When it Comes to Remembering Numbers or Binary Digits, Each Competitor GMAT Sentence Correction

Question: When it comes to remembering numbers or binary digits, each competitor in the World Memory Championships has its own systems for converting these items into images.

A) each competitor in the World Memory Championships has its
B) each competitor in the World Memory Championships has their
C) each competitor in the World Memory Championships have their
D) all of the competitors in the World Memory Championships have its
E) all of the competitors in the World Memory Championships have their

Answer: E
Explanation: The following arguments could be used to defend the suggested language change:

  • Parallelism
  • Considering two separate truths
  • Modifiers

The original statement has a problem since the subject is singular when it should be plural. We can see the term own systems, which suggests that a plural subject is intended, in the non-underlined portion.

There are "systems" in the part that are not underlined. It demonstrates that using "all of the competitors" instead of the singular "each of the competitors" is more appropriate.

all of the competitors in the World Memory Championships have their- Correct. Corrects multiple topics for their own systems and gets rid of all the above mistakes.

This decision is justified by the insistence that "the competitors... have their" rather than "each competitor... has their" be used. However it is an outdated interpretation of English use. Both are acceptable in contemporary English. Let's look at the other choices that are available.

Option A
each competitor in the World Memory Championships has its- Incorrect. Each competitor in this option choice is a single subject. So, this will be eliminated.

Option B
each competitor in the World Memory Championships has their- Incorrect. Each competitor in this option choice has a singular subject, and their plural pronoun is their.

Option C
each competitor in the World Memory Championships have their- Incorrect. The same as B with the incorrect verb “have”.

Option D
all of the competitors in the World Memory Championships have its- Incorrect. For the plural subject all of the contestants, the single pronoun its is used

“When it comes to remembering numbers or binary digits, each competitor”- is a GMAT sentence correction question. These types of questions contain grammatical errors and we have to choose the correct statement from the options. This topic is the GMAT sentence correction comes with four options and candidates need to choose the one which is correct. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal. It checks whether the candidate is able to decode the inaccuracy in the sentence. It also checks if they are able to bring out an idea or meaning of the context.

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