IIM Ahmedabad CAT Cut Off 2022: AWT-PI Shortlist (Out), Admission Criteria 2023-25, Selection Process, Eligibility, Fees, Placement

IIM Ahmedabad CAT 2022 Cut off and admission criteria for the 2023-25 batch has been released. The overall qualifying CAT 2022 Cut off percentile is 80 for GN category, 75 for NC-OBC, 70 for SC and Gen-PwD, and 60 for ST category candidates.

IIM Ahmedabad has now released the AWT-PI Shortlist of top candidates from each academic discipline based on the Composite Score (CS) calculated using the formula: [ARF_CS * Normalised AR score + CATF_CS * Normalised overall score in CAT-2022]. Candidates can check their shortlist status by entering their CAT registration number and email id using the direct link provided here:

The final selection of candidates after AWT and PI rounds will strictly be done based on the FCS (Final Composite Score) calculated using the formula: 

FCS = PIF * Normalised PI Score + AWTF * Normalised AWT Score + CATF_FCS * Normalised CAT Score + ARF_FCS * AR, where PIF and AWTF are the PI and AWT multiplication factors respectively. 

Foreign nationals staying in India must take GMAT and apply through the Supernumerary Quota category only in order to take admission in the institute. Read CAT PI Preparation Tips

Read the article to know more about CAT cut off of IIM Ahmedabad, selection process, and much more. 

IIM-A Preliminary Screening

CAT 2022 Cut off for IIM Ahmedabad: Preliminary Screening

The preliminary screening of candidates will be done based on the sectional and overall percentiles scored by the candidates. Other than that candidates will be marked based on their performance in Class 10, 12, Graduation, Work experience, etc. The details of the whole criteria is mentioned below: 

Category Verbal and Reading Comprehension Percentile Rank (PVRC) Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Percentile Rank (PDILR) Quantitative Aptitude Percentile Rank (PQA) Overall Percentile and Rank (PT)
General 70 70 70 80
NC-OBC-cum-transgender 65 65 65 75
SC 60 60 60 70
ST 50 50 50 60
PwD (General, NC-OBC-cum-transgender, SC) 60 60 60 70
PwD (ST) 50 50 50 60
IIM-A Admission Process

IIM Ahmedabad Selection Process 2022: Academic Score Weightage

Rating Scores for Class 10 

Class 10 score (in percentage)

Rating score: A

Less than or equal to 55 1
55-60 2
60-70 3
70-80 5
80-90 8
More than 90 10

Also Read About IIM Ahmedabad Placement

Weightage of Class 12 Marks

Science Stream Commerce Stream Arts Stream
Score in Class XII (in percent) Rating score: B Score in Class XII (in percent) Rating score: B Score in Class XII (in percent) Rating score: B
Less than 55 1 Less than 50 1 Less than 45 1
55-60 2 50-55 2 45-50 2
60-70 3 55-65 3 50-60 3
70-80 5 65-75 5 60-70 5
80-90 8 75-90 8 70-85 8
More than 90 10 More than 90 10 85 10

Weightage of Bachelor’s Degree Examination

AC-1 AC-2 AC-3 AC-4 &AC-6 AC-5
Score(in percent) Rating Score: C Score(in percent) Rating Score: C Score(in percent) Rating Score: C Score(in percent) Rating Score: C Score(in percent) Rating Score: C
Less than or equal to 55 1 Less than or equal to 50 1 Less than or equal to 55 1 Less than or equal to 60 1 Less than or equal to 50 1
55-60 2 50-53 2 55-60 2 60-65 2 50-55 2
60-62 3 53-55 3 60-65 3 65-70 3 55-60 3
62-65 5 55-57 5 65-70 5 70-75 5 60-65 5
65-70 8 57-63 8 70-80 8 75-85 8 65-75 8
More than 70 10 More than 63 10 More than 80 10 More than 85 10 More than 75 10

Weightage of Work Experience

Work Experience in Month 

Rating Score

Less than 12 months


Greater than or equal to and less than or equal to 36 months

Number of months of work experience - 11

Greater than 36 months


IIM-A Criteris for AWT PI

IIM Ahmedabad CAT Cut off 2022: Shortlisting for AWT and PI

The stages of shortlisting and scoring the candidates is mentioned below:

Stage 1 – From the Applicants' pool: Selection of exceptional performers across different disciplines

Top candidates from each of the academic disciplines will be shortlisted for AWT & PI on the basis of their composite score ‘CS' 

CS (Composite Score) = ARF_CS * Normalised AR score + CATF_CS * Normalised overall score in CAT 2022

Where, Application Rating Multiplication Factor for Composite Score (ARF_CS) = 0.35; CAT Multiplication Factor for Composite Score (CATF_CS) = 0.65

The upper limits (UL) on the number of candidates to be shortlisted per RC for AC-1, AC-2, AC-3, AC-5. 

Category Upper Limit (UL) Per ACRC
General 100
NC-OBC-cum-transgender 57
SC 32
ST 16
PwD 6

The upper limits (UL) on the number of candidates to be shortlisted per RC for AC-4

Category Upper Limit (UL) per ACRC
General 150
NC-OBC-cum-transgender 85
SC 48
ST 24
PwD 9

Download Categorization of Academic Course Bachelor’s Degree PDF

Criteria C1-C3:

  • C1.  PVRC, PDILR, PQA and PT must not be lower than the minimum cut-offs as specified first table.
  • C2.  P ≥ Minimum cut-offs, is the average of the percentages of marks scored in 10th and 12th std. examinations.

Minimum cut-off for P across different disciplines and different categories

Stream in 12thstd. General Category NC-OBC-cum-transgender Category SC Category ST Category PWD (General, NC-OBC-cum-transgender, SC) PWD (ST)
Science 80 75 70 65 70 65
Commerce 77 72 67 62 67 62
Arts & Humanities 75 70 64 59 64 59
  • C3.  Percentage of marks in the bachelor's examination ≥ Minimum cut-off percentage
  • Criteria C4-C6:
    • C4.  PT ≥ 80, PQA ≥ 70, PDILR ≥ 70 and PVRC ≥ 70.
    • C5.  P ≥ 80 (Science), 77 (Commerce), 75 (Arts/Humanities), is the average of the percentages of marks scored in the 10th and 12th std. examinations.
  • C6.  Percentage of marks in the bachelor's examination ≥ Minimum cut-off percentage

Stage 2 – After Shotlisting based on Stage 1 

  • From the candidates left after removing those shortlisted in round 1, the additional number of candidates to be shortlisted for AWT & PI will be selected on the basis of the composite score ‘CS' subject to their fulfilling criteria C1-C2.

Final Selection – PIF * Normalised PI Score + AWTF * Normalised AWT Score + CATF_FCS * Normalised CAT Score + ARF_FCS * AR

  • Personal Interview Multiplication Factor (PIF) = 0.50
  • AWT Multiplication Factor (AWTF) = 0.10
  • CAT Score Multiplication Factor for Final Composite Score (CATF_FCS) = 0.25
  • Application Rating Multiplication Factor for Final Composite Score (ARF_FCS) = 0.15

IIM Ahmedabad CAT Cut off 2021

Category VARC Percentile DILR Percentile QA Percentile Overall Percentile
General 70 70 70 80
NC-OBC-cum-transgender 65 65 65 75
SC 60 60 60 70
ST 50 50 50 60
PwD (General, NC-OBC-cum-transgender, SC) 60 60 60 70
PwD (ST) 50 50 50 60
IIM-A Cut off

CAT 2020 Cut Off for IIM Ahmedabad

Category VARC Percentile DILR Percentile QA Percentile Overall Percentile
General, EWS 70 70 70 80
NC-OBC, Transgender 65 65 65 75
SC 60 60 60 70
ST 50 50 50 60
PwD 60 60 60 70
PwD (ST) 50 50 50 60

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CAT 2019 Cutoff for IIM Ahmedabad 

IIM Ahmedabad Admission Criteria comprises of two steps including preliminary screening and shortlisting criteria having huge weightage for CAT score and the final selection criteria holding less weightage to CAT score. IIM Ahmedabad Cut Off is the minimum percentile that candidates need to score for getting admission to the various MBA and PGDM programs in the IIMs and other B-schools of the country. The institute will declare its cut off after the announcement of CAT Result. 

  • Candidates have to clear both the sectional and overall cut off for getting shortlisted in the pre-admission rounds.
  • The cut off for 2-years PGDM program at IIM Ahmedabad had been around 80-85 percentile in the last few years.
  • CAT Cut Off for IIM Ahmedabad depends on many variables.      
  • Shortlisted candidates on the basis of their CAT score are called for CAT Counselling.
  • IIM Ahmedabad Selection Process comprises 3 steps- Preliminary Screening, Screening for AWT (Academic Writing Test) & PI (Personal Interview) and Final Selection.

The institute considers the academic performance of the candidates in the 10th, 12th and degree examinations. IIM Ahmedabad is often considered by people as the best MBA college in India. It has been voted many times as the finest Indian MBA college. Getting admission in IIM Ahmedabad is a matter of pride as it is one of the best IIMs in the country.

Category  Percentile
General 70 70 70 80
NC-OBC-Transgender 65 65 65 75
SC 60 60 60 70
ST 50 50 50 60
PwD (General, NCOBC-cum-transgender, SC) 60 60 60 70
PwD (ST) 50 50 50 60

Candidates applying through GMAT score i.e. for the foreign candidates, the qualifying cutoff has also been fixed and mentioned in the table below :

Verbal Quantitative Total
40 50 72

CAT Cutoff 2018 for IIM Ahmedabad

IIMs are the most reputed management institutes of our country. After the announcement of CAT Results, IIM Ahmedabad declares its own cut off.

  • Candidates securing qualifying marks will be eligible for appearing in the pre-admission rounds.
  • Along with the CAT percentile, IIM Ahmedabad follows their own selection criteria for selecting eligible candidates.
  • IIM Ahmedabad CAT cut off is extremely high and therefore, it is not easy to get admission in this institute.
Sections General NC-OBC-cum transgender SC ST DA
Verbal and Reading Comprehension  (VRC) 75 50 65 60 60
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning  (DIILR) 70 50 65 60 60
Quantitative Aptitude (QA) 70 50 65 60 60
Overall Percentile 80 60 75 70 70

IIM Ahmedabad Admission 2023-25: Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who wish to pursue a Postgraduate program in IIM Ahmedabad are required to fulfil the below-mentioned eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline with an aggregate of at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA (45% marks for candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ PwD Category).
  • Candidates must pursue Bachelor’s degree or equivalent for duration of minimum three years after completing Class 12 or equivalent from a recognized board.
  • Candidates in the final year of graduation need to submit the mar sheet and certificates by Dec 31, 2023.
  • Apart from the academic qualification, candidates must remember that they are required to appear in CAT and must score the minimum desired score in the entrance test to be considered eligible for admission to the post-graduate programme in IIM Ahmedabad. Check CAT Eligibility Criteria 

IIM Ahmedabad Admission Process

The steps given below are included in the Admission process of IIM Ahmedabad:

  • Step 1: Candidate must have appeared and scored the minimum required percentile in CAT .
  • Step 2: Candidates are short-listed for AWT and PI from candidates holding a valid CAT score, who have applied to the postgraduate course in IIM Ahmedabad and who satisfy the minimum required eligibility criteria for admission in IIM Ahmedabad.
  • Step 3: After the AWT & PI round, admission offers are made by IIM Ahmedabad to the successful candidates. The final selection to the postgraduate program in IIM Ahmedabad will be done based on a number of factors including performance in CAT, performance in AWT & PI, academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, work experience etc.
  • Step 4: Final Admission Offer will be made to the candidates based on the Final Composite Score (FCS) which awards 50% weightage to the score obtained in PI round, 10% weightage to AWT score, 25% weightage to the CAT score & 15% weightage to candidate’s academic record.

IIM Ahmedabad Selection Process 2023-25

The foremost part involved in IIM Ahmedabad Admission Criteria is the shortlisting criteria required for the final selection round. A candidate will be considered shortlisted by IIM Ahmedabad if he/ she fulfil the following shortlisting criteria:

  • The first stage of shortlisting criteria to Postgraduate program in IIM Ahmedabad holds 65% weightage to CAT score and 35% weightage to work experience, class 11 and 12 marks, and work experience.
  • IIM Ahmedabad considers both candidate’s previous academic records as well as their performance in CAT at the time of shortlisting candidates. Based on the candidate’s performance in CAT, they will be shortlisted to AWT and PI subject to their fulfilling the minimum required eligibility criteria.
  • Aspirants holding high academic record will be awarded higher points in the shortlisting criteria of IIM Ahmedabad.
  • Candidates holding working experience of more than 36 months will be awarded 5% weightage in the shortlisting criteria.

Identifying exceptional students

  • IIM Ahmedabad identifies some exceptional candidates from diverse backgrounds and shortlists them for the 2nd phase of admission, based on their CAT scores.
  • After this stage, all shortlisted candidates will be at par.
  • They will be assessed on the basis of their aggregate scores (CAT score, Academic Rating (AR) and performance in WA-PI).

Application Rating

  • CAT Cut Off – IIM Ahmedabad considers the academic performance of applicants in 10th, 12th and degree examinations.
  • The overall performance of applicants is measured by their academic performance, extracurricular activities, work experience, awards and recognition, written analysis and personal interview.
  • According to the rules of the government, 27% seats of IIM Ahmedabad are reserved for OBC candidates, 15% for SC candidates and 7.5% for ST candidates.
  • 3% seats are also reserved by IIM Ahmedabad for DA (Differently Abled) candidates. DA candidates are those with blindness/low-vision, hearing impairment and cerebral palsy.

Final Admission Selection Round Criteria

  • All the candidates shortlisted in the first stage are eligible to participate in the final selection round for admission to the postgraduate program in IIM Ahmedabad.
  • The selection criteria of IIM Ahmedabad after the final admission round award a total of 50% weightage to Personal Interview (PI), 10% weightage to Academic Writing Test (AWT), 25% weightage to CAT score and 15% weightage to candidate’s academic performance.

IIM-A Admission FAQs

IIM Ahmedabad CAT Cut off and Admission Criteria FAQs

Ques. What is the highest package at IIM Ahmedabad for placements?

Ans. IIM Ahmedabad has an impressive placement history with top MNCs like BCG, PwC, McKinsey as chief recruiters, the highest international package was INR 1.32 Crores in 2020. The average payoff stays between INR 25-26 LPA every year. 

Ques. What is the CAT Percentile for admission to IIM Ahmedabad PGP Program?

Ans: IIM Ahmedabad CAT 2022 Percentile for the general category is 80. For the OBC, SC, ST categories, the cut off percentile is 75, 70, and 60 respectively

Ques. What is the program fee of MBA at IIM Ahmedabad?

Ans. The total program fee at IIM Ahmedabad is INR 23,00,000 inclusive of tuition fee of INR 16,99,000. These fees also include Laptop computers, personal expenses onboarding, travel, clothes, and laundry. 

Ques. What all topics are tested in AWT for IIM Ahmedabad MBA admission?

Ans. Applicants who are called for AWT/PI rounds can expect topics based on current affairs based on socio-political areas, economy, banking and other related subjects. PI is exhaustive and lasts maximum upto 20 minutes. Judging the applicant's knowledge, knowing about his/her past experiences and goals.

Ques. Do PGP Programs have an upper age limit for admission at IIM Ahmedabad?

Ans. No, there is no upper limit for admission to either PGP or PGP-FABM courses offered at IIM Ahmedabad. But there is an upper limit for PGPX programmes for admission. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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