The Twenty-Four Biochemical Labs in the State all Compete for Shares GMAT Sentence Correction

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: The twenty-four biochemical labs in the state all compete for shares of the same government allotment, and so all strive to present their case for funding more successfully than each other.

  1. all strive to present their case for funding more successfully than each other
  2. all strive more successfully to present their own case for funding than the others
  3. each strives to present their case for funding more successfully than one other
  4. each strives to present its case for funding more successfully than the others
  5. each strives successfully to present its case for funding than another

Correct Answer: B

This line of reasoning can be in favor of the suggested linguistic alteration:

  • Parallelism
  • Considering two separate truths
  • Modifiers

In order to tackle the sentence correction challenges, the applicant must have excellent grammatical understanding and a large vocabulary. In this section, the highlighted passage makes a claim.
The potential candidate is presented with five options. The candidate needs to figure out which of the highlighted choices is the correct one. That's why it's incumbent upon the candidate to double-check the grammar of every statement. You should expect a lot of grammatical mistakes and unnecessary phrases among the available alternatives. There's really only one option that makes sense.

Let's have a look at the passage that has been provided.
Every one of the twenty-four biochemical labs in the state wants a piece of the same government pie, so they're all trying to make their funding applications sound better than their rivals'.
Now we’ll check each option one by one to see which choice is correct.

A: Incorrect

This choice is an incorrect one. This choice has an S-V agreement error. Also, this choice shows that all the labs represent one case. This choice is incorrect since it maximizes all efforts more than they should. This renders it inaccurate.

B: Incorrect

B is an incorrect choice. This choice has a misplaced modifier. “More successfully” is not a correct phrase. Also, this choice shows that all the labs represent one case. Hence, this choice is eliminated.

C: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. This choice has an S-V agreement error. Here, we keep an eye out for the key places, and a pronoun's antecedent is entirely responsible. Its and theirs are the appropriate pronouns to use depending on whether the noun is singular or plural.

Therefore, in this context, EACH is correctly used and must be followed by "ITS" rather than "THEIRS." Hence, this choice is eliminated.

D: Correct

This is the correct choice. Each tries to make its financing argument stronger than the others. This choice is correct because it has correct S-V agreement. The flaws in options A and B are both fixed by this choice. Aside from that, only one business is being compared. Verify that "each" is a single determiner that should be followed by the singular pronoun "its."

E: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. Each makes more successful efforts than the other to make its case for financing. This choice has a misplaced modifier. Each is a singular determiner, and it should not be followed by the phrase "than another" since it is incorrect. Hence, this choice is eliminated.

“The twenty-four biochemical labs in the state all compete for shares ot” is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction.

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