Question: The guidebook suggests that Pomeranian Geese greet visitors loudly and they therefore make good watch birds.
- Geese greet visitors loudly and they therefore make good watch birds
- Geese, who greet visitors loudly, therefore make good watch birds
- Geese greet loud visitors and therefore make good watch birds
- Geese greet visitors loudly and that they thus make good watch birds
- Geese, greeting visitors loudly, make good watch birds
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: “The guidebook suggests that Pomeranian Geese greet visitors loudly and that they thus make good watch birds” - Correct. This answer satisfies the intended meaning of the sentence. The main intent of the sentence is that geese greet visitors loudly - not just the loud ones but the visitors in general. In other words, it implies that the geese create a lot of noise at the time of any visitor's arrival. It is something that definitely makes them good watch birds. That is it indicates that if anyone visits someone’s property, the geese will make them know about it. Further, this answer choice does not hold grammatical errors in the sentence. Hence, option D is the correct answer as it satisfies the rules of grammar. Option D thereby gets eliminated.
Option A
“The guidebook suggests that Pomeranian Geese greet visitors loudly and they therefore make good watch birds” - Incorrect. Here in this answer choice, “that” is missing after the linking conjunction “and”. Hence, it violates the structure of the sentence. Moreover, the answer choice does not satisfy the meaning of the sentence. The main intent of the sentence is that geese greet visitors loudly - not just the loud ones but the visitors in general. In other words, it implies that the geese create a lot of noise at the time of any visitor's arrival. It is something that definitely makes them good watch birds. That is it indicates that if anyone visits someone’s property, the geese will make them know about it. Hence, option A is the incorrect answer and hence gets eliminated.
Option B
“The guidebook suggests that Pomeranian Geese, who greet visitors loudly, therefore make good watch birds” - Incorrect. The expression “who greet visitors loudly” is incorrectly used in this answer choice. The word “who” generally refers to the person. Therefore, it violates the structure and meaning of the sentence. The main intent of the sentence is that geese greet visitors loudly - not just the loud ones but the visitors in general. In other words, it implies that the geese create a lot of noise at the time of any visitor's arrival. It is something that definitely makes them good watch birds. That is it indicates that if anyone visits someone’s property, the geese will make them know about it. Hence, this answer choice B is incorrect since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Thus option B gets eliminated.
Option C
“The guidebook suggests that Pomeranian Geese greet loud visitors and therefore make good watch birds” - Incorrect. There lies a meaning issue in this answer choice. Here it is suggesting that the geese greet the loud visitors. It is nowhere mentioned how they will greet the visitors who are quiet. Thus this answer choice violates the intended meaning of the sentence. The main intent of the sentence is that geese greet visitors loudly - not just the loud ones but the visitors in general. In other words, it implies that the geese create a lot of noise at the time of any visitor's arrival. It is something that definitely makes them good watch birds. That is it indicates that if anyone visits someone’s property, the geese will make them know about it. Hence, this answer choice C is incorrect and thereby gets eliminated.
Option E
“The guidebook suggests that Pomeranian Geese, greeting visitors loudly, make good watch birds” - Incorrect. The expression “greeting visitors loudly” is incorrectly used in this answer choice. It is required to remember that each sentence should exist independently to convert the meaning in a proper way. Therefore, it violates the structure and meaning of the sentence. The main intent of the sentence is that geese greet visitors loudly - not just the loud ones but the visitors in general. In other words, it implies that the geese create a lot of noise at the time of any visitor's arrival. It is something that definitely makes them good watch birds. That is it indicates that if anyone visits someone’s property, the geese will make them know about it. Hence, this answer choice E is incorrect since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Thus option E gets eliminated.
“The guidebook suggests that Pomeranian Geese greet visitors loudly and”- is a GMAT sentence correction question of the GMAT exam. These sorts of questions consist of grammatical errors in the underlined part of the sentence. The candidates need to verify whether the given options satisfy the intended meaning of the sentence. The candidates must verify the awkwardness and redundancy in the sentence to determine the correct answer by using logical concepts or opinions. The candidates need to choose the correct statement given in the options. The GMAT sentence correction section requires fine grammar skills since the candidate has to identify common grammatical errors. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal.
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