CAT LR Preparation 2022: Practice Questions on Cubes

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bySachin Gupta Content Writer

Questions on Cubes can be expected in the exam. CAT Cubes questions are usually in the form of a data set where you will be given information about the number of cubes, colored/ uncolored sides, number of pieces it has been cut into, etc., and based on such information 1-2 questions can be asked. It is a very scoring topic in CAT DILR section and hence should not be skipped. About 2-3 questions of easy-moderate level might be asked from this topic in CAT 2022 exam. Check CAT DILR Preparation Strategy

The following quiz consists of 25 questions of varying difficulty levels from the previous years’ CAT question papers for your practice. CAT Aspirants must try to answer maximum questions correctly in a minimum amount of time, probably 20 minutes.

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CAT Logical Reasoning Cubes Quiz

A cube has all its faces colored red. It is cut into 64 cubes of equal size. Based on the dame, answer the questions below:

1.How many cubes are colored?

  A. 8
  B. 0
  C. 16
  D. 24

2.How many cubes have exactly one face colored?

  A. 24
  B. 32
  C. 40
  D. 8

3.How many cubes have two opposite faces coloured?

  A. 8
  B. 4
  C. 0
  D. 16

4.How many cubes have exactly three faces colored?

  A. 0
  B. 4
  C. 8
  D. 16

A wooden cube is colored blue on four adjoining sides while the opposite sides are colored green. The cube is then cut four times vertically and twice horizontally at right angles. Based on the same answer the next question.

5.How many cubes have exactly one face colored blue?

  A. 1
  B. 2
  C. 3
  D. 4

6. How many cubes have only one face painted that too in green?

  A. 2
  B. 3
  C. 4
  D. 5

7. How many cubes were formed by cutting the larger cube according to the procedure?

  A. 9
  B. 18
  C. 27
  D. 36

8. How many cubes have more than 2 sides painted?

  A. 2
  B. 4
  C. 6
  D. 8

9. How many cubes are uncolored?

  A. 1
  B. 2
  C. 3
  D. 4

Three sides of a cube are colored blue. The cube is then cut horizontally and vertically to form four cuboids of the same dimensions, Each of these cuboids is then colored pink on all uncolored faces and is then cut in the same procedure as above into four cuboids of the same dimension. Based on this, answer the questions below:

10. How many cuboids have exactly two faces colored pink?

  A. 2
  B. 3
  C. 4
  D. 6

11. How many cuboids have exactly three faces colored pink?

  A. 6
  B. 9
  C. 3
  D. 5

12. How many cuboids have exactly three faces colored blue?

  A. 4
  B. 3
  C. 2
  D. 1

A cube has been painted red on two adjacent faces, black on the faces opposite to red and green on the remaining faces. The cube is then cut into 64 cubes of equal size. Based on this, answer the questions below:

13. How many cubes have no face painted?

  A. 8
  B. 4
  C. 0
  D. 2

14. How many cubes have exactly one face painted?

  A. 8
  B. 4
  C. 16
  D. 24

15. How many cubes have two or less than two faces painted?

  A. 24
  B. 48
  C. 64
  D. 0

16. How many cubes have exactly three faces painted?

  A. 0
  B. 4
  C. 8
  D. 16

17. How many cubes have just one face green and one of the adjacent faces colored black or red?

  A. 8
  B. 16
  C. 24
  D. 28

18. How many cubes have only one face colored red?

  A. 4
  B. 8
  C. 12
  D. 24

19. A number of 1x1x1 cubes have been put together to form a 10x10x10 cube. What will be the number of 1x1x1 cubes present in the big cube if a layer of smaller cubes is removed?

  A. 480
  B. 512
  C. 729
  D. 800

20. A number of 1x1x1 cubes have been put together to form a 5x5x5 cube. What will be the number of 1x1x1 cubes present in the big cube if a layer of smaller cubes is added?

  A. 343
  B. 294
  C. 290
  D. 250

A cuboid-shaped wooden block has 6 cm length, 4 cm breadth, and 1 cm height. The faces which have been colored are:

Number of faces Dimension Colour
Two 4 cm x 1 cm black
Two 6 cm x 1 cm red
Two 6 cm x 4 cm green

The block is then divided into 6 equal cubes of side 1 cm (from 6 cm side), 4 equal cubes of side 1 cm(from 4 cm side).Based on this, answer the questions below:

21. How many cubes have red, green, and black colors on less than two sides of the cube?

  A. 4
  B. 8
  C. 16
  D. 24

22. How many new cubes will be formed?

  A. 8
  B. 16
  C. 24
  D. 32

23. How many cubes have exactly 4 sides coloured?

  A. 4
  B. 6
  C. 16
  D. 24

24. How many cubes will have exactly two sides colored green?

  A. 0
  B. 4
  C. 8
  D. 12

25. If cubes having black and green colour are removed, how many cubes will be left?

  A. 4
  B. 12
  C. 16
  D. 20

Answer Key
1 A
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 D
6 A
7 C
8 D
9 A
10 D
11 B
12 D
13 A
14 D
15 B
16 C
17 B
18 C
19 B
20 A
21 A
22 C
23 A
24 D
25 C

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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