Noting the Success of DVDs in the Marketplace, the Newly Opened Video GMAT Critical Reasoning

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: Noting the success of DVDs in the marketplace, the newly opened video store Movie Tapes, which sells specialty videocassettes, began an ambitious publicity campaign to promote the sale of their tapes over more technologically advanced DVDs. After six months in business, Movie Tapes found that its sales had doubled— in fact, it had sold twice as many copies of movies on tape as all the other stores in town had sold on DVD of the same movies. Clearly, the publicity campaign was responsible for Movie Tapes' video cassettes selling better than DVDs.

Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above?

A) DVDs include special features that enhance the viewing experience.
B) The local school system uses only VCRs in the classroom.
C) Only a very small number of the movies the store sells are available on DVD.
D) A month before the campaign began, the public library started buying videocassettes to lend.
E) Neither the price of DVDs nor that of videocassettes has risen in two years.

Correct Answer: D

In the GMAT's critical reasoning section, you are tested on your analytical and critical thinking skills. To give a clear answer, a person needs to have strong cognitive skills.

Given that the recently opened video business Movie Tapes sells specialty videocassettes. However, it had seen the commercial success of DVDs, launched an expensive PR effort to encourage the purchase of their tapes rather than more recent DVDs. After six months in business, Movie Tapes found that its sales had doubled. In fact, it had sold twice as many movies on tape as any other store in town had sold on DVD. Clearly, Movie Tapes' video cassettes sold more favorably than DVDs as a result of the promotional effort.

Let’s check the given choices -

A: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice.

Although Option (A) would increase the appeal of DVDs, it would not offer a different reason for the commercial success of movie tapes (apart from publicity). Therefore, it is untrue.

B: Incorrect

It is the wrong choice. We don't know if choice (B) could either account for Movie Tapes' enormous sales or that they bought just from Movie Tapes. However, they both imply that the school system and the library are prospective customers of videocassettes.

C: Correct

It is the correct choice. So there aren't many DVDs available at Movie Tapes. It has many more movies on cassettes, including several that rivals have on DVD, and Movie Tapes outsells its rivals for these specific films. Is this also a modest selection of movies compared to what other DVD stores and Movie Tapes have on their VCRs? We have no idea

D: Incorrect

It is an incorrect answer. Where do they get the VCR tapes from? Does the library purchase them from Movie Tapes or, I don't know, some library supply house that offers discounted supplies to libraries? In American society, it would be uncommon for a public library to buy books or other items from local companies with the purpose of reselling them for profit. State agencies or nonprofit organizations are typically where libraries purchase their supplies.

E: Incorrect

It is an incorrect answer. Choice (E) has no bearing on the argument because it neither strengthens or weakens it.

“Noting the success of DVDs in the marketplace, the newly” – is a  GMATCritical question. To answer the question, a candidate can either find a piece of evidence that would weaken the argument or have logical flaws in the argument. GMAT critical reasoning tests the logical and analytical skills of the candidates. This topic requires candidates to find the argument's strengths and weaknesses or the logical flaw in the argument. The GMAT CR section contains 10 -13 GMAT critical reasoning questions out of 36 GMAT verbal questions.

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