Question: The length of a bee’s tongue is proportional to the size of the bee, but it is also true that this proportion is inherited by each bee. Furthermore, the bee tongue is usually sized to match the depth of the flower it pollinates, making it possible for the bee to drink the nectar from it. Accordingly, there are both short-tongued and long-tongued bees that drink nectar only from flowers suited to their tongue size. Such bees are called specialists and since they depend on just a few flowers, they are quite vulnerable to changes in nature.
What could be inferred from statements above ?
(A) It is by studying the species of flower a bee pollinates that entomologists determine the exact body size of the bee and the species it belongs to.
(B) It is likely that a short tongued bee may have a problem drinking nectar from a flower that has a longer than average depth but a long tongued bee can easily sap the nectar of any kind of flower.
(C) Drastic changes in the flora of a land could affect the existence of certain bee species.
(D) The type of honey produced by the bees depends heavily on the flowers they pollinate.
(E) Across various bee species, the kind of flower a particular type of bee pollinates is exclusive from that pollinated by another type of bee.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A bee's tongue is sized in accordance with the size of the bee. As a result, it has a huge size and big tongue. This property is inherited. Additionally, a large tongue bee will visit a large deep flower to pollinate it.
Drastic changes in the flora of a land could affect the existence of certain bee species.- Correct. Specialised bees are, in fact, reliant on particular flowers. As it has been stated, a bee's tongue size is partially dependent on the kind of flower it pollinates. It is sufficient to say that different Flora (plant) species have influenced the evolution of various tongue sizes in bees.
Let's look at the other choices that are available.
Option A
It is by studying the species of flower a bee pollinates that entomologists determine the exact body size of the bee and the species it belongs to.- Incorrect. The approach employed by entomologists to identify a bee's traits is not discussed in the paragraph. No details on the methods used by entomologists to identify the size and species of the bee. Although we are aware that some species are dependent on particular blooms, we are unsure of how entomologists use this knowledge.
Option B
It is likely that a short tongued bee may have a problem drinking nectar from a flower that has a longer than average depth but a long tongued bee can easily sap the nectar of any kind of flower.- Incorrect. Though it is stated, "Accordingly, there are both short-tongued and long-tongued bees that drink nectar only from flowers suited to their tongue size." It's not a given that long-tongued bees can readily collect nectar from all types of flowers. There may be those that even they find difficult to collect. According to the reasoning, a bee's tongue matches the blossom in length, going from short to long. Therefore, there can be issues with short blooms for long tongue bees as well.
Option D
The type of honey produced by the bees depends heavily on the flowers they pollinate.- Incorrect. It cannot be inferred. The sort of honey the bees make is not addressed in the passage.
Option E
Across various bee species, the kind of flower a particular type of bee pollinates is exclusive from that pollinated by another type of bee.- Incorrect. Irrelevant to the passage. Even so, "certain bee species" are reliant on certain flowers. However, it is unknown if distinct bee species exclusively pollinate particular blooms across diverse bee species. Additionally, several species may be relying on the same few blooms for pollination. It is not a certainty that only certain species of bees can pollinate flowers.
“The length of a bee’s tongue is proportional to the size of the bee”- is a GMAT critical reasoning topic. This GMAT critical comes with five options and candidates need to choose the one which is correct. GMAT critical reasoning tests the logical and analytical skills of the candidates. To answer the question, a candidate can either find a piece of evidence that would weaken the argument or have logical flaws in the argument. Candidates get 65 minutes to answer 36 MCQ questions in the critical reasoning section of the GMAT.
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