Question: Throughout the Popoya Islands community pressure is exerted on people who win the national lottery to share their good fortune with their neighbors. When people living in rural areas win the lottery they invariably throw elaborate neighborhood feasts, often wiping out all of their lottery winnings. However, in the cities, lottery winners frequently use their winnings for their own personal investment rather than sharing their good fortune with their neighbors.
Which one of the following, if true, contributes most to an explanation of the difference between the behavior of lottery winners in rural areas and those in cities?
- Twice as many Popoyans live in rural areas as live in the city.
- Popoyan city dwellers tend to buy several lottery tickets at a time, but they buy tickets less frequently than do rural dwellers.
- Lottery winners in rural areas are notified of winning by public posting of lists of winners, but notification in the city is by private mail.
- Families in rural areas in the Popoyas may contain twelve or fourteen people, but city families average six or seven.
- Twice as many lottery tickets are sold in rural areas as are sold in the city.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The argument of the passage states that community pressure is exercised on people throughout the Popoya Islands. The rural people who won the lottery tickets have to throw feasts with their neighbours on the earnings they get by winning the tickets. On the other hand, the city dwellers who won the lottery tickets keep their earnings for themselves instead of sharing them with their neighbours. The stimulus of the passage shows how different people behave when they win the lottery. The answer choice C indicates that rural people get to know about the lottery winners from the public post since they are announced publicly. However, city dwellers get notifications of their victory by private mail. This implies that city dwellers can keep the information private. As per the claim of the passage, if the city winners were also publicly announced, they might be forced to throw lavish feasts. They will also be under societal pressure and thus would be unable to invest. Therefore, this mode of the announcement could be the cause behind the different acts of the people. Hence, option C is the correct answer. Let’s take a look at the other options.
Option A
This answer choice says that the Popoyans who live in rural areas are twice that of the Popoyans who dwell in the city. It indicates that more people dwell in rural areas than in cities. This importation is not important to justify the fact that the passage claims. It depicts the amount of Popoyans in the rural cities which is irrelevant in this context. This information will not able to determine the cause behind the different acts of the people. Hence, option A is the incorrect answer and thereby gets eliminated.
Option B
This answer choice depicts that the city dwellers of Popoya have a tendency to purchase several lottery tickets at a time. However, they purchase tickets less frequently than the rural dwellers of Popoya.This behaviour of the city dwellers in purchasing multiple tickets at once and buying them less frequently does not relate to the context of the passage. This information is irrelevant and does not help to determine the cause behind the different acts of the people. Hence, option B is the incorrect answer and thereby gets eliminated.
Option D
This answer choice states that families residing in rural areas in Popoyas may consist of twelve or fourteen people. However, the city households have an average of six or seven. The number of people in a family does not explain much. It is completely irrelevant to the context of the passage. The information stated in this answer choice does not help to determine the cause behind the different acts of the people. Hence, option D is the incorrect answer and thereby gets eliminated.
Option E
This answer choice states that the number of lottery tickets sold in rural areas is twice as many as sold in the city. This statement depicts the number of lottery tickets to be sold in the city and the rural area. This information is completely irrelevant to the context of the passage. The information stated in this answer choice does not help to determine the cause behind the different acts of the people. Hence, option E is the incorrect answer and thereby gets eliminated.
“Throughout the Popoya Islands community pressure is exerted on people”- is a GMAT critical reasoning topic of the GMAT exam. This GMAT critical reasoning question includes five options and candidates need to choose the one which is correct. The GMAT critical reasoning section is designed to test the rational and analytical aptitudes of the candidates.
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