Some Analysts Contend that True Capitalism Exists Only GMAT Sentence Correction

Question: Some analysts contend that true capitalism exists only when the ownership of both property and the means of production is regarded as an inalienable right of an individual’s, and it is not a license granted by government and revokable at whim.

(A) is regarded as an inalienable right of an individual’s, and it is not
(B) are regarded as individuals’ inalienable rights, and that it not be
(C) is regarded as an individual’s inalienable right, not as
(D) are regarded as an individual’s inalienable rights, not when they are
(E) is regarded as the inalienable rights of an individual, not when it is

Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The ownership is regarded as an inalienable right of an individual, not as a licence granted by govt and revocable at whim. is regarded as an individual’s inalienable right, not as- Correct. Subject verb agreement. Correct usage of 's - individual's inalienable right.

From a parallelism perspective - the usage of regarded as...not as is correct. Let’s examine other available options.

Option A
is regarded as an inalienable right of an individual’s, and it is not- Incorrect. This contains the right verb "is". The sentence is missing a noun after the word "individual's".

Option B
are regarded as individuals’ inalienable rights, and that it not be- Incorrect. There are many nouns- Analysts, Capitalism, ownership, property, means of production, inalienable right etc. There are many verbs as well- contend, exists, "is'', etc. Let's ignore the nouns with prepositional phrases. In this case, the prepositional phrase starts with "of''. This leaves us with the noun "ownership" which is singular and hence the correct verb is "is" and not "are".

Option D
are regarded as an individual’s inalienable rights, not when they are- Incorrect. For the same reason as option B.

Option E
is regarded as the inalienable rights of an individual, not when it is- Incorrect. Parallelism error here. The correct usage is "regarded as ...not as ". The meaning of the sentence takes a turn for the worse. It contains faulty predication, which occurs when a subject and a predicate cannot go together. The subject "ownership [referent]" cannot be a "licence".

“Some analysts contend that true capitalism exists only when”- is a GMAT sentence correction question. These sorts of questions come up with grammatical errors in the underlined part of the sentence. The candidates need to select the correct statement given in the options. The GMAT sentence correction section demands good skills in grammar since the candidate has to identify common grammatical errors. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal.

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