The Human Growth Hormone, made by the Pituitary Gland GMAT Sentence Correction

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: The human growth hormone, made by the pituitary gland, is secreted during sleep in higher concentrations than when awake.

(A) during sleep in higher concentrations than when awake
(B) when sleeping in higher concentrations than waking hours
(C) in higher concentrations during sleeping than waking
(D) in higher concentrations during sleep than during waking hours
(E) in higher concentrations when asleep than when awake

Correct Answer: D
Solution with Explanation

This line of thought could support the proposed change to the language:

  • Parallelism
  • Considering two separate truths
  • Modifiers

Given that,

The pituitary gland, which produces human growth hormone, secretes more of it when you're sleeping than it does when you're awake.

Checking the given choices,

A: Incorrect

This choice is an incorrect one. Since "when" is a relative pronoun, it must change something else because it is a modifier. There is no suitable noun; relative pronouns alter all nouns. In the term "while awake," who is "awake"?

B: Incorrect

B is an incorrect choice. In the term "while awake," who is "awake"? (Something has to be). Hence, this choice is eliminated.

C: Incorrect

This is an incorrect choice. It appears that the comparison is being made between awake time and time spent sleeping. The contrast should be between sleeping and waking.

D: Correct

It is the correct choice. This removes the word "When" and compares the appropriate two items. Hence, it is the correct choice.

E: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. Although when asleep and when awake are analogous, there is no mention of a specific individual to whom the terms "asleep" and "awake" can be used. These descriptors appear to be attached to the human growth hormone itself in this ludicrous phrase.

“The human growth hormone, made by the pituitary gland, is secreted dur” - is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction.

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