Ranks of Previous Years

NEET 2021 Cut off for Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi will release after the conclusion of counselling process. Students who have cleared NEET 2021 Cut off are eligible to participate in All India Quota Counselling, conducted by MCC.

  • The rest of the seats in college are filled by the counselling held by JCECE Board under 85% state seats counselling. 
  • The closing rank accepted by the college in the 2022 session under state counselling for the general category candidates was 12767 and for SC and ST category candidates was 101649 and 74127 respectively. 
  • Read the article to know more about the trends in RIMS NEET cut off over the past few years. 
NEET RIMS Cut off 2021

NEET 2021 Cut off RIMS, Ranchi

Category Qualifying Criteria NEET 2021 Marks Range
UR/ EWS 50th percentile 720-138
OBC, SC, ST 40th percentile 137-108
UR/ EWS & PwD 45th percentile 137-122
OBC, SC, ST & PwD 40th percentile 121-108

Quick Links:

NEET RIMS Cut off 2020

NEET 2020 Cut off RIMS Ranchi

For MBBS: 85% state quota seats cut off for RIMS Ranchi is mentioned below:

College Name/ Category General BC- 1 SC ST EWS
Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score
RIMS Ranchi 12767 617 14489 612 101649 482 74127 515 19728 600


College Name/ Category General BC- 1 SC ST EWS
Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score
RIMS Ranchi 32330 576 38287 566 168749 415 303373 312 40312 563
NEET RIMS Cut off 2019

NEET 2019 Cut off RIMS Ranchi

15% state quota seats cut off for RIMS Ranchi is mentioned below:

College Name/ Category General SC
Rank Scores Rank Score
RIMS Ranchi 5084 614 58412 485

85% state quota seats cut off for RIMS Ranchi is mentioned below:

College Name/ Category UR UR PH ST SC OBC 1 OBC 2 EWS
Ranks Scores Ranks Scores Ranks Scores Ranks Scores Ranks Scores Ranks Scores Ranks Scores
RIMS Ranchi 9774 592 243982 309 150424 380 90134 442 13025 580 9578 593 15987 571
NEET RIMS Cut off 2018

NEET 2018 Cut off RIMS Ranchi

15% state quota seats cut off for RIMS Ranchi is mentioned below:

College Name/ Category
Rank scores Rank scores Rank scores Rank scores
RIMS Ranchi 6045 558 -- -- 52006 437 36960 464
NEET RIMS Cut off 2017

NEET 2017 Cut off RIMS Ranchi

NEET Cut Off 2017 for RIMS, Ranchi – Round 1

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
UR 545 2736
OBC - -
SC 22286 28925
ST 35945 42304

NEET Cut Off 2017 for RIMS, Ranchi  – Round 2

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
UR 3601 5929
OBC - -
SC 31776 44457
ST - -
NEET RIMS Cut off 2016

NEET 2016 Cut off RIMS Ranchi

NEET Cut Off 2016 for RIMS, Ranchi –  Round 1: NEET cut off 2016 was released in two rounds of counselling. The CR (closing rank) for General was 2490. OR (opening rank) and CR (closing rank) for other categories is shown below-

Course Category Opening rank Closing rank
M.B.B.S. General 1821 2490
M.B.B.S. Schedule Caste 19247 21245
M.B.B.S. Schedule Tribe 38499 38499

NEET Cut Off 2016 for RIMS, Ranchi –  Round 2: CBSE NEET Counselling Round 2 saw a change in CR for General, SC, ST categories compared to Round 1. Closing rank for General was 4250 which is the last rank of the General category candidate.

Course Category Opening rank Closing rank
M.B.B.S. General 2587 4250
M.B.B.S. Schedule Caste 21810 30127
M.B.B.S. Schedule Tribe 46488 46488
NEET RIMS Cut off 2015

NEET 2015 Cut off RIMS Ranchi

AIPMT Cut Off 2015 for RIMS, Ranchi – Round 1: AIPMT 2015 Cut Off was declared in the 3 rounds of AIPMT/NEET counselling for different categories. Check AIPMT 2015 round 1 cut off for RIMS, Ranchi.

Course Category Opening rank Closing rank
M.B.B.S. General 1595 2323
M.B.B.S. Schedule Caste 3966 21431
M.B.B.S. Schedule Tribe 36215 36215
M.B.B.S. Other Backward Class 1507 2350

AIPMT Cut Off 2015 for RIMS, Ranchi – Round 2 

Course Category Opening rank Closing rank
M.B.B.S. General 2406 2756
M.B.B.S. Schedule Caste 25289 25289
M.B.B.S. Schedule Tribe 40389 40389
M.B.B.S. Other Backward Class 2542 2645

NEET RIMS Ranchi Admission

NEET is the gateway for admission to MBBS course offered at RIMS, Ranchi. Counselling for NEET is conducted through Medical Counselling Committee (MCC). One has to register on the website of MCC and fill their choices to appear in the NEET counselling.

The seat intake in RIMS Ranchi previously was 90 students for the undergraduate course. As per the new regulations of the MCI (Medical Council of India), the institute has increased its seats to fill 150 undergraduate students. The college provides post-graduate education in almost all the departments which constitutes around 150 intake admission every year.

NEET Counselling: NEET counselling will be conducted by Medical Council Committee. For 15% All India Quota seats, there will be centralized counselling for candidates falling under AI Quota. There will be separate counselling for states participating in NEET for 85% Quota Seats.

Documents Required for NEET Counselling Process

Applicants are required to carry the following document at the time of the NEET counselling.

  • Birth Certificate.
  • NEET Score Card
  • Two Passport Size photograph similar to that affixed on the NEET Application Form.
  • 10th and 12th class Mark sheets.
  • 10th and 12th class Passing Certificate.
  • Caste Certificate (If applicable)
  • PWD Certificate (If applicable)
  • Counselling Letter issued by NEET Authority

Must Read:

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: General EWS and OBC Category Fees- INR 1500

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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