To Compare The Lightning-Fast Genius of Playwright Tom Stoppard GMAT Sentence Correction

Question: To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.

(A) To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.
(B) To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice.
(C) Comparing the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice.
(D) Comparing the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is like comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice.
(E) To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard with the pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare a fine wine’s bouquet with ordinary grape juice’s bouquet.

Correct Answer: A
Explanation: “To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom…. is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice” - Correct. This answer choice A has maintained proper parallelism. Here the expression “to compare the lightning…with the…” is structurally parallel to the expression “is to compare the exquisite…with that…”. Therefore, the answer choice is idiomatic and has used the correct idiom “to compare X is to compare Y”. Moreover, it satisfies the meaning of the sentence. Hence, option A is the correct answer since it supports the rules of grammar. Let’s take a look at the other answer choices.

Option B

“To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom …is comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with that of ordinary grape juice” - Incorrect. This answer choice B fails to maintain the parallelism of the sentence. The expression “To compare…with the…” is not structurally parallel to the expression “comparing the…with that…”. The answer choice is unidiomatic. It distorts the structure and meaning of the sentence. The correct idiom should be “to compare X is to compare Y” to make the sentence correct. Therefore, option B is the incorrect answer since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option B gets eliminated.

Option C

“Comparing the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom …is to compare the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice” - Incorrect. This answer choice C distorts the parallelism of the sentence. The expression “Comparing …. is to compare…” is unidiomatic. The correct idiom should be “to compare X is to compare Y” to make the sentence correct. Moreover, the phrase “ bouquet of a fine wine” is being compared to the phrase “ordinary grape juice” rather than its bouquet. This fails to satisfy the meaning and structure of the sentence. Therefore, option C is the incorrect answer since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option C gets eliminated.

Option D

“Comparing the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom …. is like comparing the exquisite bouquet of a fine wine with ordinary grape juice”- Incorrect. The expression “bouquet of a fine wine” is being compared to the expression “ordinary grape juice” rather than its bouquet. Therefore, there lies a comparison error in this answer choice. The “bouquet of a wine” cannot be compared with grape juice. The “wine” can be compared with “grape juice” or “the bouquet of wine juice” can be compared with the “bouquet of grape juice”. Therefore, it fails to satisfy the meaning and structure of the sentence. Hence, option D is the incorrect answer since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Thus, option D gets eliminated.

Option E

“To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom… is to compare a fine wine’s bouquet with ordinary grape juice’s bouquet” - Incorrect. There lies a comparison error in this answer choice. The expression “ wine’s bouquet” is not correctly compared with the expression “juice’s bouquet”. The answer choice should compare “bouquet of wine” with the “bouquet of juice” to make the sentence correct. Therefore, it fails to satisfy the meaning and structure of the sentence. Hence, option E is the incorrect answer since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Thus, option E gets eliminated.

“To compare the lightning-fast genius of playwright Tom Stoppard”- is a GMAT sentence correction question of the GMAT exam. These sorts of questions consist of grammatical errors in the underlined part of the sentence. The candidates need to verify the idioms of the sentence. The candidates need to examine whether the sentence is structurally parallel or not. The candidates must verify if the sentence satisfies the meaning and structure to choose the correct answer. The candidates need to choose the correct statement given in the options. The GMAT sentence correction section requires good grammar skills since the candidate has to identify common grammatical errors. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal.

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