It was an Increase in Reported Cases of Malaria along the Gulf Coast GMAT Sentence Correction

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: It was an increase in reported cases of malaria along the Gulf Coast that in 1921 led the health authorities’ granting a permit for experimentation with human subjects to the group that later would be called by the name of Unimedco.

(A) authorities’ granting a permit for experimentation with human subjects to the group that later would be called by the name of
(B) authorities’ granting a permit for experimentation with human subjects to the group that later to be called by the name of
(C) authorities’ granting a permit for experimentation using human subjects to the group that later would be called by the name of
(D) authorities to grant a permit for human experimentation to the group later called
(E) authorities to grant a permit for human experimentation to the group that later would be called by the name of

Correct Answer: D
Solution with Explanation:

This line of reasoning can be in favor of the suggested linguistic alteration:

  • Parallelism
  • Considering two separate truths
  • Modifiers

To solve the problems with sentence correction, the candidate needs to have good grammar skills and a good vocabulary. In this section, there is an underlined statement in the given passage.

The candidate is provided with five options. The candidate has to find out which of the given options properly fits in the given underlined place. Therefore, the candidate has to check all the sentences and their grammar. Most of the choices will have some redundancy or grammatical mistake. Only one choice will be correct.
Now let us come to the given passage and see what is given to us.

Given that an upsurge in malaria cases recorded along the Gulf Coast in 1921 prompted the health authorities to authorize a group that would later go by the name of Unimedco to conduct human subject experiments.
Let us check the given options.

A: Incorrect

This choice is an incorrect one. Authorities approved a group later known as for using human subjects in experiments. The phrase “authorities’ granting a permit” is a redundant statement. “Granting” is in the present continuous tense, but the given passage is in the past tense. Hence this choice has to be eliminated.

B: Incorrect

B is an incorrect choice. Authorities approved a group later known as for using human subjects in experiments. The phrase “authorities’ granting a permit” is a redundant statement. “Granting” is in the present continuous tense, but the given passage is in the past tense. Hence this choice has to be eliminated.

C: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. “Granting” is in the present continuous tense, but the given passage is in the past tense. It does not make sense when put in the passage. Hence, this sentence has to be eliminated.

D: Correct

This is the correct choice. "Authorities to grant permission" is the correct sentence. This is not in the present continuous tense. Hence this statement is aligning with the given passage in terms of grammar. “To the group later called” is the correct statement, other statements are redundant in comparison to this choice. “Also” there is only the mention of “group”, hence is more clear.

E: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. Here, "authorities to grant permission" is in the correct grammar, but "would be called by the name of” is a redundant statement. Hence this choice has to be eliminated.

“It was an increase in reported cases of malaria along the Gulf Coast” is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction.

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