The Parthenon was a Church From 1204 Until 1456, When Athens GMAT Sentence Correction

Question: The Parthenon was a church from 1204 until 1456, when Athens was taken by General Mohammed the Conqueror, the Turkish sultan, who established a mosque in the building and used the Acropolis as a fortress.

  1. who established a mosque in the building and used the Acropolis as
  2. who, establishing a mosque in the building, used the Acropolis like
  3. who, when he had established a mosque in the building, used the Acropolis like
  4. who had established a mosque in the building, using the Acropolis to be
  5. establishing a mosque in the building and using the Acropolis as

Correct Answer: A
 “The Parthenon was a church... the Turkish sultan, who established a mosque in the building and used the Acropolis as a fortress” – Correct. The answer choice states “who” as a modifier of the Sultan in the correct way.  Moreover, the verb “established” and “used” is structurally parallel to each other. Hence there is no parallelism error in the sentence. The word “as” used in this answer choice refers to the function or role that Acropolis performed. The statement thereby satisfies the intended meaning of the sentence. Therefore option A is the correct answer as it satisfies the rules of grammar. Let’s take a look at the other answer choices.

Option B
“The Parthenon was a church… the Turkish sultan, who, establishing a mosque in the building, used the Acropolis like a fortress” – Incorrect. The word “like” used in this answer choice to describe the role that Acropolis performed is not correct. It implies that  Acropolis itself was utilised as a fortress. The intended meaning of the sentence is that Acropolis functioned as a fortress. The statement depicted here should use “as” instead of “like” to exhibit this intended function. Moreover, there lies a parallelism error in this answer choice. The verb “establishing” is not structurally parallel with the verb “used”. This makes the meaning of the sentence irrelevant and illogical. It distorts the intended meaning of the sentence. Therefore, the answer choice B is incorrect since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option B gets eliminated.

Option C
“The Parthenon was a church… the Turkish sultan, who, when he had established a mosque in the building, used the Acropolis like a fortress” – Incorrect. The answer choice used “had established” which refers to the chain of events is completely illogical. The use of “ when” and “past perfect” in this statement makes the meaning of the sentence irrelevant and disorganised. It depicts the establishment of the mosque first, followed by the capture of Athens by the Sultan. Moreover, there lies a parallelism error in this answer choice. The verb “had established” is not structurally parallel with the verb “used”. Furthermore, the word “like” used in this answer choice to describe the role that Acropolis performed is not correct. It implies that  Acropolis itself was utilised as a fortress. The intended meaning of the sentence is that Acropolis functioned as a fortress. The statement depicted here should use “as” instead of “like” to exhibit this intended function. Hence, it distorts the intended meaning of the sentence. Therefore, the answer choice C is incorrect since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option C gets eliminated. 

Option D
“The Parthenon was a church… the Turkish sultan, who had established a mosque in the building, using the Acropolis to be a fortress” – Incorrect. The phrase "using to be" is incorrectly used in this answer choice. It implies that  Acropolis itself was utilised as a fortress. The intended meaning of the sentence is that Acropolis functioned as a fortress. The statement depicted here should use “as” instead of “to be” to exhibit this intended function. Therefore, the phrase “to be” distorts the intended meaning of the sentence. It makes the sentence irrelevant and illogical. Moreover, there lies a parallelism error in this answer choice. The verb “had established” is not structurally parallel with the verb “using”. Therefore, the answer choice D is incorrect since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option D gets eliminated.

Option E 
“The Parthenon was a church… the Turkish sultan, establishing a mosque in the building and using the Acropolis as a fortress” – Incorrect. This statement is incorrect because the complete sentence functions as a verbing modifier for the verb of the preceding dependent clause. The statement does not make sense with the clause's subject. The use of the present perfect tense “establishing” is irrelevant in the sentence. It makes the meaning of the sentence illogical and irrelevant. Therefore, the answer choice E is incorrect since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option D gets eliminated. 

“The Parthenon was a church from 1204 until 1456, when Athens”- is a GMAT sentence correction question of the GMAT exam. These sorts of questions consist of grammatical errors in the underlined part of the sentence. The candidates need to verify whether the sentence is structurally parallel or not to identify the correct answer. The candidates need to examine the answer choices if the meaning of the statement satisfies the intended meaning of the sentence. The candidates must verify the tenses, verbs, and modifiers to determine the correct answer by applying logical concepts or ideas. The candidates need to choose the correct statement given in the options. The GMAT sentence correction section requires better grammar skills since the candidate has to detect common grammatical errors. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal.

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