The Soya Bean Originated in China, and The Ancient Chinese GMAT Sentence Correction

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: The soya bean originated in China, and the ancient Chinese called it 'the yellow jewel' but used it as 'green manure' to enrich the soil for growing other crops.

  1. called it 'the yellow jewel' but used it as 'green manure' to enrich the soil for
  2. called it 'the yellow jewel' but used it like 'green manure' to enrich the soil for
  3. called it 'the yellow jewel' but used it like 'green manure' to enrich the soil to
  4. called it 'the yellow jewel' but used it to be 'green manure' to enrich the soil for
  5. called it 'the yellow jewel' and used it as 'green manure' to enrich the soil for

Answer: A
Explanation: The following line of reasoning could be used to support the proposed modification to the language:

  • Parallelism
  • Considering two separate truths
  • Modifiers

A: Correct
Correct. Though the ancient Chinese called the soy bean "the golden diamond," this answer choice uses the term "but employed it as "green muck" to convey the concept that it was put to use as fertilizer. Plus, the verb "for growing" is used in Choice A, which conveys the intended meaning: that soya beans were primarily utilised as "green manure" to enhance the soil for the production of other crops, despite their "golden diamond" reputation in ancient China.

B: Incorrect
Remember that the "noun + as + noun" construction is a proper idiomatic construction used to describe the role played by a noun. This answer choice incorrectly uses the unidiomatic construction "noun ("it" - referring to "the soya bean," + like + noun ("green manure")" to describe the role that the soya bean played for the ancient Chinese.

C: Incorrect
The ancient Chinese called the soy bean "the golden jewel" even though it was largely planted as "green manure" to improve soil quality for other crops.

D: Incorrect
It is an incorrect choice. The phrase "used it to be" in this answer choice changes the meaning of the sentence; the infinitive verb form (to + base form of verb + "to + be" in this sentence) illogically implies that the ancient Chinese used the soya bean for the function of being "green manure," whereas the intended meaning is that the ancient Chinese used the soya bean as "green manure".

E: Incorrect
This answer choice incorrectly implies that the ancient Chinese called the soya bean "the yellow jewel" and also used it as "green manure." The intended meaning is that in contrast to the fact that the ancient Chinese called the soya bean "the yellow jewel," they used it as "green manure." This answer choice alters the meaning of the sentence by using the phrase "and used it."

“The soya bean originated in China, and the ancient Chinese called it” - is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction.

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