CAT LR Preparation 2022: Check Calendar Questions with Solutions

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CAT Calendar questions in the Logical Reasoning section are tricky and require more than just conceptual knowledge. To solve calendar-based questions asked in CAT exam, candidates need to develop skills for the application of the basic concepts, and for this what is required is the maximum practice of diverse questions. CAT DILR section is very dynamic and questions from all topics are mostly application-based. Although calendar questions are not asked every year in CAT exam, you can still expect about 1-2 questions of moderate difficulty level. Check CAT DILR Preparation Strategy

The quiz given below on Calendars for CAT 2022 aspirants is designed keeping in mind the different types of questions asked in previous years’ CAT question papers. Candidates must try to attempt maximum questions within 20 minutes to maintain a balance between speed and accuracy.

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CAT Logical Reasoning: Calendar Quiz

1.What would be the day on 15th April 1916, if 15 March 1816 was Friday?

  A. Monday
  B. Wednesday
  C. Thursday
  D. Saturday

2.1895, a leap year, has the same calendar as that of which year?

  A. 1900
  B. 1901
  C. 1902
  D. 1903

3.What is the day of the week on 31 August 1961, if 28 August 1946?

  A. Tuesday
  B. Thursday
  C. Monday
  D. Wednesday

4.What was the day on 09/12/1971 if 9/12/2001 was Sunday?

  A. Wednesday
  B. Tuesday
  C. Saturday
  D. Thursday

5.In 2016 Lokesh celebrated his birthday on Friday. When will he able to celebrate his birthday on the same day in the future? He was not born in January or February)

  A. 2026
  B. 2022
  C. 2020
  D. 2021

6.Sujata was born on Wednesday, 29 Feb 2012. She is now 101 years old. How many Birthdays did she celebrate on a Wednesday?

  A. 1
  B. 2
  C. 3
  D. 4

7.Which of the following are true?

  A. No year has 5 Sundays in May and 5 Thursday in June
  B. If Feb 14 of a year was Friday , May 14 of that year cannot be a Thursday
  C. A year with 53 Sundays can have 5 Mondays in May
  D. None of these

8. 29 days in February from 2001 to 2100 were in how many years?

  A. 24
  B. 20
  C. 25
  D. 27

9. On which day is the Indian Independence day in 2012 , if Jan1, 2012 was Sunday?

  A. Saturday
  B. Monday
  C. Wednesday
  D. Thursday

10. Which year must be having the same calendar as that of 1700?

  A. 1706
  B. 1705
  C. 1707
  D. 1701

11. If Lokesh was born on Monday, 25 May and his sister was born on July 13. On which day was his sisters’ birthday?

  A. Friday
  B. Saturday
  C. Monday
  D. Thursday

12. What was the day on Jan 1, 2010 if Jan 1, 2006 was Sunday?

  A. Sunday
  B. Monday
  C. Tuesday
  D. Friday

13. May 28, 2006 was which day?

  A. Sunday
  B. Monday
  C. Tuesday
  D. Wednesday

14. June 17, 1998 was which day?

  A. Tuesday
  B. Wednesday
  C. Thursday
  D. Friday

15. August 15, 2010 was which day?

  A. Sunday
  B. Monday
  C. Tuesday
  D. Wednesday

16. If today is monday. What will be the day after 61 days?

  A. Wednesday
  B. Thursday
  C. Friday
  D. Saturday

17. What was the day on March 6, 2004 ,if March 6, 2005 is Monday?

  A. Friday
  B. Saturday
  C. Sunday
  D. Monday

18. Wednesday fell in which days of April 2001?

  A. 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
  B. 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
  C. 2th, 9th, 16th, 23th
  D. 7th, 14th, 25th, 30th

19. x days and x weeks have how many days?

  A. 7x2
  B. 14x
  C. 7
  D. 8x

20. The last day of a century can never be?

  A. Saturday
  B. Sunday
  C. Monday
  D. Tuesday

21. If Feb 8, 2005 was Tuesday. What was the day on Feb 8, 2004?

  A. Thursday
  B. Sunday
  C. Monday
  D. Tuesday

22. 2007 Calendar was the same as which year?

  A. 2016
  B. 2017
  C. 2018
  D. 2019

23.Out of the following, which is not a leap year?

  A. 700
  B. 800
  C. 2000
  D. 1200

24. What day was Dec 8, 2006, if Dec 8, 2008 was Saturday?

  A. Tuesday
  B. Wednesday
  C. Thursday
  D. Friday

25. If January 1, 2008 was Tuesday. What was the day on Jan 1, 2009?

  A. Wednesday
  B. Thursday
  C. Friday
  D. Saturday

Answer Key
1 D
2 B
3 B
4 D
5 C
6 D
7 B
8 A
9 B
10 A
11 C
12 D
13 A
14 B
15 A
16 D
17 C
18 A
19 B
20 D
21 B
22 C
23 A
24 D
25 B

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