The President of The Block Association Tried to Convince Her Neighbors GMAT Sentence Correction

Question: The president of the block association tried to convince her neighbors they should join forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continuing to be victimized.

(A) they should join forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continuing to be victimized
(B) that they should join forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continue to be victimized
(C) about joining forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood instead of continuing to be victimized
(D) for the joining of forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continue to be victimized
(E) to join forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continuing to be victimized

Correct Answer: B
Explanation: “The president of …. tried to convince her neighbors that they should join forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continue to….” - Correct. The idiom “to convince that” used in this answer choice is correctly used in this answer choice. The expression “she tried to convince” goes better with a relative clause that starts with the connector “that”. Moreover, the expression “join forces to prevent” is structurally parallel to the expression “rather than continue to”. Hence, there is no parallelism issue in this answer choice. Therefore, the answer choice B satisfies the meaning of the sentence. It makes the structure of the sentence logical and relevant. Hence, option B is the correct answer choice. Let’s take a look at the other answer choices.

Option A

“The president of …. tried to convince her neighbors they should join forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continuing to ….” - Incorrect. The expression “join forces to prevent” is not parallel to the expression “rather than continuing”. Therefore, the answer choice A holds a parallelism error in the sentence. Moreover, “that” is not present after the word “neighbors”. Therefore, it makes the structure of the sentence illogical and irrelevant. The answer choice does not satisfy the meaning of the sentence. Hence, option A is the incorrect answer choice since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Therefore, option A gets eliminated.

Option C

“The president of …. tried to convince her neighbors about joining forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood instead of continuing to be…” - Incorrect. The statement stated in this answer choice is ambiguous in meaning. The use of “instead of” in this answer choice is unidiomatic. Therefore, it makes the structure of the sentence illogical and irrelevant. The expression “convince her neighbors about joining” used in this answer choice is awkward. Moreover, the expression “joining forces to prevent” is not parallel to the expression “instead of continuing”. Therefore, there lies a parallelism error in the answer choice. Hence, this answer choice does not satisfy the meaning of the sentence. Hence, option C is the incorrect answer choice since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Therefore, option C gets eliminated.

Option D

“The president of …. tried to convince her neighbors for the joining of forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continue to be…” - Incorrect. The expression “for the joining of” used in this answer choice is unidiomatic and awkward. Therefore, it makes the structure of the sentence illogical and irrelevant. Moreover, the expression “joining of forces” is not structurally parallel to the expression “rather than continue”. Therefore, there lies a parallelism error in the answer choice. Hence, this answer choice does not satisfy the meaning of the sentence. Hence, option D is the incorrect answer choice since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Therefore, option D gets eliminated.

Option E

“The president of …. tried to convince her neighbors to join forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continuing to be victimized” - Incorrect. This answer choice violates the parallelism of the sentence. The expression “join forces to prevent” is not parallel to the expression “rather than continuing”. Therefore, answer choice E makes the structure of the sentence illogical and irrelevant. Hence, this answer choice does not satisfy the meaning of the sentence. Hence, option E is the incorrect answer choice since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Therefore, option E gets eliminated.

“The president of the block association tried to convince her neighbors”- is a GMAT sentence correction question of the GMAT exam. These sorts of questions consist of grammatical errors in the underlined part of the sentence. The candidates need to verify the parallelism error of the sentence. The candidates need to examine whether the use of idioms in the sentence is correct or not. The candidates must verify the awkwardness and redundancy in the sentence to select the correct answer by reasoning logically. The candidates need to select the correct statement given in the options. The GMAT sentence correction section needs better grammar skills since the candidate has to identify common grammatical errors. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal.

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